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  • budget bill;bill of budget
  1. 立法院昨天早上通过了这项预算案。

    The Legislative Yuan approved the budget bill yesterday morning .

  2. 今年的预算案没有多少出人意料的地方。

    There are few surprises in this year 's budget .

  3. 预算案规定支出总额为270亿英镑。

    The budget provided for a total expenditure of £ 27 billion .

  4. 这一决定是预算案的战略支点。

    The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget .

  5. 预算案无疑揭穿了部长们一年前所说的谎话。

    The Budget does expose the lies ministers were telling a year ago

  6. 众议院批准了一项最新预算案。

    The House of Representatives approved a new budget plan .

  7. 观察家认为英格兰银行会推迟到更加接近预算案出台时再采取措施。

    Observers reckon the Bank of England will hold fire until nearer the Budget .

  8. 此时在国会,他们正就预算案等等瞎折腾。

    Right now in Congress , they 're fiddling around with the budget and so on

  9. 国内方面,总统提出的预算案获得了通过。

    On the domestic front , the president got his way with his budget proposals .

  10. 上上次的预算案中对移动电话引入了惩罚性税收。

    In the budget before last a tax penalty on the mobile phone was introduced .

  11. 五分之三的受访者觉得该预算案不好不坏,他们的境况不会好到哪里去。

    Three in every five interviewed felt that the Budget was neutral and they would be no better off

  12. 财政大臣明天将向议会提出预算案。

    The chancellor of exchequer will present his budget to Parliament tomorrow .

  13. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)揭开了2012年预算案的序幕。

    President Barack Obama has kicked off the 2012 budget .

  14. 这就是乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)在他最近的预算案中提出的难题。

    These are the dilemmas that George Osborne addressed in his most recent budget .

  15. 获得众议院(由共和党主导)通过的预算案呼吁到2030年时,实现税收占GDP的19%。

    The budget passed by the Republican-led House of Representatives calls for revenues at 19 per cent of GDP by 2030 .

  16. 但根据绿色预算案的假设,这些赤字的规模可能高达GDP的9%。

    But , under the assumptions in the green budget , it could be as big as 9 per cent of GDP .

  17. 英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)将会在本周宣布预算案,这将是现任政府提高英国基础设施投资紧迫性的最后机会。

    This week 's Budget from chancellor George Osborne will give the current government a last chance to inject some urgency into UK infrastructure investment .

  18. 甚至根据白宫新出台的预算案,不出两年,公众手中的联邦债务总额就将超过GDP的100%。

    Even according to the White House 's new budget projections , the gross federal debt in public hands will exceed 100 per cent of GDP in just two years ' time .

  19. 换言之,根据预算案中的相关预测,在未来4年内,美国家庭或企业部门必须承受力度相当于国内生产总值(gdp)7%的打击。

    In other words , either US households or companies have to take a hit equivalent to 7 per cent of gross domestic product over the next four years , according to budget forecasts .

  20. 一些官员警告称,该预算案在未来几年内带来的赤字规模,将超过布什(bush)政府以前拟定的预算案,因为它将采用他们认为是更为诚实的会计处理方法。

    Officials caution that the budget will show higher deficits in coming years than the previous budgets prepared by the Bush administration because it will use what they consider to be more honest accounting .

  21. 两个月前,拉霍伊以抗拒姿态单方面制定了西班牙2012年预算案,将赤字目标定在国内生产总值(gdp)的5.8%,并表示这个决定事关国家主权。

    Two months ago , Mr Rajoy defiantly set a unilateral 2012 budget deficit target for Spain of 5.8 per cent of gross domestic product , saying the decision was a matter of national sovereignty .

  22. 数周之后,在奥巴马提交给国会的预算案中,就包含了一项巴菲特规则(Buffettrule),意在使百万富翁的纳税额占收入之比高于美国中产阶级。

    A few weeks later a Buffett rule , requiring that millionaires pay higher taxes as a share of their incomes than middle-class Americans , featured in the budget plan the president sent to Congress .

  23. 福岛(Fukushima)危机每天都有新变化,而赔偿金方案和一项补充预算案仍需得到议会的批准。

    The Fukushima crisis takes new turns on a daily basis , while the compensation fund scheme and a supplementary budget still need parliamentary approval .

  24. 因此,除了正如在竞选时所承诺那样逆转布什(Bush)针对年收入超过25万美元家庭的减税措施之外,这份预算案提出了从高收入者身上榨取税收的另一种方法。

    So as well as reversing the Bush tax cuts for households making more than $ 250,000 a year , as promised during the campaign , the budget comes up with another way to extract tax from high earners .

  25. 毕竟,纽约州州长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)近日成功协商出了一项预算案,其中的确包含有一些紧缩措施。

    After all , Andrew Cuomo , governor of the state of New York , managed to cut a budget deal this week , which did impose some austerity .

  26. 与此同时,在预算案公布的前一天,纽卡斯尔大学(NewcastleUniversity)研究员苏加塔??米特拉(SugataMitra)获得了100万美元的TED(技术、娱乐和设计大会)奖金,用于运营印度的“云端学校”(SchoolsintheCloud)项目。

    Meanwhile , the day before the budget , Sugata Mitra , a researcher at Newcastle University , won the TED ( Technology , Entertainment and Design conference ) prize of $ 1m to run Schools in the Cloud from India .

  27. 堪萨斯州的预算案可能使州工人们拿到工资,州长KathleenSebelius签署了呼吁减少新预算的法案。

    Also budget deal in Kansas may clear the way for state workers to get paid this week . Governor Kathleen Sebelius signed the bill calling for new cuts in the new budget .

  28. 在预算案中,印度财政部部长慕克吉(pranabmukherjee)选择在农村经济和基础设施领域进行投资,以使该国恢复前些年9%的年经济增长率。

    Pranab Mukherjee , finance minister , opted for a budget to return India to earlier annual rates of economic growth of 9 per cent by pumping money into the rural economy and infrastructure .

  29. 执政的泛希社运党(Pasok)的全部160名代表都对预算案投了赞成票,而来自反对党的139名代表投了反对票,1名代表弃权。

    All 160 deputies of the ruling socialist Pasok party voted in favour of the budget while 139 deputies of the opposition parties voted against , with one deputy abstaining .

  30. 2012年的预算案到底要纳入多大规模的新的支出削减,将由萨科齐与总理弗朗索瓦菲永(francoisfillon)8月24日开会时最终决定。

    A final decision on the scale of new spending cuts to be included in the budget for 2012 will be taken at a meeting between Mr Sarkozy and Franois Fillon , prime minister , on August 24 .