
fān yì rén yuán
  • translators;interpreters
  1. 翻译人员现在可以利用电子邮件系统在家里工作了。

    Translators can now work from home , via electronic mail systems

  2. 翻译人员在使用CAT工具翻译时不会看到XML形式的行内元素。

    Translators should not see the inline elements as XML when translating with a CAT tool .

  3. TM系统记住翻译人员输入的翻译。

    A TM system remembers translations that have been typed by a human translator .

  4. 使用HTML编辑器和字处理程序的翻译人员必须完成两次翻译,每种工具一次。

    A translator who uses an HTML editor and a word processor has to translate twice & once for each tool .

  5. 如果你与一组翻译人员合作,并且想在PO文件上交流看法,这些框迟早有用。

    These come in handy if you are working with a team of translators and would like to pass around ideas through the PO file .

  6. 翻译人员使用支持XLIFF的CAT工具,把所有缺少的翻译添加上,并检查预翻译阶段提供的译文。

    The translator then uses an XLIFF-enabled CAT tool to add all the missing translations and to verify the ones provided at the pre-translation stage .

  7. 在XLIFF文件最终准备好之后,将该文件发送给专业翻译人员。

    When the XLIFF file is finally ready , it is sent to a professional translator .

  8. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,嫌疑人是前美国特种部队驻瓦尔达克省的翻译人员,该省位于喀布尔附近。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports that the suspect is a former interpreter for US Special Forces in Wardak province near Kabul .

  9. 重新格式化后的文档应该经过翻译人员的审查,以避免DTP操作人员偶然造成的错误。

    Reformatted documents should be reviewed by the translators to ensure that no errors have been inadvertently introduced by DTP operators .

  10. 好的CAT工具使翻译人员在翻译丰富文本格式(RTF)文档时能够重用HTML页面中的句子,同时又不改变文本布局。

    A good CAT tool will allow a translator to reuse a sentence from an HTML page when translating a Rich Text Format ( RTF ) document , keeping text layout intact .

  11. TMX这样的开放标准可以帮助翻译人员、翻译机构和需要本地化的公司在一定程度上独立于工具厂商。

    Open standards like TMX give translators , translation agencies , and companies that need localisation a reasonable degree of independence from tool vendors .

  12. 要用TRADOS翻译人员工作台工作,不需要离开你的字处理器。

    You do not need to leave your word processor in order to work with the tray translator 's workbench .

  13. 当CH-47战机在东部城市Wardak被击落时共死了38人,其中包括7名阿富汗军人及一名翻译人员。

    A total of38 people died when the CH-47 was shot down in the eastern province of Wardak , including seven Afghan troops and an interpreter .

  14. 当翻译人员首次打开消息文件时,这些部分将为空,并且翻译人员必须指定要使用的字符编码(在本例中为Latin-1)和翻译。

    When the translator first opens the message file , those parts will be empty , and the translator must specify the character encoding he or she will use in this case , Latin-1 and the translations .

  15. 可以听到翻译人员在翻译一些内容。

    An interpreter can be heard translating some of the exchange .

  16. 换言之,翻译人员必须填空。

    In other words , the translator must fill in the blanks .

  17. 我们的翻译人员及时了解这些快速变化领域的术语更新情况。

    Our staff keeps abreast of terminology in these rapidly changing fields .

  18. 实际的翻译必须由翻译人员完成。

    Actual translation must be performed by a human translator .

  19. 同时也存在语言障碍和翻译人员短缺的问题。

    There is also a language gap and a shortage of interpreters .

  20. 引发的另一个问题是要把机密信息透露给翻译人员。

    Another source of concern is the disclosure of confidential information to translators .

  21. 例如,翻译人员如何知道哪个元素需要翻译?

    For example , how does the translator know which elements to translate ?

  22. 她下决心要成为一名优秀的翻译人员;

    She made up her mind that being a excellent translator one day .

  23. 大型公寓楼中将有翻译人员提供服务。

    Translators will be stationed at big apartment complexes .

  24. 欧洲空间局招聘翻译人员。

    The European Space Agency is recruiting translators .

  25. 为了帮助翻译人员,将可翻译的文本从文本布局信息中提取出来。

    To aid the translator , translatable text is separated from text layout information .

  26. 字幕翻译人员必须根据导演的意图&翻译指令决定采用何种翻译策略。

    Subtitler should adopt certain strategy according to director 's intention or translation brief .

  27. 这样的互通通常是通过某人的第二语言或通过翻译人员。

    These interactions are always conducted in somebody 's second language or through translators .

  28. 在散客会员资格只提供给组织,而不是个别的翻译人员。

    Membership in FIT is available to organizations only , not to individual translators .

  29. 翻译人员对所有的文件翻译负担全部责任。

    Translators are accountable and fully responsible for the translations of all the documents .

  30. 由初级翻译人员第一次将梵语经文翻译成汉语初稿。

    A team of junior translators produces the first Chinese draft of the Sanskrit text .