
wèn hòu yǔ
  • greetings
  1. 上岗之前,所有的新招人员都要接受基本的中文问候语和手势的培训。

    All the recruits will receive trainings on basic Chinese greetings and gestures before they actually take on the job .

  2. 服务配置文件可以包含用户的IP地址、电话记录、联系人列表、语音邮件问候语等等。

    The service profile may include a user 's IP address , telephone records , buddy lists , voice mail greetings and so on .

  3. 它被用作课堂问候语。

    It was used as a classroom greeting .

  4. HallmarkCards还能定制贺卡,方法是直接将打印好问候语的贺卡寄给收件人&不过这种做法少了点亲切感。

    Its way of personalizing cards is to send them directly to recipients with a message typed inside & a method that isnt as personal .

  5. HallmarkCards还能定制贺卡,方法是直接将打印好问候语的贺卡寄给收件人——不过这种做法少了点亲切感。

    Its way of personalizing cards is to send them directly to recipients with a message typed inside -- a method that isn 't as personal .

  6. 五分之一(19%)的英国人不知道hello在法语中的对应词的意思,而这是世界上识别度最高的外语问候语之一。

    One fifth ( 19 percent ) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello , one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world .

  7. 编写代码询问时区或与GMT的时差,然后根据这一信息提供问候语。

    Write code that asks for a time zone or the offset from GMT , and then develop greetings based on that information .

  8. 如果配置了默认问候语并且定义了至少一个键映射,则tts引擎将只合成非营业时间主菜单提示。

    The TTS engine will only synthesize the non-business hours main menu prompt if the default greeting is configured and at least one key mapping has been defined .

  9. 现在北京有种说法十分流行,尤其是在和外国人讲话时被广泛使用,那就是:“nihaoareyou?”,其中将英文问候语与中文“你好”融合起来,该说法此前曾被中国国际电台的一位播音员大力推广。

    The term " nihao are you ? " - a fusion of the English greeting with the Chinese nihao - is commonly used in Beijing , especially to address foreigners , after it was popularised by a Radio China International announcer .

  10. 默认情况下,向呼叫者播放标准语音邮件问候语。

    By default , standard voice mail greetings are played to callers .

  11. 每天的工作以例行的问候语开始。

    Every day the work begins with the ritual phrases of greeting .

  12. 问候语中的礼貌也受到社会因素的制约。

    Politeness in greetings is also constrained by social factors .

  13. 问候语在门诊部护理工作中的应用

    The use of greetings in the nursing practice in clinic

  14. 在讲课之前先说几句问候语

    Precede one 's lecture with a few words of greeting

  15. 通过在电话上播放或记录问候语。

    Play or record a greeting through a telephone .

  16. 那么,对美国人而言,什么才是适当的问候语?

    So what 's an appropriate salutation for Americans ?

  17. 语旨对英语称呼语和问候语选择的影响

    Influence of Tenor on the Selection of English Terms of Addresses and Greetings

  18. 现在嘿这一问候语正渐渐地进入英国英语中。

    Hi @ is creeping into British English too .

  19. 信开头部分的问候语。

    Word of greeting used to begin a letter .

  20. 123.使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则。

    123 . Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments .

  21. “你好”是一个习惯问候语。

    How are you ? Is a conventional greeting .

  22. 地址和问候语的元素在左边列出。

    The elements of an address and greeting are listed on the left .

  23. 还可以使用自定义营业时间主菜单提示问候语。

    You can also use a custom business hours main menu prompt greeting .

  24. 中的代码来更改问候语。

    In hotswaptest . h to change the greeting .

  25. 问候语删掉了现在我怎么录我的

    Greeting deleted.Now how do I do a new one with my voice ?

  26. 从英汉问候语差异谈语用能力的培养

    On Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence from the Differences between Chinese and English Greetings

  27. 这几天里成了昆明儿童和青少年口中的问候语。

    These days into the mouth of children and young people in Kunming greeting .

  28. 阿洛哈传统问候语或分别时用语。

    Used as a traditional greeting or farewell .

  29. 问候语:很高兴再次见到你。

    GREETINGS : Good to see you again .

  30. 俄语礼貌语中问候语的使用

    The Use of Greetings in Russian Politeness Formula