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  1. 现担任该片联席执行制片人的安东圭对“中国实时报栏目”(ChinaRealTime)说,在1999年阅读了韩文版《许三观卖血记》后,他飞往北京与余华见面。

    Mr. Ahn , now the film 's co-executive producer , told China Real Time that he flew to Beijing to meet with Mr. Yu after he read the novel 's Korean translation in 1999 .

  2. DICOM在定义了日文和韩文后即将完成对中文的定义。

    After Japanese and Korean languages defined in DICOM , both simplified and Traditional Chinese characters will be defined soon .

  3. 在Lucene沙盒中还有其他分析程序,包括用于中文、日文和韩文的分析程序。

    There are several other analyzers in the Lucene sandbox , including those for Chinese , Japanese , and Korean .

  4. 韩文叫做hateuaapmuhri,也就是“爱心刘海”。据信这一发型甚至还影响了肯达尔·詹娜(KendallJenner)。

    Called hateu aapmuhri - literally ' heart-bangs hair ' - it 's thought to have been an influence on Kendall Jenner .

  5. 不过一些字符的UTF-8编码占用的空间要多出50%,特别是中文、日文和韩文(CJK)这样的象形文字。

    However , some characters require up to50 % more space to be encoded in UTF-8 & especially Chinese , Japanese , and Korean ( CJK ) ideographs .

  6. 面向韩文信息处理的谓词句法语义信息词典的构建

    On the Construction of a Syntactic-Semantic Information Dictionary for Korean Predicates

  7. 点击中间的韩文按钮开始游戏。

    Click on the middle button to begin the Korean game .

  8. 韩文与明代中期盐法

    Han Wen and Salt Law in the Middle Period of the ming Dynasty

  9. 尽管他觉得对于说韩文还是有点陌生。

    Though he finds speaking a bit challenging .

  10. 你不是主修韩文的。

    You 're not a Korean language major .

  11. 以源影寺塔、千年古刹水岩寺、韩文公祠为内容的古色旅游。

    Ancient cultural tours including Yuanyingsi Pagoda , thousand-year-old Shuiyan Temple and Han Wengong Temple .

  12. 双桥产品包括中,日,韩文系统,光学字元辨识,等。

    TwinBridge products include enabling systems for Chinese , Japanese and Korean , OCR and much more .

  13. 英文版并有法文、日文、韩文、葡萄牙文、及西班牙文之旁白。

    Available in English with voice-overs in French , Japanese , Korean , Portuguese , and Spanish .

  14. 是我自己的错觉,还是阿憨说韩文时有着别样的性感啊

    Is it just me , or does Han sound kind of sexy when he speaks Korean ?

  15. 日文,韩文材料应附有译文公证件。

    Japanese or Korean version needs to be translated into Chinese or English and should be notarized .

  16. 她戴着镶假珠宝的洋红色手套,在白板上写下韩文。

    She writes the Korean characters on a whiteboard , wearing magenta gloves encrusted with fake bling .

  17. 此技术同样可应用于日文、韩文、越南文等语言。

    This technology can also be applied to other languages such as Japanese , Korean , and Vietnamese etc.

  18. 因为中文和韩文的语序不同,必要时根据语序,可以适当调整。

    As the word order in Korean and in Chinese is different , it should be adjusted if necessary .

  19. 在中国,我在日立的成功是基于我的中文,日文和韩文技能之上的。

    In China , my career in Hitachi is built through my language skills in Chinese , Japanese , and Korean .

  20. 仅仅被保证这篇文章不会以韩文出现后,他才十分不情愿地透露了自己的姓名。

    He gave his name with great reluctance , and only after being assured the article would not appear in Korean .

  21. 分类导航菜单可切换英文,中文,日文,韩文,西班牙文,泰文在内的六种语言。

    Category navigation menu : you could switch menu language among English , Chinese , Japanese , Korean , Spanish and Thai .

  22. 语言词典是指英文、韩文那些语言词典,请自己到新华书店购买!

    The language dictionary refers to english , those language dictionaries of korean , please go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy by oneself !

  23. 现在中文,英文,韩文在我脑袋里混成一团,所以我写的这些可能错误百出。

    Now Chinese , English , Korean are mixed in my head , so now I write this letter maybe have many errors .

  24. 另外我们更提供不同语言的歌曲,包括英文,日文,泰文,韩文,及国语等,照顾不同国籍的顾客。

    Other than Cantonese songs , we offer songs in different languages such as Mandarin , Japanese , Korean , English , Thai , etc.

  25. 负迁移集中体现在笔画形状、笔画关系等偏误上。这种偏误主要与韩文字母文字的负迁移有关,有的也与韩文汉字有关。

    The negative transfers find expression in the shape errors and the stroke relations which are also related to the Chinese Characters in the Korean language .

  26. 推特公司称,中文、日文和韩文仍将是140字,“因为这些语言可以用很少的文字表达很多信息。”

    Chinese , Japanese and Korean will remain at 140 characters " because cramming is not an issue in these languages , " the company said .

  27. 这也就是说我们需要加入韩文和配音,同时解决转换语言时出现的显示问题。

    This meant adding Korean text and voice to the game as well as overcoming some of the technical issues inherent in displaying the Korean alphabet .

  28. 他自己的诗及小说也被翻译成许多欧洲及东方的语言,包括中文、日文及韩文等。

    His poems and stories have been translated into many European and Oriental languages , including German , French , Estonian , Japanese , Punjabi and Chinese .

  29. 这群孩子受过系统武术训练,喜欢招惹是非。德瑞与漂亮的同班同学梅英(韩文文饰)之间的友谊更是激怒了他们。

    Dre 's friendship with his beautiful classmate Mei Ying ( Wenwen Han ) sets the bullies off , but they don 't need any provocation from there .

  30. 该公司日前表示,除使用中文、日文和韩文发推的用户外的所有推特用户,现在都将可以发表最多280个字符的推文。

    All Twitter users except those tweeting in Chinese , Japanese and Korean languages will now be able to tweet up to 280 characters , the company said .