
  1. 不久前我搬家去了德克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥,我在那找了份观光旅游车司机的工作,职责是开车载着游客去城里的名胜古迹参观,全程的终点在阿拉莫。

    I had just moved to San Antonio , Texas . I had gotten a job working for the tour bus service that would take tourists on a short tour of the city 's historic1 places and would end up at the Alamo .

  2. 请搭乘观光旅游车。欢迎参加这次观光游。

    Please take the sightseeing bus . Welcome to this sightseeing tour .

  3. 导游把游客领进旅游车里.请搭乘观光旅游车。

    A guide shepherded the tourists into the coach . Please take the sightseeing bus .

  4. 王先生在美国怀俄明州的蒂顿国家公园乘观光旅游车游览。

    Mr. Wang is on a sightseeing bus in Grand Teton National Park , Wyoming .

  5. 请搭乘观光旅游车。

    Please take the sightseeing bus .

  6. 船一到码头,我便和其他旅客乘上了一辆观光旅游车。

    As soon as the boat was moored at a quay , I went out I a sightseeing bus with other passengers .