
  • 网络China Railway Corporation
  1. 中国铁路总公司表示,新的铁路运行图提高了我国客运和货运列车的运力。

    A new railway operating plan has increased the country 's passenger and freight train capacity , according to China Railway Corp.

  2. 中国铁路总公司表示,今年铁路部门获得的固定资产投资将达到8千亿元,新增铁路项目超过60个。

    The CRC says fixed asset investment in the railway sector is expected to reach 800 billion yuan this year for over 60 new railway projects .

  3. 成立中国铁路总公司,下辖区域性铁路公司,作为分区运输管理中心和利润中心;

    Establishing China General Railway Company under which several regional railway corporations are to be set up as the profit and transportation control centre of the area ;

  4. 铁道部(现中国铁路总公司)已在全路建立若干个救援基地,并从国内外批量引进了大量先进的救援起重机。

    The railway ministry have established a number of rescue base in all sections , and introduced a large number of advanced rescue crane from home and abroad .

  5. 今年初,中国铁路总公司就表示,将在常规运行线路的基础上加开“红眼高铁”,以满足不断增长的需求。

    China Railway Corp , the country 's railroad operator , said earlier this year that it would add " red-eye " bullet trains to its fixed operation schedule to cater for a growing demand .

  6. 换句话说,即便是国企,中国铁路总公司仍然得考虑遵守市场规律,如果乘客有需求,就得为乘客提供可行的技术支持。

    In other words , State-owned as it is , the China Railway Corp still has to abide by relevant market rules , and provide technologically feasible services to passengers if that is what they want .

  7. 北京市海淀区一法院本月初接收到一位视力障碍人士起诉中国铁路总公司的诉讼请求,要求铁路总公司为其图形验证给视力障碍人群造成的不便给予赔偿并更新其验证系统。

    A court in Beijing 's Haidian district earlier this month accepted the lawsuit of a visually impaired man who was suing China Railway Corp , asking for compensation and upgrades to the official train ticket website to make it easier for people like him to buy tickets online .

  8. 2009年,作为中国铁路工程总公司旗下子的公司,中国海外工程有限责任公司中标了波兰A2高速公路项目的A、C两标段,总长49公里。

    COVEC , a subsidiary of China Railway Group , one of the Asia 's largest construction and engineering firms , won the contract to build a49km stretch of highway in Poland in2009 .

  9. 上月,伦敦上市公司非洲矿业(AfricanMinerals)同意以1.68亿美元,向中国铁路物资总公司(CRM)出售其12.5%的股权,外加未来铁矿石产出的承购协议。

    Last month , London-listed African Minerals agreed to sell China Railway Materials Commercial Corporation a 12.5 per cent stake in the company for $ 168m , as well as an off-take agreement for its future iron ore output .

  10. 对中国铁路物资总公司战略管理的研究

    The Studying of China Railway Materials & Supplies Commercial Corporation 's Strategy Management

  11. 再上高楼&对中国铁路工程总公司企业发展战略的再思考

    Make Further Progress in Future & Thoughts on the Enterprise Development Strategy of CREC

  12. 世界级品牌建筑承包商横空出世&中国铁路工程总公司跨入世界双500强报道

    Customer : China Railway Engineering Corporation Unveiled of the Construction Contractor with World-class Brand

  13. 大科技格局在中国铁路工程总公司的实践与发展

    Practice and development of a " full-science-technology " pattern in China Railway Engineering General Corporation

  14. 当前中国铁路工程总公司成员企业正在积极探索,稳步推进。

    Nowadays , the member enterprises of Chinese Railway Engineering Corporation are trying to do it and pacing forward .

  15. 本文以中国铁路工程总公司(以下简称中铁工程总公司)作为研究对象,运用战略分析及制定工具,对其发展战略做了较为深入的实证性研究。

    Taking the china railway engineering corporation as the object , the paper here will make a study that go deep into it 's development stratagem .

  16. 中国中铁股份有限公司是由中国铁路工程总公司以整体重组、独家发起方式设立的股份有限公司。

    ChinaRailway Group Limitedwith by China railway engineering company reorganization , the whole set of sole launched Co. , LTD.

  17. 把中国高铁的巨额债务直接转为国债合情合理,而且新成立的中国铁路总公司(ChinaRailCorp)也无须偿还这笔债务。

    It would make sense to turn a chunk of rail-related borrowing into straight sovereign debt , and relieve the newly created China Rail Corp of having to repay it .