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hán xìn
  • Han Xin;a surname
韩信[hán xìn]
  1. 军队首领韩信想要推翻国王的统治。

    Han Xin , the leader of an army , wanted to bring down a king .

  2. 论司马迁与韩信的精神契合

    On the Spiritual Accordance Between Sima Qian and Han Xin

  3. 当时是韩信用牛皮做一只风筝。

    Han Xin made a kite with cowherd .

  4. 试谈韩信被杀的自身原因

    Self-reasons of Han Xin 's Being Killed

  5. 韩信为追求实现自己的人生价值以及为之不惜忍辱负重的牺牲精神,都直接与司马迁的感情产生了强烈共鸣与契合。

    His commitment and sacrifice to fulfill the life values produce strong resonance and direct accordance with Sima Qian 's feeling .

  6. 可是项羽败后,刘邦与这些人的矛盾迅速暴露,韩信、英布等相继被诛除。

    However , the contradiction emerged with the failure of Xiang Yu , and Han Xin and Ying Bu were killed one after another .

  7. 韩信背水阵胜因新探&古代兵法与经典战例考察札记之一

    New Study on the Reasons of Han 's Victory When He Deploys Troops against a River One of Reading Notes on Ancient War_craft a Classical Battle

  8. 公元前202年12月,刘邦、韩信在垓下(今安徽固镇)会师,包围了项羽。

    In December 202 B. C. , Liu Bang joined forces with Han Xin at Gaixia ( modern Guzhen , in Anhui ) and surrounded Xiang Yu .

  9. 后来张良卖剑访韩信,告诉他,你必须弃楚投汉,方能大鹏展翅。

    Afterward Zhang Liangmai the sword visited Han Xin , told him , you must abandon Chu Touhan , Fang Nengda the huge mythical bird spreads the wings .

  10. 韩信求封“假王”之事,一直被学术界认为“借机争权”或“居功要挟以求利”。

    Han-xin'asking for " Furlough-King " has been throught " to scrabble for the authority " or " take credit to himself in order to benefit " by the academe .

  11. 韩信的悲剧根源是中国封建分封制向中央集权制过度的必然结果,历史进程决定了西汉诸王的覆灭。

    The tragedy of Han Xin , a senior general of Han Dynasty , was the inevitable outcome of the transition from the feudal system of enfeoffment to the centralized state power in Chinese history .

  12. 西汉初的制度和政策:刘邦在与项羽争夺天下的时候,曾封韩信、英布、吴芮等数人为王,史称“异姓王”。

    Political System and Policies : When scrambling for sovereignty with Xiang Yu , Liu Bang enfieffed Han Xin , Ying Bu , Wu Rui and others as princes , who were known as kings who were not relative to the imperial family .

  13. 汉初三杰萧何、张良、韩信都为西汉王朝的建立作出过重要贡献,但是西汉王朝建立后三人的命运却有天壤之别。

    Three Outstanding heroes of Early Han Dynasty , Zhang Liang , Xiao He and Han Xin gave important contributions to the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty , but the fate of the three people in the Western Han Dynasty established a huge difference .