
  • Korean
  1. 态(aspect)这个用语源于俄语的vid(关系),在19世纪初第一次被引入斯拉夫语的语法概念中,之后就在日耳曼语的语法和韩国语的语法中也得到广泛讨论和应用。

    ' Aspect ' originally stands from the Russian word ' vid '( relations ) . It was first introduced to the Slavic language in the early 19th century . And since then the word has been used in Germanic language as well as the Korean grammar .

  2. 韩国语是SOV型的语言,其语序比较自由,但这并非无限的自由,而是受到一定条件的限制。

    Korean is a language with the structure of SOV , which is considered relatively free from the order . But researchers widely consider that this kind of free order is not unlimited , instead , it is restricted by some factors .

  3. 英汉互译中的韩国语专有名词音译问题

    Korean Proper Names : Their Transliteration in English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation

  4. 第2章介绍韩国语国际推广的背景资料。

    Chapter 2 introduces the background information of overseas Korean spread .

  5. 韩国语词汇按其来源可分为固有词与汉字词及外来语三种。

    Korea vocabulary includes two systems , Pure Korean and Sino-Korean .

  6. 指示词在韩国语和汉语中都有着广泛的应用。

    Demonstratives are widely used both in Korean and Chinese .

  7. 韩国语中的汉字词缩略语

    Contractions of the Words Written in Chinese Characters in Korean

  8. 这只是个比喻而已,不是要你去学韩国语。

    It 's just a metaphor , not asking to do that .

  9. 自古以来,汉语与韩国语之间就有着很密切的联系。

    Chinese language and Korea language are closely related since ancient times .

  10. 韩中词缀比较初探&以韩国语汉字词缀为中心

    A Comparison of the Affixes between South Korean and Chinese

  11. 从符号学的角度看韩国语颜色词的文化信息

    The Cultural Information in Korean Color Words Seen from a Semiotic Angle

  12. 浅谈韩国语汉字词与汉语对等词的词义差异

    On the Semantic Differences Between Korean Chinese-character Words and Their Chinese Counterparts

  13. 韩国语汉字词研究综述

    The Studies of Chinese Words in the Korean Language

  14. 韩国语发音教学中汉语拼音的活用与研究

    Flexible Using of Chinese Pinyin in Korean Pronunciation Teaching

  15. 从造词法看韩国语汉字新词的语言经济性

    Economical Features of New Korean Words Originated from Chinese

  16. 《初级韩国语》的汉字词与汉语词汇对比研究

    Comparative Study of Sino-Korean Words in 《 Primary Korean 》 and Chinese Words

  17. 韩国语时点副词和汉语时点副词都有各自的特性。

    Time point adverbs in Korean have different features from those in Chinese .

  18. 因此,韩国语学习者经常步入病句。

    Therefore , Korean students are often commit errors .

  19. 韩国语新汉字词产生的背景

    The Forming Background of the New Words Written in Chinese Characters of Korean

  20. 在教学项目的安排上应遵循循序渐进的原则;应结合韩国语的时制特点和汉语的动态范畴进行对比教学等。

    Both the principle of gradual improvement and contrastive teaching should be followed .

  21. 但我却一句韩国语也不会。

    But I will not be a Korean .

  22. 汉语词汇与韩国语汉字词的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean Vocabulary

  23. 汉语新的特征及其在韩国语中的对应关系

    The Features of " New " in Chinese and Its Correspondence Form in Korean

  24. 中国学生学习韩国语的难点解析

    The Difficulty for Chinese Students to Learn Korean

  25. 关于韩国语语言史观

    On the Conception of the Korean Language History

  26. 韩国语‘??’的特性及与汉语的对应关系

    The Characteristics of ' ?? ' in Korean and the Corresponding Relations in Chinese

  27. 本论文以韩国语教材《新标准韩国语》中的韩语汉字词为研究对象。

    The research object of this essay is the Chinese character words in Korean .

  28. 在韩国语教育中,也需要认识社会语言学的文化教育的重要性。

    In Korean culture , the importance of education and training has been recognized .

  29. 英语的WH-移位和韩国语的WH-原位是客观事实。

    Magnetic Shift WH-move in English and WH-in-situ in Korean are the objective facts .

  30. 汉语和韩国语都具有丰富的量词。

    Quantifiers are rich in Chinese and Korean .