
  • Medium and high-end customers;medium and high customers
  1. 根据客户价值高低,进行分级化管理,对于中高端客户提供VIP服务,对客户反映的问题要及时解决。

    According to the level of customer value , a classification management is established . VIP services are provided for high-end customers and the issues reflected by the customer should be solved in time .

  2. 上述新产品将以联想ideapad和ideacentre的子品牌销售,目标定位是中高端客户,这些新产品的推出标志着联想的一次重大战略转型。

    The new machines , which will be sold under the Lenovo ideapad and ideacentre sub-brands , are aimed at mid to high-tier buyers and their introduction marks a big strategic shift .

  3. 全业务运营下中高端客户关怀与维系

    Customer Relationship Maintaining and Care for Mid and High End Clients in Full-Service Operation Environment

  4. 中高端客户维护是客户关系管理中最为重要、最具有代表性的项目。

    The maintenance of high-end customers is one of the most important and most representative project in customer relationship management .

  5. 同时,本文也对移动通信业现行的中高端客户政策进行了抨击,主张将更多的资源、优惠用在低端客户身上。

    Meanwhile , the paper also attacked the current in high-end customer policy . It claims to low-end customers more discount .

  6. 二是商业银行需要通过此项业务拓展新的利润渠道,实现收益最大化,稳定发展中高端客户。

    At the same time , commercial banks need to expand their profit resources , realize profit maximization and attract Middle-and-high Profit customers .

  7. 在深入分析现有中高端客户维护行业现状(以移动公司为代表),探索出较为全面的系统框架结构。

    By the in-depth analysis of the existing status in the high-end customer maintenance status , we will build a more comprehensive system framework .

  8. 黄志达设计团队立志打造华人室内设计顶尖品牌,凭借诚恳的专业精神引领时尚品位潮流,为全球中高端客户提供超值的设计服务。

    The design team is committed to creating a top design brand , leading the fashion trend with sincere professional spirits , and providing premier services for global medium-to-high end clients .

  9. 在此同时商业银行在内部经营压力和外部转型需求推动下,纷纷推出了各类银行理财产品来拓展中间业务市场,提升中高端客户的市场占有率。

    Commercial banks operating pressure and external transformation in internal promotion , have introduced various types of bank financial products to expand the intermediate business market , enhance the high-end customer market share .

  10. 价格和促销只能至低级别的竞争、对于开发潜在中高端客户、持续挖掘客户消费潜力没有帮助,企业就无法实现可持续发展。

    Price and promotion only to low levels of competition , for the development of potential customers in the high-end customers , continuous mining potential consumption of no help , the enterprise cannot achieve sustainable development .

  11. 为了摆脱困境,券商纷纷将目标转向中高端客户,高净值人群已经成为推动券商业务发展的重要动力。

    To bail out , the brokerage firms have turned to target on the high-end customers , and high net worth individuals have become an important driving force to promote the development of the brokerage business .

  12. 公司已迅速服务于广大中小型高端客户,能为贵公司服务是我们所有员工的期待。

    The company has quickly serves the masses of small and medium-sized high-end clients for your company , service is our all employees expect .

  13. 但地区性客户服务中心仍处于客户关系维护阶段,客户分层服务不足,特别是针对中、高端客户的差异化服务有待推进。

    However , regional customer service center is still in the maintenance phase of customer relations , which cannot satisfy the different customers for their different needs . Services at different level are to be promoted .

  14. 它的品牌定位是尊贵、品位和自信,用户主要是社会上一些中高端的商务客户。

    The brand is positioning itself to represent taste , affluence and confidence , and its target group are mid and upper class commercial clients .