
wú jūn
  • sterility;sterile;asepsis;germ-free
无菌[wú jūn]
  1. HACCP在无菌包装复原奶生产中的应用

    Application of HACCP during asepsis recovery milk production

  2. 方法通过对MH培养基作一般性状(厚度、pH值)、无菌试验以及性能检测以判断其质量。

    Methods To judge the quality of M-H culture medium by the check of general character ( thickness , pH ), asepsis and performance test .

  3. 在烧伤处包上无菌敷料。

    Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing .

  4. 他总是坚持要用无菌纱布包扎伤口。

    He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings

  5. 尿液是无菌的。

    Urine is sterile .

  6. 这个盖子严实地盖在奶瓶上,保持奶嘴无菌。

    This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile .

  7. 他总是坚持要用无菌纱布包扎伤口

    He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings .

  8. 作者将前列腺素E无菌冻干粉剂的有效期增加到2年以上。

    The effective date of aseptic frozen-dried powder of PGE was increased over 2 years .

  9. 方法:采用中国药典2005年版无菌检查法中的薄膜过滤法(附录ⅪH)。

    Method : Verification test in Pharmacopeia of P. R. China ( Chp ) 2005 was used .

  10. 一次由双重抗原型ECHO病毒引起的无菌性脑膜炎流行

    An epidemic of meningitis caused by an echo virus with dual type antigens

  11. 无菌包装CAD

    CAD of Aseptic Package

  12. 以生长于两种不同MS培养基上的诸葛菜无菌苗下胚轴为外植体,研究不同外植体,不同激素组合对下胚轴高频率再生的影响效应。

    Violaceus were cultured to study the effects of explant and hormone on the frequency of shoot regeneration .

  13. PET瓶无菌灌装生产线

    PET aseptic bottling line

  14. 比较分析了防止细菌污染PDA平板的不同方法和创造无菌工作环境的不同方法。

    Different methods of preventing bacteria contamination and creating aseptic working environments were studied .

  15. 2通过实验室制备和考查甲磺酸罗哌卡因注射剂的工艺流程,对外观色泽,pH值,澄明度,降解产物,无菌检查,含量,稳定性,各项考查。

    2 Check the craft process and its external color , pH value , clearness degree , germfree checking , content , stability respectively .

  16. 兽药无菌粉针车间的GMP建设

    GMP Construction of Axenic Workshop of Animal Powdery Agent

  17. 无菌分装粉针车间工艺设计中对GMP的理解

    Understanding of GMP Used in Process Design of Sterile Separation Packed Powder Injection Workshop

  18. CIP清洗;屋顶形包装机;无菌空气;加热器。

    CIP cleaning ; gable-box package machine ; sterile air ; heater .

  19. 方法:术中取出胆囊结石病人胆囊体相同部位肌层组织,无菌生理盐水反复冲洗后,RT-PCR法检测胆囊组织中VIPRmRNA的表达。

    The expression of VIPR mRNA in gallbladder tissue was subjected to RT PCR assay .

  20. 结论应用3M纸塑包装袋包装灭菌,效果可靠,无菌有效期执行半年安全,且方法简便,切实可行。

    Conclusion 3M paper plastic package is effective , safe , easy and feasible .

  21. 方法对186例股骨头无菌坏死的患者,在骨科确诊、打孔减压术后2~3d开始用HBO治疗,同时加用中药治疗,作为HBO综合治疗组;

    Methods 186 femoral head aseptic necrosis patients received hyperbaric oxygen complex treatment 2 - 3 days after orthopedic drilling decompression ;

  22. 2,4-D对番茄无菌苗生长的影响

    Effect of 2,4-D on Tomato Aseptic Seedling Growth

  23. GMP的无菌保证

    On Sterility Promise by GMP

  24. 过敏性紫癜(HSP)是以无菌性小血管炎为主要病变的全身性血管变态反应性出血性疾病。

    HSP is a systematic small vasculitis which takes the small vasculitis as the main pathological change .

  25. 欧美澳对中国非无菌原料药生产现场GMP检查缺陷报告分析与对策研究

    Studies and Suggestions on the Chinese Non-sterile API Manufacturer Deficiency during GMP Inspections by Authorities of Europe , USA , and Australia

  26. 目的探讨无菌性发热新生儿外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)中肠道病毒(EV)基因表达情况和临床表现特点。

    Objective To study enteroviral gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) and clinical manifestation in neonates with aseptic fever .

  27. 假体的生存率采用Kaplan-Meier分析,分别以髋臼、股骨假体的无菌性松动和任何原因所致的翻修为终点。

    Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to evaluate the survival of the femoral and acetabulum components .

  28. 自打注射用药品生产开始,人们就认识到在最终容器内很多药物和生物制品无法承受物理灭菌过程。B上单与底单间隙用无菌枕套覆盖。

    Since the earliest days of parenteral manufacturing it has been recognized that many drugs and biologics would not withstand a physical sterilization process in their final container . B , Interval between top sheet and foundation drapes covered by sterile pillowcases .

  29. 8w后处死的裸鼠,无菌条件下解剖取出肺脏。

    The nude mice were killed 8 week later and lungs were taken out .

  30. 主要包括嗜冷菌、芽孢、耐热芽孢的检验和UHT灭菌、无菌灌装技术。

    It mainly included the test of cold-tolerant bacteria , spore , thermophilic spore and UHT , aseptic filling technology .