
  • 网络problem domain;Problem Area;problematic
  1. 除了容量优势以外,“无SQL”软件通常针对的是某个特定的问题域。

    Beyond capacity , No SQL software often maps more readily to a problem domain .

  2. 既然整个SOA问题域都充斥着模糊的术语,那么我们就先提出一些关键定义吧。

    Since the entire problem domain of SOA is plagued with ambiguous terminology , let us start with laying out some key definitions .

  3. Web服务的问题域是线上互操作性,而非实现它们的平台。

    Web services are about wire interoperability , not about the platform they are implemented in .

  4. 基于向量相似度不断搜索问题域空间,使其不断得到进化,逐步得到Web文本的最优特征向量。

    Then constantly searching the question territory space based on vector similarity to obtain the best feature vector .

  5. 最后,利用统一建模语言(UML)分析并设计了辅助描述工具对象模型,依次分析了问题域子系统、人机交互子系统、数据管理子系统和任务管理子系统。

    Finally , the object model is analyzed and designed with United Modeling Language .

  6. 不应强制要求在SOA开发的过程中进行问题域间的过度分离。

    Excessive decoupling between problem domains should not be a hard and fast mandate for SOA development .

  7. 然后阐述框架的基本开发过程(问题域分析、架构设计、框架设计、框架实现、框架测试和文档化),对当前流行的WEB开发框架,微软的。

    Then it explains the basic development process of framework ( domain analyses , architecture design , framework design , framework implement , framework testing and making documents ) .

  8. 无论是连接到内部的应用程序,还是连接到贸易伙伴的应用程序,连通性都是SOA的主要问题域。

    Connectivity , whether it is connecting internal applications or those of trading partners , is the primary domain of SOA .

  9. RubyonRails是一个正在快速成长的框架,对于某些问题域,它比Java语言的生产效率高。

    Ruby on Rails is a rapidly growing framework that 's far more productive than the Java language for certain problem domains .

  10. InfoQ:我觉得领域特定语言既可以表达问题域也能表达解决方案域。

    InfoQ : I guess DSLs can address the problem domain but also the solution domain .

  11. 通过研究网管系统的问题域和SNMP实现网管理的基本结构,确定系统方案。

    Realize the basic structure of the network management by studying the problem domain and SNMP of the system .

  12. 代码若与问题域紧密相关,就有可能使得事情变得更加糟糕,最终还会为你的应用程序引入bugs。

    Instead of making code relate better to problem domain , you will probably make things worse and end up introducing bugs into your application .

  13. 该体系根据目标问题域模型、数据源数据和公共领域模型的语义关系,通过Web服务之间的协作实现企业数据动态、松耦合的集成访问,从而获得语义一致的数据导航结果。

    With the help of semantic relationships among data source , object problem-domain model and public domain model , dynamic and relax-coupled integration access of data across enterprises was realized via cooperation of Web services so as to achieve semantically coherent data navigation .

  14. CBID系统中基于设计问题域的程序型知识检索研究与应用

    The Research on Procedural Knowledge Based Design Problem Domain in the CBID System

  15. 首先,本文针对足球机器人问题域特点,提出了基于团队(Teamwork)的协作框架,对目标任务进行分层分解,实现团队协作。

    According to characteristics of soccer robot problem domains , cooperation architecture based on teamwork has been provided , which can realize hierarchical task decomposition and show team behavior .

  16. 我们采用的技术将把整个问题域分离成更易管理的应用程序,每一个都有自己的PIM。

    The technique we employed was to split the overall problem domain into more manageable applications , each of which has its own PIM .

  17. 并结合MASBuilder&一个多Agent系统的开发和运行平台,提出基于MASBuilder开发多Agent系统的三个步骤:问题域分解、Agent定义和任务执行。

    And three steps to develop multi-agent systems by MAS Builder are brought forward : decomposing problem , defining Agent , implementing task module . Then this method is applied to solving distributed workflow problem , with two examples to explain it .

  18. 从控制器的要求描述开始,通过UML建立了控制器用例图、问题域静态模型以及系统上下文类图,再依据对象构造准则确定出外部类和接口类。

    It was started from the controller requirement description . Then use case model , problem domain static model and system context class diagram were established . After that , external class and interface class were determined by using object construction criterion .

  19. 然后详细讨论了GIS互操作的相关支撑技术,深入分析了基于GML的土地时空数据互操作机制,接着按照土地管理的业务需求对资源实体进行了对象建模和问题域分析。

    Subsequently , the related technology of GIS interoperability is discussed in detail , so is the mechanism of interoperability of land spatial data based on GML . Furthermore , the problem-domain in accordance with the needs of land management is analyzed .

  20. 论文通过对STCAD系统进行问题域需求和系统责任的分析,采用OMT方法建立了系统的面向对象分析模型(OOA)。

    By using the method of OMT , Object-Oriented Analysis ( OOA ) model of the system is upbuilt through analyzing problem domain and system responsibility .

  21. 通过使用gp2c编译器,可以为问题域创建快速运行的程序。

    By using the gp2c compiler , fast-running programs can be created for the problem domains .

  22. 将MAS技术应用于实际项目,是本课题的一个重要组成部分,作者根据其适应问题域的特点,将其应用于污水处理专家系统之中得到了较好的效果。

    It is an important component of this subject to apply MAS technology to the actual project . According to characteristic of question field that it is appropriate to use MAS to solve , Author applies MAS to wastewater treatment and achieves some better result .

  23. 由此确立本文的视角与切入点以及问题域。

    Hence establishes the perspective and arguing points of the paper .

  24. 是因为复杂性,还是因为缺乏对问题域和解决方案域的了解?

    Complexity , lack of understanding the problem and solution domain ?

  25. 这些包将问题域划分为不同的功能区域。

    These packages divide the problem domain into different functional areas .

  26. 是否理解了功能相关的问题域?

    Is the relevant problem domain for the functionality being understood ?

  27. 它们解决或属于问题域里的不同部分吗?还是,它们解决或属于问题域里的相同部分?

    Are they solving the same part of the problem domain ?

  28. 应用框架法的锅炉热力计算系统问题域模型

    Problem domain model of boiler thermodynamic calculation system based on application frameworks

  29. 价值链会计的学科定位及问题域

    Discipline Orientation and Realm of Issue of Value Chain Accounting

  30. 面向供应链管理的行业信息系统问题域对象建模

    A method for modeling problem domain objects based on supply chain management