
zhī zhù chǎn yè
  • support/pillar industry
  1. 我国地理信息系统(GIS)技术正在向信息化方向发展,并正在逐步成为面向21世纪的支柱产业&信息产业的重要组成部分。

    The technology of geographical information system ( GIS ) in China is progressing toward into a backbone industry in21th century an important component of information industry .

  2. 建筑行业的增加值约占我国GDP的7%,已成为国民经济的支柱产业。

    The added value of the building industry accounts for about 7 % of GDP in China has become the pillar industry of national economy .

  3. 2003年,吉林省石油化学工业总产值达到410亿元,占吉林省GDP的16.29%,是吉林省支柱产业之一。

    The production value of Jilin petrochemical industry in 2003 is 41 billion , 16.29 % of GDP of Jilin Province , and is the backbone of it .

  4. 旅游业是云南的支柱产业,加入WTO对云南旅游业带来的影响将直接关系到云南的经济发展前景。

    Tourism is one of the mainstay industries in Yunnan . The influence on Yunnan tourism from China 's entry into WTO will have an immediate bearing on the economic prospect in Yunnan .

  5. 从产出规模来看,江苏省四大支柱产业中只有化学工业对GDP贡献较大,其余规模偏小;

    In light of input and output scale , only chemical industry out of the four pillar industries in Jiangsu Province has a big contribution to its GDP while the other three have not ;

  6. 在未来高度信息化的社会中,光缆有线电视(CATV)将成为人们生活中必不可少的基础设施之一。它将成为电信部门仅次于电话业务的第二大支柱产业。

    In the information society , optical cable television ( CATV ) will be an important element in people 's daily life , and the second largest support industry compaired with the telecommunication business .

  7. 随着我国改革开放脚步的不断前行,市场经济的不断发展,特别是加入WTO以后,建筑业在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,正慢慢成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。

    With the further movement of reform opening and the development of the market economy , especially our nation entering the WTO , construction plays a very important role in the national economy . It is also become slowly the pillar industry in our national industry .

  8. 建筑业是我国经济的重要支柱产业,不仅在GDP中占有重要比重,更解决了大量农民工的务工就业问题,对于国家经济发展和社会和谐具有重大意义。

    Construction is an important economic pillar industry in our country , not only in GDP occupies the important proportion , the more solves the employment problem of rural labors , for the national economy development and social harmony meaning is of great significance .

  9. 纺织服装业是广东省传统的支柱产业。

    Textile and clothing industry is Guangdong province 's traditional industry .

  10. 经营中餐馆已经成为海外华人的支柱产业,被成为海外华人的诺亚方舟1。

    Running Chinese restaurant becomes a pillar industry for overseas Chinese .

  11. 提高支柱产业素质,保持巩固已有的支柱作用;

    Improving the quality of the pillar industries and its function ;

  12. 席草生产在南方部分县(市、区)是农业支柱产业之一。

    Mat grass production is agricultural supporting industry in southward part regions .

  13. 建筑业是我国社会主义现代化建设的支柱产业之一,其从业人员素质低、流动性大、作业条件恶劣。

    Construction industry is a mainstay industry during socialist construction .

  14. 船舶工业已成为舟山的支柱产业。

    The shipbuilding has become the mainstay of industries in Zhoushan City .

  15. 网络文化产业的发展与湖北省支柱产业结构的调整

    The Development of Net-cultural Industry and the Adjustment of Hubei Pillar Industry

  16. 竹业是顺昌县支柱产业。

    Bamboo industry is a prop one in the county .

  17. 文化产业已经成为许多发达国家的支柱产业。

    Cultural industry has become a pillar industry in many developed countries .

  18. 旅游业是云南省的支柱产业之一。

    Tourism is one of pillar industries of Yunnan province .

  19. 轿车工业将成为中国的支柱产业。

    The car industry will become pillar industry in China .

  20. 同时还应注意培育支柱产业、发展壮大龙头企业;

    Cultivate the supporting business , develop the leading business ;

  21. 把出口蔬菜培育成为创汇农业的支柱产业

    Making Export Vegetable Industry Being the Mainstay of Export Agriculture

  22. 区域主导产业与支柱产业辨析

    Analysis on the Leading and Supporting Industries in an Area

  23. 做大做强湖南怀化地方电力支柱产业的思考

    Reflection on Strengthening and Reinforcing Huaihua Local Power Support Industry of Hunan Province

  24. 论四川民族地区产业结构的调整及支柱产业的选择

    Adjustment and Key Industrial Choice in Sichuan Ethnic Areas

  25. 重庆市未来产业结构调整方向与支柱产业

    Aims of Chongqing Industrial Structure to Be Adjusted to & The Mainstay Industries

  26. 畜牧业是肃南县经济发展的支柱产业。

    Animal husbandry is a pillar industry for economic development of Sunan County .

  27. 西安是举世闻名的历史名城,旅游业已成为地方收入的支柱产业。

    Xi'an is an outstanding historical city where tourism has become mainstay industry .

  28. 河南旅游形成支柱产业的产品战略

    On the Product Strategy in Making Tourism the Pillar Industry of Henan Province

  29. 关于镇江市将旅游业培育成支柱产业的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Decision of Developing Zhenjiang Tourist Industry into a Pillar Industry

  30. 新疆工业支柱产业选择的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Choice of Pillar Industry in Xinjiang