
  1. 试论中国文献学学科体系的改革

    On the Reform of the Discipline System of Chinese Philology

  2. 关于中国文献学学科体系的研究综述

    An overview on the study of Chinese bibliography disciplinary system

  3. 2001-2004年中国文献学研究状况简析

    Analysis of researches on document studies in China during 2001-2004

  4. 《中国文献学》一书内容丰富,结构合理。

    Chinese Bibliography has abundant contents and appropriate structure .

  5. 新时期中国文献学研究综述(1978-2005)

    An Overview of Chinese Bibliography Researches in the New Period ( 1978-2005 );

  6. 中国文献学学科体系刍议

    Discussion on the Subject System of Chinese Bibliography

  7. 中国文献学发展历史轨迹

    Developing history of Chinese document studies

  8. 从校雠学到文献学:中国文献学理论认知的轨迹探讨

    From the Methods of Readjustment on Sino-Classical Works to Documentation Science : A Discussion about the Cognitive Contrail of Chinese Documentation Science Theory

  9. 近30年来,中国文献学及其研究有了长足进展,取得了丰硕成果。

    Over the past 30 years , much progress has been made in the Chinese bibliography , which leads to plenty of achievements .

  10. 总结了自2000年以来的中国文献学研究的成就,并对中国文献学研究的发展趋势及研究中的不足进行了讨论。

    This paper summarizes the achievement of the Chinese philology research since the year 2000 , at the same time ; it also discusses the tendency and the shortage of Chinese philology research .

  11. 汉代文献学及其思想确定了中国文献学的基础和发展路向,在学术史上具有深远影响。

    The documentation science in Han Dynasty and its ideology provided the basis and direction for the development of the documentation science in China , and exerted a far reaching influence in the academic history .

  12. 其普及化方向的探索影响了20世纪中国文献学的发展,使文献学在重视专深研究的同时,出现了普及化的发展方向。

    His exploration in the direction of universality had affect upon the development of Chinese literature philology of the 20th century , and made literature philology change its development mode from single direction to multiple direction .

  13. 分析了中国文献学学科体系表,提出了在现代文献学中增设文献现代诠释学的建议,设置了新的中国文献学学科体系表。

    This paper analyzes on the subject system table of Chinese bibliography , advances the suggestion on setting up bibliographical modern hermeneutics in the modern bibliography , and establishes the new subject system table of Chinese bibliography .

  14. 比较研究他们的辨伪思想,对于丰富中国文献学的理论以及促进史学的发展,有着重要的借鉴意义。

    Studying and making a comparison with their thinking of distinguishing the true from the false , will have an important referential sense to enrich the theories of the Chinese philology , and promote the development of history study .

  15. 20世纪是中国文献学的一个过渡时期,从微观视野上升到宏观把握,从总结文献整理的具体方法、经验到抽象、概括相关理论。

    The twentieth century is a period of transition in Chinese Documentation that has underwent from the micro perspective rise to the macro , and from the classification of documentation , synthesis of working experience , to the abstraction and generalization of relevant theories .

  16. 论文通过对2001-2004年中国文献学论文发表情况的定量分析,全面剖析了文献学的发展状况,同时对中国文献学研究中的不足及发展趋势进行了讨论。

    By means of the situation quantitative analysis of the articles on the Chinese philology published from 2001 to 2004 , this paper entirely anatomizes the developing status of philology , and discusses the shortage and the developing tendency of Chinese philology research at the same time .

  17. 中国文献学的产生,从孔子整理六经算起已有二千五百年的历史,随着文献工作的深入发展,众多分支学科不断产生,丰富和扩大着文献学的领域。

    The generation of Chinese Documentation , from Confucius finishing the six classics , has two thousand five hundred years of history . With the further development of document work , many branches of disciplines have emerged , which has been enriching and expanding the areas of documentation .

  18. 孔子在中国古典文献学史上的地位和作用

    The Role of Confucius in the History of Ancient Chinese Documentation

  19. 中国文献计量学核心文献、核心著者与核心期刊

    The Core Documents , Core Authors and Core Journals in Scientometrics in China

  20. 中国历史文献学人才培养刍议

    Personnel Training for the Study of Chinese Historical Documents

  21. 20世纪中国音乐文献学研究概述

    Survey of the 20c Research on Chinese Music Philology

  22. 海纳百川,有容乃大&启功先生与中国古典文献学

    Sir Qi - gong and Classical Chinese Bibliography

  23. 论中国古代文献学的流派

    On the Schools of classical Chinese Bibliography

  24. 中国历史文献学研究述论

    An Overview of Chinese Historical Bibliography Study

  25. 随着专科文献学著作的不断出现,历史文献学的专科文献学性质和地位逐渐形成定局。代表整个中国传统文献学的任务已由中国古典文献学接替了。

    The mission representing the entire chinese traditional philology has been replaced by the Chinese classical philology .

  26. 作为一门古老而又年轻的学科,中国历史文献学面临着加强学科理论建设、实现研究手段现代化等多重任务和发展趋向。

    Presently the discipline faces many tasks , such as strengthening the basic theory construction , improving the research methods , etc.

  27. 中国旅游文献学与中国旅游文献不同,中国旅游文献是中国的先贤们旅游活动的真实记录;(我们学校只有旅游活动比较有名。)

    China 's travelling philology and travelling literature are quite different . Our school is only famous for one thing : travelling .

  28. 从中国古典文献学研究领域来说,北朝墓志具有十分重要的文献价值、地位与意义。

    The Northern Dynasties ' Epitaphs have very important literature value , high status and great significance in the field of Chinese classical bibliography research .

  29. 建立历史文献学这门学科是我的夙愿&白寿彝先生和中国历史文献学学科建设

    To Establish the Historical Document Studies as a Discipline is My Long-cherished Wish & Prof. Bai and the Establishment of the Chinese Historical Document Studies

  30. 中国历史文献学是一门以历史文献及其整理研究工作为研究对象的,以复原、求真和致用为主要任务的专科文献学。

    The Chinese historical philology is a special discipline focusing on the study and coordination of the historical documents and aiming at their recovery and exploitation .