
  • 网络End user license agreement;End-user license agreement;EULA;EULAs;software license agreement
  1. 正如你可能不,随着最终用户许可协议和协议条款产生了冲突认识。

    As you may not be aware of , this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement .

  2. 此外,目前有一个最终用户许可协议,扩展到企业环境的使用没有任何赠品。

    Moreover , there are currently no freebies with a EULA that extends their use to corporate environment .

  3. 要安装adam,您必须接受此最终用户许可协议。

    To install adam , you must accept the end-user license agreement .

  4. 无法找到最终用户许可协议(EULA)。

    The End-User License Agreement ( EULA ) cannot be found .

  5. 我们计划从EULA(最终用户许可协议)中删掉Go-Live限制&不过,使用它还是需要你自担风险。

    We plan to drop go-live restriction from EULA – still use it at your own risk .

  6. 这将打印《最终用户许可协议》。要继续吗?

    This will print the end user license agreement . continue ?

  7. 请接受或拒绝最终用户许可协议。

    Please accept or decline the End User License Agreement .

  8. 无法加载最终用户许可协议。

    Could not load the end user license agreement .

  9. :我的《最终用户许可协议》中不包括婚姻这一项,我很抱歉。

    Siri : My end user licensing agreement does not cover marriage . My apologies .

  10. 滚动权利底部的最终用户许可协议页面,然后按一下我同意。

    Scroll right to the bottom of the End User License Agreement page and click I Agree .

  11. 选择继续按钮,即表示您接受了《最终用户许可协议》中的全部条款。

    By choosing to continue , you confirm your acceptance of all terms of the End User License Agreement .

  12. 文章着眼于计算机软件最终用户许可协议的公正性问题,对其缔约程序和条款内容的公正性进行考究。

    This article analyses the fairness in End User License Agreement , including the fairness in contract form and its content .

  13. 新的交易模式出现了新合同形式&最终用户许可协议,这种合同给传统的民商法带来了新的挑战。

    The new transaction way shows new contract forms , the End User License Agreement . It offer challenge for conventional civil law .

  14. 从法律意义上讲,这两个世界仍被最终用户许可协议所割裂。在获准进入虚拟世界前,游戏玩家必须同意遵守这些协议。

    The worlds are still divided in legal terms by end-user licences , which players must agree to comply with before being admitted into virtual worlds .

  15. 单击导航栏上的信息图标,查看包括最终用户许可协议在内的,有关“关于数据保护管理器”的详细信息。

    Click the information icon on the navigation bar to view the full " about data protection manager " information , including the end-user license agreement .

  16. 从合同的公正性入手,结合合同法理论在形式和内容两方面讨论计算机软件最终用户许可协议公正性的欠缺。

    Thoroughly discuss the fairness of End User License Agreement , and observe the issue from the aspects of its form and content with the theory of contract law .