
wú shén lùn
  • atheism
无神论 [wú shén lùn]
  • [atheism] 认为既没有上帝又没有任何别的神存在的学说

无神论[wú shén lùn]
  1. 然后他转入对无神论的论述。

    He then segued into a discussion of atheism .

  2. 他信奉无神论就像信仰一种新的宗教。

    He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion .

  3. 无神论是个热门话题。

    Atheism is a hot topic .

  4. 朝鲜正式上是无神论,尽管国内有佛教和儒家学派的继承者,还有基督教和舍天道团体(HeavenlyWay)。

    North Korea is officially atheist , although it has a Buddhist and Confucianist heritage , with Christian and traditional Chondogyo (" Heavenly Way ") communities .

  5. 似乎在TED群体中有很多人是无神论的

    It seems to me that there 's plenty of people in the TED community who are atheists .

  6. 中国的基督教徒越来越多,导致与无神论的GCD的关系越发的紧张。

    China has a growing number of Christians , and that 's causing increasing tensions with the officially atheistic ruling Chinese Communist Party .

  7. 亵渎神明不必然等同于无神论,但Meletus将两者搞混了,但那的确意谓着不敬,甚至是亵渎那些,社会最深刻关切旳事务,是吧?

    Impiety need not be the same thing as atheism although Meletus confuses the two but it does suggest irreverence even blasphemy toward the things that a society ? cares most deeply about . Yes ?

  8. 量的概念与王充的无神论学说

    The Concept of Quantities in Wang Chong 's Theory of Atheism

  9. 在你的无神论2.0中,有没有类似的体验呢

    Is there any room for that experience in Atheism 2.0 ?

  10. 希钦斯说道,从来没有人为无神论打仗。

    Nobody ever went to war for atheism , says Mr Hitchens .

  11. 无神论是认为不存在上帝的看法。

    Atheism is the opinion that there is no God .

  12. 其他人则认为这是一个无神论的生活态度。

    Others see it as an atheistic approach to life .

  13. 与无神论有关,有其特征,或一贯相信无神。

    Related to or characterized by or given to atheism .

  14. 无神论不相信或否认上帝或神的存在。

    Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods .

  15. 宣传无神论,发扬科学精神,建设社会主义新文化

    Propagating Atheism , Developing Scientific Spirit and Building the New Socialist Culture

  16. 五是加强对青少年的无神论教育。

    Fifth , strengthen the atheism education for young people .

  17. 但是党控制的媒体在宣传无神论呀。

    But the media controlled by the Party preach atheism .

  18. 因为他们认为休谟关于人性的理论属于无神论体系。

    Because they thought that his treatise of human nature was atheistic .

  19. 《科学无神论教程》的结构与重点难点解析&《科学无神论教程》使用辅导

    The Structure Key and Difficult Points of A Course in Scientific Atheism

  20. 王符的无神论思想探略

    To Probe into the Atheism Theory of Wang Fu

  21. 相信无神论不应该完全无视宗教里的内涵

    Atheism shouldn 't cut itself off from the rich sources of religion .

  22. 传统文化与现代知识分子的无神论文化选择

    Traditional Culture and Modern Intellectuals ' Selection of Atheism

  23. 大爆炸宇宙论与无神论&大爆炸理论缘何无助于有神论者?

    Blast theory and atheism & why doesn 't blast theory help theism ?

  24. 那他是说所有的科学都是唯物论或是无神论的?

    VOICE : Is he saying that all science is materialistic or atheistic ?

  25. 当然并不是在说我,因为我是无神论�

    I mean , not me , specifically . I 'm an agnostic .

  26. 哈代很喜欢用一些东西来设计游戏,特别是无神论。

    Hardy delighted in making a game out of anything , especially atheism .

  27. 无神论不啻是希望的死亡,灵魂的自杀。

    Atheism is the death of hope , the suicide of the soul .

  28. 略论康德对广义无神论思潮发展的贡献

    On Kant 's Contribution to Development of Generalized Atheism

  29. 熊伯龙无神论思想的发掘及研究

    Exploration and Research of Xiong Bolong 's Atheist Thought

  30. 但他最终却看到,自己成了一位英国的同性恋无神论数学家。

    But he found himself to be an ordinary English homosexual atheist mathematician .