
wú xìnɡ fán zhí
  • asexual reproduction;vegetative propagation;agamogenesis
  1. nit突变特性在自交和无性繁殖过程中能够稳定遗传;

    The nit mutation could be steadily inherited by self-cross process and asexual reproduction .

  2. Penna模型是基于无性繁殖的考虑生物进化问题的群体演化的模拟模型。

    The Penna model of biological aging is based upon asexual reproduction .

  3. 即使如此,任何实验工作者仍不能预料剩下的片段中哪个将无性繁殖

    Even so , on experimenter can predict which of the remaining fragments will be cloned .

  4. 澳大利亚特色花卉SunFan无性繁殖研究

    Study on Asexual Propagation Technology of Australia Characteristic Flower Sun Fan

  5. 高寒地区天麻无性繁殖GAP栽培新技术

    A new GAP cultivated technique of tuber of Tall Gastrodia in frigid area

  6. 剪枝长春花(C型生活史型)由于受严重的剪枝胁迫集全部能量供无性繁殖,故三种内源激素含量都高。

    Three endogenous hormones were all very high in pruning stress condition ( C form ), because under the heavy pruning stress all energy supports to clone reproduction .

  7. 基于单亲细胞的无性繁殖&分裂,提出了一类新的DNA分子自进化优化算法。

    This paper presents a self evolving computational paradigm based on reproduction of DNA molecules in asexual spores and develops a new DNA evolutionary algorithm ( DEA ) .

  8. 所获得的无性繁殖子代均能够利用PCR检测到抗菌肽shiva-1基因的存在。

    The asexually-propagated progenies of the transgenic paulownia were tested by PCR to contain gene shiva-1 of antimicrobial peptides .

  9. 选系的鲜草产量高于美洲狼尾草及生产上常用的苏丹草,但较杂交种F1无性繁殖苗为低。

    Fresh matter production of the strains were higher than that of pearl millet and sudangrass which is widely extended , but lower . than that of pennisetum hybrid propagated vegetatively from F_l plants .

  10. 方法将菌种分别接种于麦芽汁-琼脂培养基和0.5%蛋白胨-琼脂培养基平板上,18-20℃培养7d后,进行碳源同化试验、糖发酵试验及无性繁殖形态观察。

    Methods The colonial morphology and morphologic change were observed by asexual multiplication , carbon source assimilation and sugar fermentation test .

  11. 茭白(ZizanialatifoliaTurcz)为多年生水生宿根性草本植物,无性繁殖,原产中国和东南亚。

    Zizania latifolia Turcz , which originates from China and Southeast Asia , belongs to perennial aquatic vegetables and reproduces asexually .

  12. 结果表明:①所有观赏性状在F1代都发生了广泛分离,这意味着无性繁殖使亲本品种保持着高度的杂合性;

    The results showed : ① Wide segregation was occurred in F1 in all ornamental traits under consideration . It implies that the parent had a high degree of heterozygosity maintained by vegetative propagation .

  13. Penna模型是基于无性繁殖的种群演化模拟模型,该模型于1995年由巴西人T.J.P.Penna提出。

    The Penna model is an evolution model based on asexual reproduction , and is published in 1995 by T. J. P.

  14. 结果表明:在无性繁殖条件下,黄化突变体CtyYm的叶色变异能够在后代植株中稳定遗传;

    The results showed , under the condition of agamogenesis , the mutant of leaf etiolate ( Cty Ym ) can be stably inherited .

  15. 结果表明,接种AM真菌明显促进了无性繁殖茶苗的生长,无论是株高还是地上、地下干重都高于不接种者(CK),且差异达极显著水平(P<0.01)。

    The results indicated that AM promoted the growth of vegetative tea seedlings , not only plant height but also aboveground and underground weights , moreover , the differences between inoculated and uninoculated ( CK ) tea tree was significant at 0.1 % level .

  16. 无性繁殖作物的诱变适宜剂量则可通过室内测定休眠芽条GRD(60)(使萌芽率下降50%)的剂量值确定。

    While with asexual reproduction crops , the appropriate dose for radiation mutation may be determined by indoors measuring the dose value of GRD_ ( 50 ) ( the germination rate decreased by 50 % ) of dormant huds .

  17. 在溶解氧、食物、生存空间等不成为限制性增长因子的情况下,25℃时母体的平均连续繁殖世代时间为15.4h,子体的平均连续繁殖世代时间(无性繁殖的世代时间)为42h。

    Under the condition of DO , nutrient and living space without limitation factors , the average continuous propagation time of the parent body is 15.4 h at 25 ℃, and that of the daughter body is 42.0 h.

  18. 5种沉水植物无性繁殖和定居能力的比较研究

    Comparative study of regeneration and colonization ability in five submersed macrophytes

  19. 无性繁殖的进展及其在无性系林业中应用前景

    Development of Asexual Reproduction and Its Application Prospect in Clonal Forestry

  20. 榛子无性繁殖技术研究的现状与趋势

    Status and Trends in Study of Corylus Heterophylla Vegetative Propagation Techniques

  21. 马铃薯是世界广泛种植的高营养作物,属同源四倍体作物,以无性繁殖为主,遗传复杂。

    Potato is a nutritious crop cultivated over the world .

  22. 家蚕雌蚕单性生殖无性繁殖系的配合力研究

    Studies on Combining Ability of Female Silkworm Parthenogenetic Clones , Bombyx mori

  23. 苏南低山丘陵地区杉木无性繁殖的研究

    Clonal propagation of Chinese fir in hilly mountains of Jiangsu

  24. 基于单亲生物无性繁殖的一种进化算法

    A New Evolutionary Approach Based on Reproduction of Asexual Cells

  25. 用常规无性繁殖方法育苗均未成功。

    But all the conventional vegetative propagation methods have failed to reproduce it .

  26. 一种新的橡胶无性繁殖方法&籽苗芽接法

    A novel approach to rubber propagation & mini-seedling budding

  27. 半夏既有有性繁殖,又有无性繁殖。

    P. ternata is of sexual and asexual reproduction .

  28. 油松和美国黄松无性繁殖技术研究

    Study on Asexual Propagation Technique of Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr . and Pinus Ponderosa

  29. 营养繁殖体是无性繁殖树木的任何类型。

    A " vegetative propagule " is any type of vegetatively propagated tree .

  30. 细胞核移植对动物优良杂交种的无性繁殖具有重大意义。

    Nuclear transfer of animal hybrids fine of great significance to asexual reproduction .