
zhōng cān
  • Chinese food;Chinese meal;Chinese dinner
中餐 [zhōng cān]
  • [Chinese meal;Chinese food] 中国风味的餐食菜肴

中餐[zhōng cān]
  1. 做中餐比做西餐费事。

    To prepare a Chinese meal is more work than to prepare a Western one .

  2. 他的家人每周都会聚在一起,吃一次传统的中餐。

    His family members gather together and serve a traditional Chinese meal once a week .

  3. 我并不十分热衷于中餐。

    I 'm not crazy about Chinese food .

  4. 中餐不仅热量低,而且对健康有益。

    Chinese cooking is both low in calories and healthful .

  5. 他们坚持要在合同中写入保证供应中餐的条款。

    They insisted that a guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts

  6. 中餐:lunch

    the mid-day meal = = lunch

  7. 中国在非洲资源领域的大举投资,已经让一些人将其非洲政策戏称为中餐大外卖(GreatChineseTakeout)。

    Aggressive investments in Africa 's resource sector have led some to dub its policies there the Great Chinese Takeout .

  8. 如果你早晨喝一碗Total牌谷物片,中餐喝一盒酸奶和一杯牛奶的话,很容易就能摄入2000毫克钙。复合维生素片中也或多或少地含有钙。

    ' If you have a bowl of Total in the morning and a yogurt and a glass of milk for lunch , you can get to 2,000 mg easily . ' Multivitamins also contain calcium in widely varying amounts .

  9. 但是,当福餐饮集团(Fugroup)旗下的其它餐厅专注于传统精致菜肴时,福和慧则另辟蹊径、推出了高端全素中餐。

    But while the other restaurants in the Fu group have focused on exquisite renditions of traditional dishes , Fu He Hui has taken an unconventional road for Chinese haute cuisine , by serving entirely vegetarian food .

  10. kitchenware:厨具在英国最受欢迎的两种美食就是中餐和印度餐。

    Where can we buy , as Chinese the seasoning , kitchen ware ? The top 2 cuisine , which are popular in UK , is Chinese food and Indian food .

  11. 膳食GL和中餐GL与日热量和三大营养素物质摄入量之间均存在显著正相关关系。

    There was a significant positive correlation between daily dietary GL and lunch GLand daily energy and three major nutrient substance .

  12. ShunBunLee手下的中式点心厨师已经80岁了,他颇为无奈地说:“雇欧洲人做中餐是件很奇怪的事。”

    Mr Lee has retained his 80-year-old dim sum chef and says with exasperation : " It 's strange to have Europeans cooking Chinese food . "

  13. 根据中餐企业管理实际情况,结合BPR实施程序提出了适合中餐企业的流程再造程序;

    According to the actual situation of dining business management and the procedure of BPR , this paper proposed a suited BPR procedure for the Chinese meal enterprise .

  14. 在“上等汉堡”店(SuperiorityBurgers)内,厨师将拍黄瓜与气味扑鼻的酸奶和墨西哥胡椒蜂蜜混合,再撒上掰碎的长棍芝麻面包,创造出这种与中餐截然不同的小吃。

    At Superiority Burgers , the cucumbers are mixed with tangy yogurt and jalapeno honey and sprinkled with crushed sesame breadsticks , a form that the traditional Chinese dish has never taken before 。

  15. 文章写道,这些女管家可以在苏格兰高地(ScottishHighlands)帮雇主购买、装修和装潢房子,也可以在地中海的伊维萨岛(Ibiza)为20位宾客准备早中餐,如果雇主的私人厨师烂醉如泥的话。

    The Concierge femmes might help'buy , renovate and decorate a home in the Scottish Highlands or cook brunch for20 in Ibiza when the private chef shows up drunk , 'the article says .

  16. Jibo是为家庭设计的,它可以放在桌子或工作台上。在一段展示视频中,当一个男人下班回家时,Jibo立即向他问好,然后问他需要不需要叫中餐外卖。

    Jibo is meant to stay in the home , perched on a table or countertop , and a demo video shows him greeting a single man when he comes home from work and offering to order Chinese takeout .

  17. 我告诉他,几年前当我第一次从香港搬到伦敦时,我一直在伦敦西区queensway附近找房子,因为当地的餐馆能够提供一些伦敦最好的中餐。

    He laughs when I tell him that when I first moved from Hong Kong to London some years ago , I looked for flats near Queensway in West London because the local restaurants have some of the best Chinese food in the city .

  18. 金属纤维燃烧器在中餐燃气炒菜灶的应用

    Application of Metallic Fibrous Burner in Chinese Cooking Hot - plate

  19. 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。

    Who knows the dishes food , each grain is hard .

  20. 一天没中餐比杀了她都难受。

    One night without Chinese food isn 't gonna kill her .

  21. 他曾说过:我太喜欢中餐了。

    As he put it : I just love Chinese food .

  22. 这家饭店是吃中餐的理想场所。

    This restaurant is an ideal place to have Chinese food .

  23. 很高兴能和你一起吃中餐。

    I 'm glad to have a Chinese meal with you .

  24. 您想吃西餐呢还是中餐?

    Which do you prefer , Western food or Chinese food ?

  25. 中餐是世界上最美味的食物。

    Chinese food is the most delicious food in the world !

  26. 熊胆是你的“万金油”还是你的盘中餐?

    Is Bear Bile on your shelf or in your diet ?

  27. 吃西餐还是中餐?

    Do you want to eat a Western or Chinese meal ?

  28. 然而,英国人对中餐的态度也许正在发生改变。

    British attitudes to Chinese food may be changing , though .

  29. 中餐菜单译法研究

    A Study on the Translation Method of Chinese Menu into English

  30. 你喜欢吃中餐还是喜欢吃西餐?

    Which kind of food do you prefer Chinese or Western ?