
  • 网络securities;security industry
  1. 这些款项支付不会来自皮卡德追偿回来的资金,而是来自SIPC。SIPC是一家由证券业出资的机构,如有必要,美国纳税人也会向其提供资金。这些款项支付必须得到一家法庭的批准。

    The payments , which have to be approved by a court , will not come from the money recovered by Mr Picard but from the SIPC , an organisation funded by the securities industry , with US taxpayers stepping in if needed .

  2. 后来布洛杰特被禁止从事证券业。

    He was later barred from the securities industry .

  3. 对中国证券业加入WTO面临问题的思考

    Reflections on China Security Industry Entering the World Trade Organization

  4. 加入WTO与我国证券业重构

    Entry into WTO and Reconstruction of Security Industry in China

  5. 首先,介绍了加入WTO对中国证券业开放的基本要求。

    First it introduces the basic requirements to china securities markets after joining WTO .

  6. 根据中国证券业协会(securitiesassociationofchina)的数据,2010年底有400只此类基金。

    According to the Securities Association of China , there were 400 such funds operating at the end of 2010 .

  7. 随着中国加入WTO,证券业具有了越来越重要的地位和作用,引起社会的广泛关注。

    As China has joined WTO , the securities industry has assumed greater importance and attracted wider attention .

  8. 数据挖掘在证券业CRM中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Data Mining in Security CRM

  9. 中国证券业及上市公司对GDP贡献的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Contributions of China 's securities industry and listed companies to GDP

  10. 加入WTO后,我国银行业、保险业、证券业将面临巨大的挑战。

    China 's banks , insurance Companys and security companys will face great challenges after China 's access to WTO .

  11. 加入WTO将对我国证券业的运行机制、监管模式和市场组织结构产生重要的影响。

    The operating mechanism and supervision model as well as marketing organization strcture will be influenced deeply after China 's entry into WTO .

  12. 虽然中国的证券业已经遵循中国加入WTO的协议所规定的开放程序,但它仍然极大地保持对外国竞争的封闭状态。

    Although China 's securities sector has followed the opening process mandated by China 's WTO entry agreement , it remains largely closed to foreign competition .

  13. 基于SCP框架下我国证券业重组研究

    A Research on the Restructuring of Security Industry in China under SCP Structure

  14. 中国证券业协会(SecuritiesAssociationofChina)表示,只要上证综指低于4500点,21家参与建立平准基金的券商就不会抛出股票。

    The Securities Association of China said that the 21 brokers contributing to a market stabilisation fund would not sell stocks as long as the Shanghai Composite index remained below 4500 .

  15. 加入WTO对我国证券业各方面均会产生重大影响,这种影响和挑战将集中反映在我国证券立法中。

    Acceding to WTO will make great impacts on all aspects of the securities field , which will also found in the legislation of securities in our country .

  16. 我国的证券业在加入WTO和证券市场走向市场化国际化的新形势下面临严峻的生存竞争挑战。

    After China joined the WTO , the Chinese security industry has to be faced with rigorous survival competition and challenge brought about by the internationalization of the security market .

  17. 为了应对内幕交易,金融厅也要求日本证券业协会(JapanSecuritiesDealers'Association)考虑采取一些手段,确保发行新股的企业及其承销商更严格地遵守规定。

    To tackle insider dealing , the FSA is also asking the Japan Securities Dealers ' Association to consider ways to ensure stricter compliance by companies issuing new shares and their underwriters .

  18. 论文的目的是获得BPM系统在证券业领域实施的过程和步骤。

    The aim of this paper is to get the process and steps of realization of BPM in securities domain .

  19. 本文还论述了中国应如何吸取阿根廷的教训,慎重对待外资收购、兼并和MBO,特别是入世后银行证券业的开放,更好地维护本国经济金融安全,防范风险。

    This paper also discusses how China should face challenges after entering WTO , and draws proper lessons from Argentina 's experience .

  20. 知情人士透露,澳大利亚的麦格理集团(MacquarieGroup)已成为最新一家签署有关协议,从而进入中国证券业的海外银行。

    Australia 's Macquarie Group has become the latest overseas bank to ink plans to enter China 's domestic securities industry , according to people close to the situation .

  21. 论文介绍了证券业预约呼出系统的需求分析和总体设计,并且深入探讨了系统对SqlServer数据复制技术和分布式组件对象模型DCOM中间件技术的应用。

    It analyzes the requirements and makes the design of this system , then probes into the application of SQL Server replication technology and Distributed Component Object Model ( DCOM ) technology .

  22. 而加入WTO后,伴随着中国证券业对外开放的进程,面对外资巨无霸进入将对我国证券公司带来的冲击,我国证券业市场必须要进行一场以提升行业竞争力为主导的结构性调整。

    But after the entrance into the WTO , facing the great compact from the foreign huge securities companies , our domestic securities market structure must have a thorough adjustment to improve the competitive ability of Chinese securities companies .

  23. 一些诸如Citadel之类的对冲基金,冒险进入做市证券业这一华尔街盘踞的领域争夺市场。

    Some , such as Citadel , a hedge fund , have ventured into market-making in securities , an old Wall Street role .

  24. 本文采用行业集中率指数(CRn)来实证分析我国证券业的集中度,并提出一些具体的建议。

    This paper will analyse empirically the concentration rate of security industry in China with the method of CRn and make some suggestions .

  25. 最后将该分析型CRM应用到证券业客户,对某证券公司客户进行了细分,评估了各分类客户的忠诚度及新客户忠诚度的预测。

    At last , the analytical CRM was applied to the securities industry clients to make customer segmentation of a securities company and evaluate customer loyalty of different customer base and predict the loyalty of new customer .

  26. 综合来看,制度对中国证券业SCP整体的影响主要有三个方面:第一,制度提供环境基础(外生的博弈规则)和内生的策略选择;

    As a whole , the institution 's effect on SCP of China 's securities industry makes in three aspects : firstly , institution provides environmental basis ( exogenous game rule ) and endogenetic strategy choice ;

  27. QFII的实质进入,扩大了市场资金供给、转变了市场投资理念、加快了企业现代化进程,促进了我国证券业与国际接轨。

    The essence of QFII is entered , which will expand the supply of funds for market , transform the ideology of market investment modernization , accelerate the progress of enterprises and promote the connection of securities of China with the world .

  28. 美国证券业与金融市场协会(sifma)证实,它已聘用sidleyaustin律师事务所管理合伙人卡特菲利普斯(carterphillips),研究如何来应对这个它称之为“极有针对性与惩罚性的税种”。

    The securities industry and Financial Markets Association confirmed that it has hired Carter Phillips , a managing partner at the law firm Sidley Austin , to study how to respond to what it called a " very targeted and punitive tax " .

  29. 证券业经营风险防范的核心是对证券投资风险的预测与控制,本论文在建立基于FAM模型的风险计量方法的基础上,提出了针对证券投资业务四个具体操作环节上的风险防范策略。

    The core of investment risk control is the forecasting and control to stock investment risk . At the base of method of risk measure basis FAM model , this article brings forward a risk control tactic aim at four operating taches of stock investment .

  30. 为了解决被关闭的STAQ和NET系统挂牌公司的股份流通问题,2001年6月12日,中国证券业协会颁布了《证券公司代办股份转让服务业务试点办法》,推出了代办股份转让业务。

    In order to solve the problem of the share transferring which was closed on the STAQ and NET systems , SAC ( The Securities Association of China ) issued a decree on 12 , June , 2001 & Qualified stock dealers try to transfer share by rent a system .