
  1. 利物浦问价西汉姆联的查尔顿·科尔。

    Liverpool have made another inquiry about West Ham 's Carlton Cole .

  2. 听人问价,摊主揉了揉睡眼,伸出两个手指摆成八字形。

    Hearing the question , the owner rubbed his eyes and stretched out two fingers to indicate the number 8 .

  3. 进口方寄信来问价,出口方则常通过电报来报价,报价内容应包括所有必要的条款和条件。

    The importers send letters of enquiry . The exporters usually make offers by cable . All the necessary terms and conditions should be given in the offer .

  4. 他挑出一个看上去最小的瓶子,谨慎地问了价。

    He picked up what seemed to be the smallest bottle and discreetly asked the price .

  5. 我想说明一下,我只为米科利问过价,而扎内蒂换塔奇纳迪的新闻却在传播。

    When the news circulated of a swap for cristano Zanetti and tacchinardi , I asked for an explanation as I had asked only for miccoli .

  6. 他到砖厂拉砖,当问到砖价时,售货员回答说:“买得越多,价格越低。”

    When he asked the salesclerk about the cost , the man replied . " The more you buy , the cheaper they are . "

  7. 我岳父打算买些砖来修整一下后院。他到砖厂拉砖,当问到砖价时,售货员回答说:“买得越多,价格越低。”

    Deciding to do some back-yard landscaping , my father-in-law went to the brickyard to buy quantity of brick . When he asked the salesclerk about the cost , the man replied . " The more you buy , the cheaper they are . "

  8. 顺便问一下,包价旅游什么时候出发?

    By the way , when does a package tour leave ?

  9. 那么,第七步问我们是否还有价电子剩下,我们剩下了几个价电子?

    So , seven asks us if we have any valence electrons left , and how many valence electrons do we have left ?