
  • 网络Chinese Coins;China Numismatics;china coin
  1. 中国钱币学论

    An exposition of China Numismatics

  2. 略论中国钱币的专题陈列

    A brief discuss on the exhibition of special topic on China Numismatic

  3. 论《顾烜钱谱》对中国钱币学的贡献

    The Gu Xuans contributions to Chinese Numismatics

  4. 用被动采样和主动采样测定了中国钱币博物馆部分展厅内二氧化硫和二氧化氮的浓度;

    The concentration of atmospheric pollutants , sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide , were monitored by passive sampler with spectrophotometric determination method .

  5. 艺术系的教授对中国钱币的设计作了精彩的口头分析,并将之与日本韩国的相比较。

    The art prof did a great job leading them in an oral analysis of the design of Chinese money , comparing it to Japanese and Korean currency .

  6. 中国钱币博物馆的展示设计从创意过程到工程施工,要求水准在国内是很高的。

    Whether from originality process or from construction of the project , the demand standard of the exhibition design of the Chinese cash museums exhibition design , is very tall at home .

  7. 中国古代钱币与钱币研究

    Studies on the Currencies and Chinese Currencies in Ancient Times

  8. 中国古钱币的艺术源流

    The artistic source of Chinese ancient coins

  9. 古代中国的钱币

    The ancient Chinese coin

  10. 我对中国的古代钱币很感兴趣,并且我已经收集了5年了。

    I 'm interested in old Chinese coins and I 've collected them for five years .

  11. 他们4月29号的婚礼日期还未到,这些漫画和其他的纪念册,中国瓷盘,钱币一样已经在市场上很流行了。

    They joined several other commemorative books , china plates and a coin on the market ahead of the couple 's April29th wedding .

  12. 从《泉币》谈中国四十年代之钱币研究

    TX talking about the numismatic study of 1940s in China from the Quan Bi ( money ) magazine

  13. 十二属相是中国特有的艺术形式,设计采用中国特有的古钱币组成猪年形象,具有强烈的民族风格和文化氛围。

    The12 zodiac is traditional Chinese arts , this design using the ancient currency as an image for a pig year , it has rich folk art flavor and cultural tastes .