
  • 网络Mechanical motion;AnimationThe Mechanics of Motion;Dynamic movement
  1. 综述了ALE描述方法及ALE描述下的运动学关系,介绍了流体力学中运动边界的ALE追踪方法;

    The kinematics of ALE description and grid automatic rezoning algorithm in the ALE form are summarized in this paper .

  2. UHT纸盒奶检测仪是基于流体力学的运动原理,利用电子、物理方法设计研制的,适用于不同砖型纸盒包装的超高温灭菌牛奶产品的虚拟检测仪器。

    The detection device of UHT Tetra Pak Milk is based on kinematic principle in hydromechanics , electronical and physical method , which is a virtual instrument . It can be used in different UHT Tetra Pak Milk .

  3. 力学系统运动方程的矩阵表示法

    The Equations of Motion of a Mechanical System in Matrix Form

  4. 受单面约束的变质量完整力学系统运动的正则方程

    Canonical equations of motion of variable mass holonomic mechanical systems with unilateral constraints

  5. 完整力学系统运动方程的形式不变性

    Form Invariance of Motion Equations of Holonomic Mechanical Systems

  6. 积分非完整可控力学系统运动方程的场方法

    A Field Method for Integrating the Equations of Motion of Nonholonomic Controllable Systems

  7. 从岩石力学系统运动稳定性研究滑坡问题

    The study on the slope stability problem by rock machanical system stability of motion

  8. 力学系统运动的类属性质研究

    Study on Generic Properties of Dynamical Systems

  9. 约束方程中参数对力学系统运动的影响

    On the Influence of Parameters in Equations of Constraint upon the Motion of Mechanical Systems

  10. 力学系统运动的随机变分

    Stochastic variation for motion of mechanical systems

  11. 准坐标下广义力学系统运动微分方程的形式不变性

    On the form invariance of differential equations of motion for generalized mechanical system in terms of quasi-coordinates

  12. 本文依据流体力学的运动方程及连续方程,推导出充满液体管道中压力波动基本方程,据此,研究了管道开放端和封闭端压力波的通过和反射的解析算法。

    The basic pipeline pressure pulsation equations have been deduced in this paper on the basis of hydromechanics theory .

  13. 通过对汽车直线制动过程的力学和运动分析,建立了制动数学模型,并编制了相应的模拟程序。

    The dynamics and kinematics of the braking process on straight path are researched so that the models of the braking system and the simulation program are made .

  14. 研究一种新的不变性,即一般完整力学系统运动微分方程的形式不变性,给出形式不变性的定义和判据;

    A new invariance , i.e. the form invariance , is studied . The definition and criterion for the form invariance of the motion equations in holonomic systems are given .

  15. 讨论其在分子生物学的弹性杆基因模型中的应用,以及与分析力学和运动稳定性理论有关的若干问题。

    The application of the theory in the molecular biology with the thin elastic rod as the mechanical model of DNA , and some problems related to the analytical mechanics and the theory of stability are discussed .

  16. 本文借鉴用微分形式讨论量子效应的文献[l,2],用恰1一形式表述了量子力学的运动方程。

    Use the article ~ [ 1 '2 ] which discussed quantum effect by making use of differential forms for reference , the paper , express motion equation of quantum mechanics by making use of exact one-differential forms .

  17. 振动摆架设计从理论力学瞬时运动中心的概念出发,充分利用了柔性铰链无摩擦传递运动和力的特点,为提高动平衡机的性能提供了基础保障。

    The vibration structure is designed from the concept of instantaneous motion center in the theoretic mechanics . The flexure hinges are used because they can transmit the force without friction which guarantees the accuracy of the dynamic balancing system .

  18. 本文从流体力学欧拉运动方程、连续方程和能量守恒方程出发,理论分析闪电通道的径向扩展,研究闪电冲击波的形成机制。

    Radial expansion of lightning channels are analysed theoretically and the mechanism of the formation of shock waves of lightning is discussed by applying the equation of motion , the equation of continuity and the equation of energy conservation of hydrostatics .

  19. 本文将几何光学和经典统计力学的运动方程相比较之后,指出几何光学应与经典统计力学具有相似性,而不是与经典力学具有相似性。

    By comparison between equations of motion of geometrical optics ( GO ) and that of classical statistical mechanics ( CSM ), we find that there should be an analogy between GO and CSM instead of GO and classical mechanics ( CM ) .

  20. 将一维不定常流自模拟函数推广到一般形式,结合量纲理论和流体力学基本运动方程,导出总能量为常数情况下的理想气体一维不定常流自模拟运动基本微分方程组。

    Self-similar function of one-dimensional nonsteady flow is extended to a general form . With total energy kept constant , basic differential equation of self-similar motion of one-dimensional nonsteady flow of ideal gas is derived using dimension theory in combination with the basic motion equations of hydromechanics .

  21. TSG3受电弓的力学模型及运动微分方程

    Mechanical Models and Differential Equation of Motion for TSG 3 Pantograph

  22. 本文将Volterra得到的线性非完整力学系统的运动微分方程推广到非线性非完整系统,得到广义Volterra方程。

    In this paper , Volterra equations for linear non-holonomic systems are extended to non-linear non-holonomic systems , and the generalized Volterra equations are obtained Two examples are given .

  23. 研究了相空间中力学系统的运动微分方程的非Noether守恒律的几何基础。

    The geometric foundations of a non-Noether conservation law obtained by Mei , for differential equations of motion of mechanical systems in phase space , are given .

  24. 本文得到变质量非完整力学系统相对运动动力学的两种类型的运动方程&Euler-Lagrange形式的方程和Appell形式的方程。

    Two kinds of equations of relative motion dynamics of variable mass non-holonomic mechanical systems are obtained : the equations of Euler-Lagrange 's form , and the equations of Appell 's form .

  25. 本文给出变质量力学系统相对运动的Kane方程,并由此导出变质量非完整系统相对运动的若干运动微分方程。

    The Kane 's equations to the relative motion for mechanical systems with variable mass were given and on the basiss of which some differential equa - tions of relative motion for systems of having variable mass were deduced .

  26. 将被控结构简化为单自由度体系,建立了结构-MTMD系统的力学模型和运动方程,对MTMD的参数及其对结构振动控制效果的影响进行了研究。

    Simplifying the controlled structure as a single-degree of freedom structural system , the calculating model of structure-MTMD system is developed and the motion differential equation is derived . The influence regulations of MTMD parameters on dynamic magnification factor are fully analyzed .

  27. 本文建立受匀速转动约束的变质量完整力学系统的运动微分方程,包括Lagrange形式的方程,Nielsen形式的方程和Appell形式的方程,并举例说明这些新型方程的应用。

    In this paper , the differential equations of motion will be established for variable-mass holonomic mechanical systems constrained to the uniform rotation , including the equations in Lagrange form , Nielsen form and Appell form . The application of these new equations is illustrated with an example .

  28. 煤层中的气体(煤层气)主要呈吸附状态,其力学性能和运动形态不同于自由气体,所以以自由流体为主体的Terzaghi有效应力原理已不适应含吸附煤层气煤的有效应力计算。

    Most of gas ( methane ) in the coalbed is adsorbed state . Because its mechanical function and movement forms differ from the free gas in coalbed , Terzaghi 's effective stress principle in free fluid-solid system cannot be adapted to adsorbed methane-coal system .

  29. 再来探究一下力学和实体运动。

    We are basically re-exploring mechanics and motion of solids here .

  30. 受匀速转动约束非完整力学系统的运动微分方程

    Differential equations of motion for nonholonomic systems with constant rotational constraints