
  • 网络Shanghai Food;Shanghai Cuisine;Shanghai dishes
  1. A在旅馆里有一家非常好的餐馆。他们做上海菜。

    There 's a good restaurant in the hotel . It 's Shanghai cuisine .

  2. 当然,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。

    Certainly , there are many other local cuisines that are famous , such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine .

  3. 我们有广东菜、四川菜和上海菜。

    We have Cantonese food , Sichuan food and Shanghai food .

  4. 上海菜使用姜,大蒜,小辣椒等香料。

    Spices like ginger , garlic and small red pepper are used .

  5. 你喜欢什么?四川菜还是上海菜?

    What 's your favorite ? Sichuan style food or Shanghai style ?

  6. 上海菜比广东菜味道稍浓。

    Shanghai food tends to be heavier than Cantonese food .

  7. 上海菜是用大米和小麦做的。

    Shanghai dishes are both rice and wheat-based .

  8. 和上海菜相比我更喜欢粤式菜肴。

    I prefer Cantonese food to Shanghai food .

  9. 午餐,我们再一次纵情享受了非常传统的中餐,特别是上海菜。

    For lunch we again indulged in very traditional Chinese and more specifically Shanghaiese food .

  10. 我想吃上海菜,请您给我推荐一下。

    I 'd like to try Shanghai food . what 's your recommendation for me ?

  11. 菜系:北京菜,上海菜为主,特色菜:北京烤鸭,糟溜鱼片等。

    Mainly : Beijing and Shanghai dishes , especially Beijing Roast Duck and Fried Fish dishes .

  12. 专营上海菜。

    It specialises in Shanghai food .

  13. 上海菜的味道比广东菜重,制作也稍微长些。

    Shanghai food tends to be heavier than the Cantonese variety and takes slightly longer to prepare .

  14. 还有二十几种其他著名地方菜如北京菜和上海菜。

    There are also more than twenty other outstanding local dishes like Beijing dishes and Shanghai dishes .

  15. 就像您在菜单中所看到的,我们有上海菜、广东菜、四川菜和北京菜。

    As you can see from the menu , we serve Shanghai cuisine , Guangdong , Sichuan and Beijing cuisine .

  16. 哦,在昆仑饭店有一家好餐馆。专营上海菜。

    B : Well , there 's a very good restaurant in the Kunlun Hotel . It specializes In Shanghai food .

  17. 哦,上海菜以酱油重、汤浓、味甜和味道天然而著称。

    Well , Shanghai food distinguishes itself with a heavy sauce , a thick stock , a sweet taste and natural flavor .

  18. 甲:请给我菜花和菜豆。广东菜、四川菜、上海菜和北京菜。

    A : Broccoli and string beans please . We have Guangdong food , Sichuan food , Shanghai food . Beijing food .

  19. 上海菜的特点是注重调料的使用,食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。

    Cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings , the selection of raw materials with quality texture , and original flavors .

  20. 广东菜稍微清淡,四川菜味浓而辣,上海菜油腻。

    Guangdong food is a bit light , while Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste , and Shanghai food is oily .

  21. 但我们上海菜是不同的,部分原因是我们临海,我认为上海菜与日本菜有很多共同点。

    But our food is different , partly because of the proximity to the sea and I think it has a lot in common with Japan .

  22. 我们有许多著名的地方菜,如四川菜、广东菜、北京菜、上海菜等等。

    We have quite a few famous local cuisines , such as Sichuan cuisine , Cantonese cuisine , Beijing cuisine , Shanghai cuisine and so on .

  23. 我喜欢看拳击胜于柔道。我喜欢足球胜于排球比赛。我喜欢看游泳比赛胜于赛跑比赛。我跟喜欢粤式菜肴和上海菜相比。

    I prefer boxing to judo . I prefer football to volleyball . I prefer swimming to athletics . I prefer Cantonese food to Shanghai food .

  24. 本文介绍了上海菜工程地基饱和粘土的无侧限试验、直剪试验及三轴不固结不排水试验的结果。

    This paper introduces the results of unconfined compression test , direct shear test and unconsolidated undrained triaxial test for saturated clay at a site in shanghai .

  25. 北京菜味重香浓,上海菜油腻,四川菜味浓而辣,这家餐馆以广东菜而闻名。

    Beijing food is heavy and spicy . Shanghai food is oily . Sichuan food is strong and hot . This restaurant is famous for its Cantonese food .

  26. 我们有一位厨师曾认为,罗宋汤和咖喱鸡都是上海菜,但罗宋汤来自白俄罗斯,咖喱鸡则来自英国。

    We had a cook once who thought that borscht and curried chicken were Shanghainese but the former arrived with the White Russians and the second with the British .

  27. 一般来讲,广东菜比较清淡;上海菜很油腻;湖南菜很辛辣,味道浓而辣。

    Generally speaking , Guangdong food is a bit light ; Shanghai food is rather oily ; and Hunan dishes are very spicy , having a strong and hot taste .

  28. 通常来讲,广东菜比较清淡,四川菜味重而辣,上海菜相当油腻,而北京菜咸而多香料。

    Generally , Guangdong food is a bit light , Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste , Shanghai food is rather oily , and Beijing food is salty and spicy .

  29. 苏菜分为几个分支,其中包括上海菜、因鸭肴而闻名的南京菜、色彩斑斓的苏锡菜等,强烈推荐下面几道菜:

    The Jiangsu cuisine has several branches , including Shanghai cuisine , Nanjing cuisine is known for its duck recipes , Suxi cuisine with flowery hue , etc. the most highly recommended courses are :

  30. 吃在纽约中餐,近年来,纽约人则偏好清淡的上海菜,当然细致,精巧的广东菜仍是很多人最爱。

    Eats in New York Chinese meal , New York person by chance light Shanghai vegetable , certainly was in recent years careful , the exquisite Guangdong vegetable was still many people most loves .