
  • 网络final settlement;final solution;final resolution
  1. 这种合作的存在是由于问题涉及的领域太大,单个Agent无法完成,或者问题要求具有不同知识或功能的Agent为最终解决问题服务。

    This cooperation exist because the domain of the problem may be too big to be handled by a single agent or the problem require agents , having different knowledge or skills , to contribute to the final solution of the problem .

  2. 正电子偶素(o-Ps)寿命困惑及其最终解决

    The orthopositronium lifetime puzzle and its final solution

  3. 就是那个线索帮我们最终解决了问题。

    That was the clue which clinched it for us .

  4. 显然,这一消息使问题得以最终解决。

    Evidently this information clinched the matter

  5. 双方对问题的最终解决都表示乐观。

    Both parties expressed optimism about an eventual solution .

  6. 显然,这一消息使问题得以最终解决

    Evidently this information clinched the matter .

  7. 货郎担问题的几何分块算法及ChinaTSP问题的最终解决

    The Geometric Region Divided Method for Solving the China TSP Problem

  8. 此外,提供了甚至连前端数据集成解决方案也能够破坏的多个Web服务接口,而不管最终解决方案是否满足性能和可伸缩性要求。

    Moreover , providing multiple Web service interfaces that even front-end data integration solutions can undermine , whether the resulting solutions will meet performance and scalability requirements .

  9. 最终解决了某型飞机VHF电台通讯距离短的问题,使飞行通讯联络正常。

    Such problem is finally fixed and normal flight communication contact is ensured .

  10. EPON技术因其多方面的优势而被认为是光纤入户的最终解决之道。

    EPON technology is considered to be the best solution in FTTH because there are a lot of advantages .

  11. 最终解决方案是完整的,可将其轻松集成到任何现有SWT应用程序中。

    The end solution is complete and can be easily integrated into any existing SWT application .

  12. 然而,除非美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)成为对话的一分子,普京不可能准备好参与乌克兰危机最终解决方案的谈判。

    But Mr Putin is unlikely to be prepared to engage in talks on a final settlement of the Ukraine crisis unless President Barack Obama is part of the conversation .

  13. 意在用新的技术理论建立新的互联网络数据实时传输模式,提高数据实时传输的质量,最终解决IP电话的质量问题。

    The aim is to use new technology theory creating new transmission pattern of real time data transmission in internet and increasing the quality of transmission , solving the quality problem of IP telephone at last .

  14. 光纤到户(FTTH)被视为接入网的最终解决方案。

    Fiber to the home ( FTTH ) is considered as " future-proof " solution to access network .

  15. 相反的,Windows则允许对教义进行自由的解释,并且认为不是所有的想法都可以最终解决问题。这些道理至今仍然受用,但是很显然,苹果已经开始改变并且将进一步改革。

    By contrast , Windows allows free interpretation of scripture * and takes for granted the idea that not all can achieve salvation . This still rings true today , but Apple is clearly going through a Reformation .

  16. 我们向用户每小时一次地持续更新故障解决的最新状态,直到PDT时间下午4点故障最终解决为止。

    We provided updates on an hourly basis to keep our users informed of the situation until it was resolved today just before4pm PDT .

  17. 虽然我不能肯定是否最终解决已经发现,我还没有经历过这样的较新的RT模型我目前骑的问题。

    While I 'm not sure if the final fix has been found , I have not yet experienced this issue on the newer RT model I 'm currently riding .

  18. 虚拟团队、场景分析、需求调查和关键链管理等措施在WLAN通信工程项目中的应用,最终解决了WLAN通信工程项目的进度控制难题。

    Virtual team , scene analysis , demand survey and critical chain management measures in WLAN communication projects in the application , finally solved the WLAN communication project progress control problem .

  19. 通过将上网设备设置为始终连接5吉赫兹波段网络,退休工程师麦康奈尔最终解决了他的Wi-Fi头痛问题。

    As for Mr. McConnell , the retired engineer eventually solved his Wi-Fi headache by setting up his devices to stay on the 5 GHz radio band .

  20. 同事送来的脚本最终解决了这个问题,移植操作最终在预计的时间内完成(R6)。

    A script forwarded by a colleague finally solved the issue and the migration was finished within the estimated time ( R6 ) .

  21. 生产商主要运作的是EOL(End-of-Life)产品逆向物流,并且承担最终解决者的角色。

    While manufacturers often see EOL ( End-of-Life ) products as their reverse logistics and act as the ultimate " resolver " .

  22. 研究中国安全问题的美国专家傅泰林(taylorfravel)认为,北京打开了最终解决争端的大门。

    Taylor fravel , a US expert on Chinese security , argues that Beijing has opened the door to an eventual settlement of the dispute .

  23. 利用ICF(Inertialconfinementfusion)实验(又称激光打靶)在实验室模拟核反应过程,作为最终解决人类所需能源研究的一个重要课题,已经发展成为当今世界最重要的前沿科研领域之一。

    The simulation of nuclear reaction by ICF ( Inertial Confinement Fusion ) experiment in laboratory , as a important question for discussion to resolve the issue of energy problem of Human being , has become one of the important scientific research topic for discussion .

  24. 肯斯勒(ThomasKensler)说,中国污染问题的最终解决办法掌握在决策者手中。肯斯勒是约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院和匹兹堡大学(UniversityofPittsburgh)的教授,也是本次试验的负责人。

    The ultimate answer [ to China 's pollution ] lies in Beijing with the policymakers , ' said Thomas Kensler , who holds professorships at John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health as well as the University of Pittsburgh and was the leader of the study .

  25. 对世界最大的D-12-D双进双出磨煤机的分离器和磨煤机中心风管等部位通过两种方案的改造试验最终解决了该磨煤机的出力不足问题;

    The deficient mill output has been finally resolved by two renovation programs for the classifier and the central air pipe of D-12-D double-in and double-out mill , one of the biggest pulverizes ;

  26. 其二是丝绢纷争的最终解决方案。

    The second is the ultimate solution for silk dispute .

  27. 浅议司法最终解决原则

    A Tentative Discussion on the Principle of Judicial Final Settlement

  28. 大公司违反该法案的案例中有很多在最终解决时并未涉及个人。

    Many FCPA violations at large companies are settled without naming individuals .

  29. 他呼吁双方领导人对最终解决统一问题重新燃起希望和热情。

    He urges both leaders to renew hope and enthusiasm for a solution .

  30. 而城中村问题的最终解决有赖于整个社会的经济发展和制度变迁,需要社会各界共同支持完成。

    It needs the support of all the society .