
  • 网络South Koreas Defense Ministry
  1. 韩国国防部官员曾经暗示,上月,是朝鲜方面击沉了那搜韩国军舰cheonan。

    South Korean defence ministry officials have suggested the North could have sunk its warship , the Cheonan , last month .

  2. 韩国国防部11日表示将派出军方医疗人员进驻民用医院,为全国抗击中东呼吸综合征(MERS)疫情助力。

    South Korea 's Ministry of National Defense said Thursday it plans to dispatch medical officers to a civilian hospital to lend support in the nationwide fight against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome .

  3. 韩国国防部官员称,这次袭击表明,朝鲜低估了李明博。

    Defence ministry officials say the attack showed how the North underestimates Mr Lee .

  4. 韩国国防部表示,联合军演将按计划继续进行。

    The South Korean ministry of defence said the joint exercises will continue as planned .

  5. 韩国国防部还表示,截至昨晚,它仍在搜集朝方第三枚导弹的发射资料。

    It added that it was still looking into a third missile launch last night .

  6. 韩国国防部还表示,韩国正在监控局势,但并未宣布进入特别警戒状态。

    The defence ministry also said South Korea was monitoring the situation , with no special alert footing declared .

  7. 韩国国防部发言人表示这样的导弹发射是想引起韩国的注意。

    South Korean Defense Department spokesman Won Tae-jae says such launches are aimed at getting the South 's attention .

  8. 韩国国防部和日本防卫厅的官员都证实说,三级火箭看起来全部按照计划分离。

    South Korean and Japanese defense officials confirmed that all three stages of the rocket appear to have separated as scheduled .

  9. 韩国国防部誓言,如果朝鲜将其有关废除已经存在60年之久的停战协定的威胁付诸实施,韩国方面就要做出有力而果断的反应。

    South Korea 's defense ministry is vowing a strong and decisive response if North Korea follows through on its threat to break a 60-year-old armistice .

  10. 韩国国防部说,韩国海军陆战队在延坪岛上进行炮火实弹演习。这个岛屿在2010年曾经遭到朝鲜炮击。

    South Korea 's defense ministry says its marines are conducting a live-fire artillery drill on Yeonpyeong island , which was shelled by North Korea in 2010 .

  11. 媒体援引韩国国防部长官李相熹的话说,他知道这个导弹基地的存在,也相信这个基地已经建成百分之八十。

    South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-hee was quoted in local media as saying he is aware of the missile base , and believes it is80 percent complete .

  12. 韩国国防部长官表示,韩国军队可能会改良和扩增,做为对朝鲜潜在核威胁的反应。

    The South Korean defense minister said the military will likely " improve and enlarge " its forces to respond to a potential nuclear threat from North Korea .

  13. 韩国国防部多次表示,在张成泽被戏剧化逮捕并处决之后,没有发现朝鲜有任何不寻常的军事调动。

    Seoul 's defense ministry has repeatedly said it hasn 't seen any unusual military movements in the North following the dramatic arrest and execution of Mr. Jang .

  14. 韩国国防部正准备对付8种可能来自北韩的挑衅行为,包括穿越黄海海面的北方控制线入侵韩国海域。

    The Defense Ministry is preparing for eight possible types of provocative acts by North Korea , including intrusions south of the Northern Limit Line , the disputed maritime border in the Yellow Sea .

  15. 韩国国防部称朝鲜是朝东北方向发射飞毛腿的,可能是掉入了东海的朝鲜海域,这也被称为日本海

    The South Korean Defense Ministry said thatthe North had fired the Scuds in a northeasterly direction and that theyprobably fell into North Korean waters of the East Sea , which is also known asthe Sea of Japan .

  16. 韩国国防部发言人金珉奭星期二说,目前还没有关于朝鲜准备进攻或者进行武器试验的任何迹象。他说,朝鲜只是试图对韩国施加心理压力。

    Seoul 's Defense Ministry spokesperson Kim Min-seok on Tuesday said there is no evidence of an impending attack or weapons test by North Korea , which he said is just trying to put psychological pressure on the South .

  17. 韩国国防部首次公开表示他们相信金正日已拥有核武器,一直以来,韩政府对此观点表述含糊,这使得韩政府到现在为止都在为朝方提供贸易援助。

    South korea 's defence minister has for the first time said publicly that he believes Mr Kim has the bomb ; ambiguity over this point had until now allowed the government to keep the aid and trade flowing northwards .

  18. 韩国国防部表示一条隧道不应离边界有40公里或者25英里的距离。朝鲜曾声明过去挖掘隧道并非出于军事目的,而是用于采矿。

    South Korea 's Defense Ministry says a tunnel would not reach sole 40 kilometers or 25 miles from the border , North Korea has said in the past the tunnels are not for invasion , but part of their mining industry .

  19. 韩国则列出了国防部、国民议会,青瓦台总统府和一些银行。

    The South Korean list included the Defence Ministry , the National Assembly , the presidential Blue House and some banks .

  20. 韩国军医抗击MERS韩国国防部11日表示将派出军方医疗人员进驻民用医院,为全国抗击中东呼吸综合征(MERS)疫情助力。

    ROK military to fight MERS South Korea 's Ministry of National Defense said Thursday it plans to dispatch medical officers to a civilian hospital to lend support in the nationwide fight against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome .

  21. 有报道称韩国计划部署从美国引进的导弹防御系统,韩国国防部近日驳斥了这一报道。

    The South Korean Defense Ministry is refuting reports that its planning to deploy a US-produced missile defense system .

  22. 韩国情报官员昨日指责朝鲜对其实施网络攻击,导致韩国总统府、国防部、其它政府机构、银行、零售商和媒体公司的网站陷入瘫痪。

    South Korean intelligence officials yesterday their North Korean neighbours a cyber attack that the president 's website as well as those of the defence ministry , other state agencies , banks , and media companies .