
  1. WTO规则与中国金融体制改革

    The WTO Regulations and the Reform of Financial System in China

  2. 金融功能、金融发展与中国金融体制改革

    Financial function , financial development and China 's financial system revolution

  3. 新中国金融体制改革的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospects for the Monetary System Reform of New China

  4. 金融中介功能观框架下的中国金融体制改革

    China 's Financial System Reform in the Frame of Financial Intermediary Function Idea

  5. 中国金融体制改革阶段研究

    Research on Stages of Financial System Reform in China

  6. 利率市场化是中国金融体制改革乃至经济体系深化改革的关键;

    Interest rate marketization of China 's financial system and economy is the key to deepening reform ;

  7. 中国金融体制改革正在走向深化,商业银行将面临新的挑战和竞争压力。

    China to deepen financial reform is , commercial banks will face new challenges and competitive pressures .

  8. 而且农业金融制度的建立和完善,对中国金融体制改革也关系极大,对中国金融体制改革具有深远影响。

    The establishment and perfection of agricultural financial system will have far-reaching effect on both China 's financial system reform .

  9. 经过20多年的探索,中国金融体制改革取得重大进展。

    After several stages of exploration in the past twenty years , China 's financial reform has made great progress .

  10. 出于金融业开放的压力,中国金融体制改革终于于2004年进入对银行体制、汇率体制以及利率体制改革的深入层面。

    Proceed from the pressure , China ultimately take reformation to the system of banks , exchange rate , and interest rates .

  11. 合业经营:中国金融体制改革的方向&从入世对银行业制度造成的冲击谈起

    Joint Operation : Orientation of Financial Reform in China & With Reference to Challenges to China 's Banking System after Entry into WTO

  12. 并且,通过离岸模式的成功示范效应,带动国内资产证券化发展,深化和推进中国金融体制改革。

    Furthermore , the successful demonstration effect of offshore mode can stimulate domestic asset securitization development , and deepen the financial system reform in China .

  13. 本文在中国金融体制改革不断深化的背景下,力图找到符合中国国情的利率市场化之路。

    This paper , in the background of developing reform of financial system in China , want to find the way which leads to interest rate liberalization .

  14. 但当我们将目光投向所处的经济全球化的国际背景时,就会发现:金融国际化能为中国金融体制改革提供外力推进和引致性突破,成为中国金融体制改革的引擎。

    However , if we focus our attention on the economic globalization , the financial internationalization is able to provide China 's financial reform with force and a " guiding breakthrough " .

  15. 中美控股不仅拥有一大批海外归来及在国际著名投资银行总部工作过多年的专业人士,也有在中国金融体制改革过程中自己培养出来的专业人才。

    China and America holding company not only has large quantities of overseas returns and has worked many years professional in the international famous investment bank headquarters , also has the specialized talented person which own raises in the China monetary system reform process .

  16. 中国农村金融体制改革的最优路径选择

    The Optimal Path of Rural Financial System Reform in China

  17. 金融监管的重心开始转向证券市场等。第四部分:中国金融监管体制改革的方向。

    The centre of financial supervision begins to turn to the Security market .

  18. 中国农村金融体制改革进展缓慢,影响了农村社会经济的发展。

    Reform of rural financial systems makes slow progress in China , and it has influenced the development of rural society and economy .

  19. 在近20年改革的曲折发展过程中,中国的金融体制改革始终以市场经济原则为导向,取得了重大进步,这就是逐步建立了与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的金融组织机构体系;

    From the period of 1979 to 1999 , based on the market economy principle , China has made great achievements on the fields of financial reform .

  20. 中国金融体制的改革目标是建立符合中国特色社会主义市场经济的现代金融体系,现代金融制度和良好的金融秩序。

    The reform of chinas financial system aims at establishing modern financial system for the sound financial order , a system that agrees with chinese type socialist market economy .

  21. 中国农村金融体制改革长期受其他体制改革惯性的作用,农村金融体制长期成为农村经济体制的附属物,导致了农村金融主体长期缺位。

    The reform of rural financial system in China has been long affected by inertia of the reform in other systems and the rural financial system has long been an appendage of the rural economic system , leading to the long-term absence of the main part in rural finance .

  22. 中国金融监管体制的改革与完善

    Innovation and Perfection of China 's Financial Supervisory System

  23. 中国将加快金融体制改革

    China to Speed Up Financial System Reform

  24. 中国金融发展与体制改革路径选择模式及效率分析

    China 's Financial Development and the Path-choice Model and Efficiency Analysis of China 's Financial System Changes

  25. 在中国,金融体制的改革,特别是银行业金融机构的多样化增加了银行业的竞争和改善了金融服务。

    The reform of the financial system and particularly the diversification of banking institutions have increased competition in the banking sector and improved financial services in China .

  26. 中国农村金融体制三十年改革的回顾与评价

    Review and Evaluation of Last Three Decades ' Rural Financial System Reform in China

  27. 根据理论分析和实证检验,今后中国应该继续深化金融体制改革,完善金融制度和金融体系。

    And empirical test , China should insist financial reform and promote financial system .

  28. 进入90年代后期,中国企业改革和金融体制改革步入关键时期。

    The late 1990 's is a very important period for reform of the enterprise and finance in china .

  29. 中国金融体制在不断地改革过程中,取得了许多显著的成果,这为中国的经济快速发展提供了支持。

    The Chinese financial system is being reformed too , the results are also excellent , thus gives China a rapid development .

  30. 实现以市场导向为主的利率决定体制,是包括中国在内的发展中国家金融体制改革的目标。

    The reform target of the developing countries financial system is to realize that the rate should be mainly decided by the market .