
  • 网络Music;Chinese music;music of china
  1. 国际唱片业协会(InternationalFederationofthePhonographicIndustry)的数据显示,尽管中国音乐市场规模巨大,但在全球仅仅排在第19位。

    Despite its size , it is only the 19th biggest music market in the world , according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry .

  2. 在中西文化相冲撞的历史大背景下,当前关于Ethnomusicology学科身份的讨论,已经触及到中国音乐学术界最前沿、最敏感、最深沉的话题。

    On the historical background of conflict between the Chinese culture and Western culture , the debate about identity of Ethnomusicology since 1980 's has come to topics which are the most front line , the wariest and the deepest in the academic circles of Chinese music .

  3. 宋代&中国音乐艺术的转折期

    The Song Dynasty , a Transitional Stage of Chinese Music Art

  4. 学术期刊的使命和音乐学家的成长《中国音乐学》创刊20周年暨音乐学研究在当代学术研讨会综述

    RESEARCH Summarize the Academic Forum of Contemporary Musicology Research in China

  5. 中国音乐治疗学的现状分析及前景展望

    The Existing Condition Analysis and Prospect Forecast of Musicotherapy in China

  6. 试论孔子对中国音乐的贡献

    A Discussion on the Confucius ' Contributions to the Chinese Music

  7. 中国音乐史学研究的现状与方法

    On the Situation and Approach of Chinese Music History Study

  8. 谭盾音乐及其对中国音乐创作的启示

    Tan Dun Music and Its Enlightenment on Chinese Musical Creation

  9. 中国音乐生成过程与音乐主体的感知方式

    The generating process of Chinese music and the feeling modes of subject

  10. 民族音乐教育在中国音乐教育中的意义

    The Meaning of the People 's Music Education in China

  11. 中国音乐思想与古代的音乐占候术

    Chinese Musical Thoughts and Ancient Musical Prognostication from Weather Observation

  12. 古琴音乐是中国音乐的主流;

    Through the demonstration : As for the cream of Chinese music ;

  13. 当下与未来中国音乐教育的核心生长点

    Core Growing Points of Contemporary and Future Chinese Music Education

  14. 先进的奥尔夫教育体系能有力推动中国音乐教育改革;

    Orff 's system can promote the reform of China 's music education ;

  15. 中国音乐跨世纪的后殖民现象批判

    A Criticism of the Postcolonial Phenomenon of Chinese Music in the Trans-century Era

  16. 我虽然是个音乐爱好者,但对中国音乐了解甚少。

    Though a music-lover myself , I know so little about Chinese music .

  17. 《中国音乐史》是人文素质培养的丰富矿床,可以挖掘、渗透和发挥的人文教育因素很多。

    Chinese music history has many factors to cultivate and develop humanistic education .

  18. 世界舞台上的中国音乐及中国音乐人

    Chinese Music and Chinese Musicians on the World Stage

  19. 走向21世纪的中国音乐学&中青年音乐学家笔会专栏站在世纪之界的后顾与前瞻

    China 's Musicology Heading for 21st Century Forum of Young and Middle-aged Music Theorists

  20. 中国音乐文化在高校艺术教育中主体性地位的认知初探

    Study on the entity of status of Chinese music culture in university artistic education

  21. 中国音乐学院琴房楼的声学设计和评价

    Acoustical design & evaluation of the music studio building for China conservatory of music

  22. 北京大学与中国音乐教育&为北京大学与艺术教育高级学术论坛而作

    From Academic Forum to Middle School Rostrum Beijing University and Music Education in China

  23. 中国音乐教育学的历史发展及其展望

    Historical Development and Prospect of Chinese Music Education

  24. 谈开设中国音乐史课的必要性

    The Necessity of Offering Chinese Music History Course

  25. 在讲座上,我尽可能的让他们了解中国音乐及乐器。

    I try to help the students to understand Chinese music and Chinese instruments .

  26. 在历史与未来之间抉择&20世纪中国音乐发展道路之争论评(下)

    Review On The Dispute of Music Developing Way in China in 20th Century (ⅱ);

  27. 大明玲玲喜欢中国音乐。

    Daming and Lingling like Chinese music .

  28. 谈普通高校的中国音乐教学

    Music Teaching in Common Colleges in China

  29. 这些因素都在一定程度上影响并推动着中国音乐艺术的发展。

    These factors on certain level influenced and promoted the development of Chinese music art .

  30. 佛教音乐的传入及其对中国音乐的影响

    The Influence of Buddhism on Chinese Music