
zhī yuán tǐ
  • mycoplasma
支原体[zhī yuán tǐ]
  1. 他进行了多项检查,最后证明我感染了支原体。

    He ran a lot of tests and it turned out I had an infection called mycoplasma

  2. 大多数呼吸道感染都如此,如支原体感染,传染性鼻炎,喉气管炎。

    This applies to most respiratory infections ( e.g , mycoplasma infections , infectious coryza , laryngotracheitis ) .

  3. 同时运用PCR-微板核酸分子杂交法对上述羊水进行解脲支原体DNA检测。

    UU DNA detections of all cases were done by PCR micro-panel DNA hybridization .

  4. 2例(8.7%)出现胸腔积液,病变局限于一个肺叶内17例(73.9%)。结论支原体肺炎的CT表现具有一定特征性,在其诊断和鉴别诊断中具有一定临床价值。

    Conclusion The CT features of Mycoplasma pneumonia are of great value in differentiation diagnosis .

  5. 肺炎支原体下呼吸道感染患儿外周血辅助性T细胞亚群Th1/Th2及B细胞的研究

    The study of PBMCs T-helper cell subpopulation Th1 / Th2 and B cells for children with MP LRTIs

  6. 解脲支原体的PCR快速检测技术在临床上的应用

    Clinical application of PCR in rapidly detecting Ureaplasma urealyticum

  7. 140例小儿咽拭子肺炎支原体特异性DNA的PCR检测

    Detecting of the Specific DNA of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae by Using Polymerase Chain Reaction in 140 Children

  8. PCR技术在鼠肺支原体检测中应用的初步研究

    The Pilot Study of PCR Assay for the Detection of Mycoplasma Pulmonis in Infected Rats

  9. 目的认识成人肺炎支原体肺炎的CT及高分辨率CT(HRCT)表现。

    Objective To study the conventional CT and HRCT manifestations of adult mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia .

  10. 不育不孕患者生殖道沙眼衣原体和解脲支原体感染PCR检测

    Investigation on infection of chlamydia trachomatis and ureaplasma urealyticum to reproductive path in infertile men and women

  11. 对血清支原体进行检测时,应用直接培养法和DNA荧光染色法或PCR法同时联合应用,以提高对血清中支原体检测的准确性。

    The cultivation combine with DNA fluorescent or PCR method for mycoplasmas detection can improve precision in batches calf serum .

  12. 肺炎支原体抗体IgM高滴度阳性的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antibodies IgM Positive with High Titers

  13. 结论支原体感染对CRP没有影响。

    Conclusion The MP infects the not influence to CRP .

  14. 解脲支原体血清3型MB抗原N端的表达纯化及免疫学检测

    Expression , Purification and Immunological Assay of N End of MB Antigen of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Serovar 3

  15. 2226例肺炎支原体IgM抗体的检测

    Measurement of serum anti-IgM in 2226 cases of mycoplasma pneumonia

  16. STD者病灶部肺炎支原体分子检测与培养分离

    Molecular Detection and Cultural Isolation of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae in Lesions of STD Patients

  17. 酶联免疫吸附法检测肺炎支原体IgM抗体及临床意义

    Clinic Meaning of Detecting Pneumonic Mycoplasma and IgM with the Methods of ELISA

  18. 方法采集84例性病门诊患者泌尿生殖道分泌物,用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测生殖支原体脱氧核糖核酸(mgDNA)。

    Methods 84 STD clinic patients ' genitourinary tract secretions were collected for Mg DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  19. 对肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体、军团菌标准菌株进行单一PCR扩增,对扩增产物进行DNA序列分析。

    DNA amplification were carried out to Standard strain of Mycoplasma pneumoniae , Chlamydia pneumoniae and legionella pneumophila , and analysis the amplified products .

  20. 发酵支原体抗HIV-1免疫致病机理的研究

    The Study on Inhibition of HIV-1 Immunopathogenesis by Mycoplasma Fermentans

  21. 作者认为,PCR是一种快速而可靠的诊断方法,可替代常规的支原体培养。

    The authors suggest that the PCR assay is a sufficiently rapid and reliable diagnostic method which can substitute routine culture method .

  22. 目的建立一种敏感快速的多重聚合酶链反应(PCR)用于检测生殖支原体(Mg)。

    Objective To establish a sensitive and speedy multiple polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) technique for Mycoplasma genera ( Mg ) detection .

  23. 应用PCR诊断技术对门诊997例性病患者进行淋球菌(NG)、沙眼衣原体(CT)及解脲支原体(UU)的检测。

    The detection of NG , CT and UU by PCR was conducted in 997 out patients with STDs .

  24. 结果DNA荧光法、两步PCR法支原体检测率分别为25.0%,40.0%;

    Results : The positive rates of mycoplasma by DNA fluorescent staining were 25.0 % , The positive rates by two-step PCR were 40.0 % ;

  25. 以1%蛋黄和5%蛋清代替血清制成培养基培养支原体和在培养基中加入溴甲酚紫作pH指示剂观察其生化反应。

    In order to simplify the mycoplasma culture medium preparation , an egg medium contained 1 % yolk and 5 % egg white was made .

  26. 26例支原体肺炎中PCR检查22例为阳性,符合率为84%;

    Of the 26 patients with mycoplasma pneumonia , 22 cases showed positive PCR assay with a diagnostic compatible rate of 84 % .

  27. 结论UU感染是支原体感染的主要病原体;

    Conclusion UU infection is the important pathogens in NGU .

  28. 目的研究沙眼衣原体(Ct)和生殖道支原体(Mg)感染与盆腔炎症性疾病(PID)的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis ( Ct ) and Mycoplasma genitalium ( Mg ) infection and pelvic inflammatory disease ( PID ) .

  29. 结论支原体感染是CIP的重要致病原因,应当引起重视;

    Conclusion The infection of mycoplasmas is important cause of CIP ;

  30. 结论本地区女性生殖道支原体的感染主要以UU为主。

    Conclusion The mycoplasma infection of female genital duct is mainly caused by UU ;