
  1. 脸书旗下的Oculus即将推出备受瞩目的虚拟现实头盔RiftVR,预售价599美元。国际电子消费展挤满了生产类似设备和产品的公司,这些公司争相布局竞争性产品、进行相关宣传,吸引人们走进虚拟世界。

    Facebook-owned Oculus began taking pre-orders for its eagerly-anticipated Rift VR headsets at a price of $ 599 , and CES was rife with companies scrambling to field competing devices or content that could draw people into faux worlds .

  2. ISHU产品现已售罄,但你可以在官网上预定,预售价为289英镑。

    The ISHU is currently sold out but you can pre-order it online for £ 289 .

  3. 这种芬芳衬衫的预售价是3000日元,相当于35美元,这个价格很便宜。

    The shirts are going to cost about 3000 yen just around $ 35 so that 's quite affordable .