
  1. 2003年,萨内蒂从商学院毕业,然后花了整整一年时间才找到一份和自己三年前没有MBA学位时收入完全相同的工作,在一家类似美国建材家居零售商家得宝(HomeDepot)的西班牙公司任产品经理。

    And when she graduated in 2003 , it took her a full year to land a job as a product manager at a Spanish version of Home Depot , at exactly the same salary she was earning three years earlier , without the MBA .

  2. 建材家居连锁超市在中国面临的市场情况同国外有很大的不同。在国内现有的市场环境下,建材超市需要重新进行市场定位,认清行业的优势与劣势,分辨行业存在的威胁和机遇。

    Home improvement supermarket have faced a very different market environment from those of overseas .

  3. 数百场高端建材家居联盟活动,彩旗飘扬,震撼一线市场。

    Hundreds of high-end home building materials activities of the Union flags flying , shock-line market .

  4. 建材家居卖场作为流通市场中的重要力量,为我国建材家居产品的供销做出了巨大贡献。

    As the important circulation market strength , home building materials markets make great contributions to the supply and marketing of our country building materials household products .

  5. 虽然我国十几年前就已经出现了建材家居卖场,但其中很多建材卖场处于逐步创新的阶段,还远远没有成熟,仍存在着很多问题。

    Although some home building materials markets has emerged for more than ten years , most of the household building materials retail enterprises are still in the development stage and are far from mature . There are a lot of problems .

  6. 本届广交会共展出260多万件商品,涵盖消费品、建材、家居装饰等16个类别的产品。

    More than 2.6 million items have been displayed , covering 16 categories of products from consumer goods and building materials to home decorations .

  7. 产品主要为:卫浴建材,家居饰品,酒店用品,礼品赠品,装饰建材几大系列,我们的品质优良,服务一流!

    The major products are : native building materials , home accessories , hotel supplies , gifts and premium , a series of several decorative materials , the high quality , first-class service !