
  • 网络chinese-style modernization
  1. 本质与方向、内容与依据以及内外动力三者有机统一,形成了独具特色的中国式现代化。

    The organic unity of nature and direction , content and basis , and internal and external motive force shapes the Chinese-style modernization with characteristics .

  2. 论中国式现代化道路的特征

    Discussing Features of the Way of Chinese Modernization

  3. 在全国为实现中国式现代化而努力奋斗的过程中,林业现代化是其不可分割的一个组成部分。

    Forestry modernization is an undivided part of china modernization during overreaching the goal .

  4. 论中国式现代化的自主性发展

    On the Independent Development of Chinese Socialist Modernization

  5. 发展目标论,解决了中国式现代化的最终目标和阶段性目标;

    His point about the goal of development tells the final goal and periodical aims ;

  6. 中国式现代化的探索之路

    Road of exploring the Chinese style modernization

  7. 它在发展过程中,形成了五大特色,从根本上体现了中国式现代化的实质。

    It has formed five characteristics in its developing process , which gives expression to the essence of China-type modernization .

  8. 在独立自主、自力更生的基础上实行对外开放,是实现中国式现代化的必由之路;

    Opening-up on the basis of national independence and self-reliance stand for the only way to the modernization with Chinese characteristics ;

  9. 中国式现代化道路的特征主要体现在以下几个方面:中国式现代化道路是世界性和民族性的统一;

    Features of the way of Chinese modernization as follows : The way of Chinese modernization is the unity of world and nation .

  10. 三是在动态平衡发展中构建中国式现代化,着重探讨中国式现代化发展道路的选择及和谐社会发展目标的现实构建。

    Three , constructs the Chinese style modernization in the dynamical equilibrium development , discusses the Chinese style modernization development path emphatically the choice and the harmonious social development goal reality constructs .

  11. 这个小康社会,叫做中国式的现代化。

    Realizing this society is what we call Chinese-style modernization .

  12. 中国式农业现代化道路的思考与选择

    Thought and selection on agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics

  13. 我们搞的现代化,是中国式的现代化。

    The modernization we are striving for is modernization of a Chinese type .

  14. 简析中国式的现代化

    A Brief Analysis about Chinese Style " Modernization "

  15. 中国式的现代化,必须从中国的特点出发。

    To accomplish modernization of a Chinese type , we must proceed from china 's special characteristics .

  16. 翻两番,小康社会和中国式的现代化,这都是我们的新概念。

    Quadrupling production , attaining a fairly comfortable level of life and modernization are all new conception we have formed .

  17. 当然就是实现四个现代化,或者像我在前面说的,实现中国式的现代化。

    It is , of course , the realization of the four modernizations , or as I said before , the realization of a Chinese type of modernization .

  18. 坚持从实际出发,坚持社会主义方向,走中国式的现代化道路,是党的三代领导集体探索中国现代化建设道路的共同思想原则。

    Persisting in viewing from reality , socialism and Chinese mode modernization road are the common idealistic principles used by the Party 's three generation leading groups in exploring the Chinese modernization construction road .

  19. 中国式的现代化经历了漫长的探索过程,已发展成为更高层次的、具有更全面标准的现代化,深刻反映了中华民族现代化发展价值取向的变化。

    The Chinese style modernization , after experienced a long-term exploration , has developed into a higher-leveled and fuller-scaled standard modernization , which incisively reflects the change of the Chinese people in their value orientation about modernization development .

  20. 中国式新型农业现代化刍议

    New Agriculture Modernization in China

  21. 我们要实现的四个现代化,是中国式的四个现代化。

    The four modernizations we are striving to achieve are modernizations with Chinese characteristics .

  22. 全球化对中国目前发展战略来说就是中国式的现代化,因此,实现人的全面发展,建设中国特色的现代化成为中国在新世纪面临的挑战。

    Considering China 's present developing strategies , globalization equals to China 's modernization . Therefore , it is a challenge for china to realize the all-side development of China and build up modernization with Chinese characteristics in the new century .

  23. 中国现代化模式经过了从苏联模式到“左”倾空想社会主义模式再到“中国式现代化”模式的三次选择。

    Chinese modernization has undergone three selections of model , which are selection of the model of U.S.S.

  24. 当代中国现代化是世界现代化普遍与特殊、共性与个性的统一,在实践中开创了中国式的现代化发展道路,在世界现代化的历史进程中形成了新的现代化模式。

    Present Chinese modernization is universal and special , common and personal . It has initiated a way of modernization development with Chinese pattern in practice and formed a new modernization model in the historical process of world modernization .

  25. 发展知识经济是中国实现现代化的基本内容,但是中国实现现代化必须从中国的具体国情出发,只能是中国式的现代化。

    On Realization of Emails With Visual BASIC As for China , to develop knowledge-based economy is the basic content of the realization of modernizations .

  26. 本文从中国现代化道路选择中碰到的现实问题入手,结合当今世界现代化进程的发展趋势,论证了以小城镇为轴心的中国式现代化道路选择的正确性。

    Trigged by the practical issue encountered in option of China modern development road , this article , combining the world modem development trend , proves the correctness of the option of China town-axis modern development road .