
fān yì xué
  • translatology;translation
  1. 论翻译学词典的特征与释义原则

    Special Features and Underlying Lexicographical Principles of the Dictionaries of Translatology

  2. 用系统科学综合考察翻译学的构想

    Toward a Systems Approach to the Comprehensive Study of Translatology

  3. 本文是在这方面所做的一次有益尝试,通过采用描述性翻译学研究方法(DTS),试图从一个新的视角来研究政治外宣材料的英译。

    In this thesis , the author will make a rewarding attempt . Adopting the methodology of Descriptive Translation Studies ( DTS ), the thesis seeks to open a new perspective for the C-E translation of political publicity materials .

  4. 解构主义翻译学在中国

    A Review of the Development of Deconstruction Translation Theory in China

  5. 中国科技翻译学的科学内涵(上)

    Characteristics in the Science of China 's Sci-Tech Translation (ⅰ) .

  6. 翻译学:历史与逻辑的必然

    Translatology : A Historical and Logical Necessity of Translation Studies

  7. 中国翻译学研究30年(1978-2007)

    Translation Studies in China in the Past Three Decades ( 1978-2007 )

  8. 翻译学与比较文学:两个相切相重的学科

    Translation Studies and Comparative Literature , Two Closely Related Disciplines

  9. 翻译学是一门跨学科研究的综合性学科。

    Translation science is a complex subject , which requires interdisciplinary study .

  10. 翻译学的目标与结构&霍姆斯的译学构想介评

    Objectives and Organization of Translation Studies Structure of Translation Studies

  11. 首先谈到了西方翻译学的发展。

    It begins with the Development of Western Translation Studies .

  12. 翻译学:新世纪的思索&从译学否定论的梦字诀说起

    The Science of Translation : Thoughts in the New Century

  13. 本文主要探讨了描写翻译学的内容。

    In this thesis , we mainly discuss the content of DTS .

  14. 西方现代翻译学学派的理论偏向

    On theoretical deviation of modern schools in western translation studies

  15. 建立翻译学:历史必然性与现实可能性

    Establishing the Science of Translation : the Historical Necessity and Practical Possibility

  16. 刍议翻译学中各流派的发展

    A Rustic Opinion of the Development of Translation Schools

  17. 语言翻译学的真正归宿是信息处理(管理)科学。

    Language translation is a process of information handling .

  18. 也论翻译学词典

    On the Making of Specialized Dictionaries for Translation Studies

  19. 对翻译学构建中几个问题的思考

    Reflections on Some Issues Concerning the Establishment of Translatology as an Academic Discipline

  20. 走出死胡同,建立翻译学

    Out of the Dead End and into Translation Studies

  21. 建立系统的翻译学认识翻译学的系统

    Establish a Systematic Translatology Analyze the Systems in Translation

  22. 文化翻译学建构新探&基于文化语义学的翻译学建构

    Toward a Theory of Cultural Translation Studies on the basis of Cultural Semantics

  23. 回顾与反思&在中国翻译学的建设之路上

    Reflections on the Construction of Translatology in China

  24. 翻译学的文化转向凸显了译者在翻译中的主体性。

    Subjectivity of the translator is recognized following the Cultural Turn in translation studies .

  25. 翻译学词典的描写性

    On the Descriptiveness of Dictionaries of Translation Studies

  26. 当代西方的翻译学研究&兼谈翻译学的学科性问题

    Contemporary Translation Studies in the West : Translation Studies as an Independent Academic Discipline

  27. 阐释学和翻译学具有天然内在的联系。

    Hermeneutics and translation have a natural connection .

  28. 企业翻译学发展探究

    The Exploration on the Development of Enterprise Translation

  29. 中国翻译学发展的几个问题&兼与王东风先生商榷

    Some problems in the development of Chinese translatology

  30. 应用翻译学的分立研究,将深化整个译学研究。

    Independent study on the Pragmatic Translatology can deepen the overall study of Translation .