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  • 网络Chinese papermaking;China Pulp & Paper
  1. 但全世界都应该永远记住这位聪明的中国造纸家。

    But the whole world should remember the clever Chinese papermaker forever .

  2. 中国造纸工业如何面对加入WTO

    How To Face the WTO Entrance for China 's Paper Industry

  3. 第三章是造纸企业绿色营销环境及问题分析。本章通过对中国造纸企业的竞争力分析和SWOT分析,了解造纸企业绿色营销的营销环境。

    Green marketing environment of Chinese paper-making industries are understood through the competitiveness of enterprises analysis and SWOT analysis for paper-making enterprise .

  4. CVCAsiaPacific最近取消了6亿美元收购一家主要中国造纸商30%股份的交易,不过,这家私人股本基金否认交易失败是因为监管方面的问题。

    CVC Asia Pacific recently scrapped a planned $ 600m acquisition of a 30 per cent stake in a leading Chinese paper-maker , although the private-equity fund denied that the deal collapsed because of regulatory problems .

  5. 中国造纸助剂的应用现状及发展趋势

    Current Application Status and Development Trends of Papermaking Additives in China

  6. 展望中国造纸工业的可持续发展

    Prospects of the Sustainable Development of China ′ s Papermaking Industry

  7. 中国造纸工业六十年的光辉历程&纪念中华人民共和国成立六十周年

    The 60 years Brilliant Course of China Pulp and paper Industry

  8. 对21世纪中国造纸工业的期望

    Expectations for China 's Paper Industry in the 21st Century

  9. 中国造纸废水处理实践与研究

    Practice of and researches on the treatment of paper-making wastewater in China

  10. 林业在中国造纸工业中的地位和作用

    The Status Role of Forestry in the Pulp Paper Industry of China

  11. 中国造纸工业现状和林纸一体化

    Chinese Paper Industry 's Actuality and Integrating Forest with Paper

  12. 中国造纸工业对外反倾销问题研究

    A Study on the Antidumping of China 's Paper Industry

  13. 中国造纸工业的发展与碱回收和环境保护

    Environmental Protection , Alkali Recovery and Development of China 's Paper Industry

  14. 中国造纸网毯行业的现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation and development Trend of Paper Making Felt Industry in China

  15. 中国造纸工业综述和发展前景

    Review of the China 's Paper Industry and Market Outlook

  16. 中国造纸工业循环经济模式的优化研究

    A research on the optimization of recycling economy model in China paper industry

  17. 中国造纸工业实现跨世纪发展的思考

    Consideration of Strategic Development of China 's Paper Industry towards the New Century

  18. 2009年中国造纸工业产销情况分析

    An analysis on production and sale situation of China paper industry in 2009

  19. 中国造纸工业投资环境浅析

    Analysis on the Investment Environment of China Paper Industry

  20. 合理利用非木材原料与中国造纸工业的可持续发展

    Rational Utilization of Non-Wood Fiber Resources and Sustainable Development of China Paper Industry

  21. 新中国造纸工业六十年的回顾与展望

    A sixty years ' review of new China paper industry and its prospect

  22. 中国造纸碱回收五十年技术进步实录

    Record of Technology Development of Soda Recovery in China in the past Fifty Years

  23. 中国造纸工业循环经济系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the Circulatory Economy System of China 's Paper Manufacturing Industry

  24. 发展循环经济努力构建资源节约型、环境友好型中国造纸工业

    To develop recycling economy and strive to construct resources-saving and environment-friendly paper industry of China

  25. 面临当前全球金融危机中国造纸企业如何应对?

    Facing the Crisis of Financial Globalization , Chinese Paper Enterprises How to Cope with ?

  26. 何谓纸?中国造纸史上的古纸与今帋

    What is Paper ? Ancient Paper and Present-day Paper in the Paper History of China

  27. 在我国造纸工业现代化进程中改造发展中国造纸机械制造业&中国造纸工业可持续发展的一个重要问题

    Reform and Develop Chinese Manufacture Industry of Paper Machinery During Paper Industry Modernization of China

  28. 速度、效率、环保&关于中国造纸工业持续发展的一些思考

    Speed , Efficiency and Environmental Protection ── Thoughts on Sustainable Development of Chinese Paper Industry

  29. 中国造纸商将过剩产量销往印度和其它亚洲市场。

    The Chinese have sold some of the excess in India and other Asian markets .

  30. 为促进中国造纸工业结构优化升级和可持续发展而努力&关于《中华纸业》中国造纸工业可持续发展战略论坛讨论的总结

    To Strive for the Structure Optimization and Upgrade and Sustainable Development of China 's Paper Industry