
zhī pèi dì wèi
  • dominance;dominant position;ascendancy
  1. 这项收购还不一定能获得反垄断机构的批准,但美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)在18年前认为可能形成市场支配地位的这项收购,如今看来更像是一次迫在眉睫的防御之举。

    Antitrust approval is not a given , but what the US Federal Trade Commission deemed a potentially dominant position 18 years ago now looks more like a defensive necessity .

  2. 市场占有率的高低是衡量市场支配地位的一个测量指标。

    Market share is an important index in measuring dominant position .

  3. 东欧国家立即开始占据支配地位。

    The countries of Eastern Europe immediately started to dominate .

  4. 现在他明白他处于支配地位,可以等到更好的待遇。

    Now he knows he 's in the driver 's seat and can wait for a better deal .

  5. 不仅仅在政治方面,而且在经济实力上巴黎在法国也都一直处于支配地位。

    Paris has played a dominant role in France , not just in political terms but also in economic power .

  6. 这不可避免地形成了对我们从前在联盟中的支配地位的挑战。

    Inevitably this produced a challenge to our previous predominance in our alliances .

  7. 微软(Microsoft)之所以获得支配地位,在一定程度上是因为不断坚持拿下大企业客户。

    Microsoft became dominant , in part , through hard-nosed pursuit of big business .

  8. UNIX一直都是可靠、安全的多用户操作系统,这使它持续在企业Web和应用程序托管领域占支配地位。

    The bottom line is that UNIX was and is a reliable , secure , multi-user operating system that continues to dominate the enterprise Web-and application-hosting landscape .

  9. 此外,基于UNIX和Linux的服务器也涉及共享解决方案,与现有基于UNIX的Web服务器环境共享数据,这在Web场景中仍占支配地位。

    In addition , UNIX and Linux-based servers have an edge in shared storage solutions and sharing data with existing UNIX-based Web server environments , which still dominate the Web landscape .

  10. UML是一个通用的可视化的对象建模语言,经过了近十多年的发展和完善,在软件工业中已成为占支配地位的建模语言。

    As a universal object modeling language , UML has experienced 10 years of constant development and improvement , and then has been the dominant modeling language in the software industry .

  11. 顺化是更具体的描述模型中占支配地位的波长,如CIE的。

    Hue is more specifically described by the dominant wavelength in models such as the CIE system .

  12. 说明OA关节软骨中凋亡和抗凋亡的平衡被破坏,凋亡因素占支配地位,可能是OA的发病机制之一。

    In conclusion , the balance between apoptosis and anti - apoptosis is disturbed in articular cartilage of OA with the dominance of apoptosis , which is a possible mechanism of OA .

  13. 在高场范围(>10MV/cm)Fowler-Nordheim(FN)效应占支配地位。这些机理与介质膜的制备条件有关。

    In high-field region ( > 10MV / cm ), Fowler-Nordheim ( FN ) effect becomes dominant but depends on the dielectrics preparation conditions .

  14. 从垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中三个方面详细说明了ICT产业反垄断政策应该如何做出调整。

    He described how to make adjustments in the antitrust policy of ICT industry from three aspects of monopoly agreements , abuse of market dominance , concentration of business operators . 5 .

  15. 较高的支配地位为男性赢得交配机会提供了非常惊人的捷径:基因证据显示,今天约有8%的亚洲男性是成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)及其家族的后代。

    Dominance can provide a staggeringshort-cut to mating opportunities : genetic evidence indicates that about 8 % ofthe male population of Asia today is a descendent of Genghis Khan and hisfamily .

  16. 在中国、俄罗斯、巴西等国,由政府主导的主权和公司治理模式占据支配地位,这削弱了很大一部分企业部门的投资资本回报率,进而降低了相关经济体的生产率和潜在国内生产总值(GDP)增速。

    The dominance of state-directed models of sovereign and corporate governance in China , Russia , Brazil and elsewhere , has undermined the return on invested capital across a large part of the corporate sector , thereby reducing productivity and potential GDP growth across their respective economies .

  17. 虽然大型跨境交易通常由全球性投行经手,但在亚洲的中端市场交易中,华尔街公司并不占支配地位,这为baird等银行提供了开发适合自己的市场之机。

    While large cross-border deals typically involve global investment banks , the mid-market space in Asia is not dominated by wall street names and thus offers opportunities for banks such as Baird to exploit their niche .

  18. 普通法上主观轻率通过Cunningham案得以确立,客观轻率曾经对主观轻率进行过有力冲击,但随着2003年Gemmell&Richards案,主观轻率取得了绝对支配地位。

    Subjective reckless is formed through Cunningham case , objective reckless once conflicted with objective reckless , however , subjective reckless has been in the overwhelming position with the Gemmell & Richards case ( 2003 ) .

  19. 第一部分首先介绍众多网友关注的3Q事件,由此引发有关专家和学者对腾讯涉嫌滥用市场支配地位行为的讨论。第二部分综合论述了禁止滥用市场支配地位相关问题。

    Therefore , many experts and scholars take part in the discussion about Tencent , which be suspected abuse of dominant market position . Secondly , this thesis discusses the synthesis of issues related to the abuse of market dominance .

  20. 生活史策略随占支配地位的环境因子的变动而作出调整,即生活史特性响应不同环境的生态属性,引起植物的生活史策略在Grime模型C-R-S轴上的迁移。

    With the variety of the ascendancy environment factors , life-history strategies according to change , that is , characteristics of life history respond to ecological attribute , so plant functionality have move in C-R-S axis of Grime model .

  21. 两种根本上不同的政体正在为取得支配地位而相互竞争。

    Two radically different forms of government are competing for ascendancy .

  22. 二是股权高度分散的公司,管理层在决策中占支配地位;三是一股独大的内部人控制情况。

    The second is management control the position in the decision ;

  23. 首先,从法哲学和经济学两方面分析了禁止滥用市场支配地位的理论基础。

    At first , the text begins from economic and legal analysis .

  24. 后者应该更占具支配地位,前者只是辅助的。

    The latter must dominate and the former must subordinate .

  25. 对滥用市场支配地位的反垄断控制研究

    On the Anti-monopoly Control of Abusing the Market Dominant Position

  26. 专利权保护与滥用市场支配地位

    Protection of Patent Right and Abusing the Dominance for Market

  27. 试论市场支配地位的认定问题

    Issues concerning the Determination of Dominant Position in the Market

  28. 滥用市场支配地位行为对竞争的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Effect of Abusing the Market Ascendancy

  29. 对滥用市场支配地位进行控制的立法构想

    Legislative Conception of Controlling the Abuse of Market Dominant Status

  30. 不过,美国在所有这些方面的支配地位都面临挑战。

    Yet every one of these forms of dominance is under challenge .