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  1. 拉斐尔•桑西(RaphaelSanti),是意大利文艺复兴三杰中最为年轻的一位。

    Raphael Santi was the youngest of the three great masters of the Italian Renaissance .

  2. 在撰写关于英特尔公司历史的新书《英特尔三杰》(TheIntelTrinity)的过程中,我认识到我们犯了一个严重的错误,那就是过于相信摩尔划出的这条平滑曲线。

    In writing my new book on the history of Intel Corporation , The Intel Trinity , I became convinced that we have made a serious mistake being so comfortable with that shallow line .

  3. 李东阳和楚地三杰

    Historical Figure Li Dongyang and Three Heroes in Chou Land

  4. 古希腊三杰体育思想的当代阐释

    A contemporary illumination on the physical education thoughts of " 3 standouts " in Ancient Greece

  5. 他是三十勇士中最出名的,所以做了他们的领袖,但尚不及前三杰。

    Though he was the most popular of the Thirty and became their commander , he did not equal the Three .

  6. 库利是美国社会革新论的三杰之一,也是美国传播学研究的四位鼻祖之一。

    In this paper , the author carries on a study to Charles Horton Cooley 's historical standing in American Communication Reasearch .

  7. 为维也纳三杰拓出了展示才能的空间,维也纳从此成为欧洲音乐的中心。

    It also extended a space for them to show their talent , therefore to make Vienna become the center of European music .

  8. 通过解读文本,希腊三杰的教育被分别概括为引导、塑造和教导。

    The " education " of the three great men of the ancient Greece can be concluded as " leading ", " shaping " and " instruction " .

  9. 多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂(1685&1757)是巴罗克时代伟大的作曲家、羽管键琴演奏家和教育家,与巴赫、亨德尔一起并称为巴罗克三杰。

    Domenico Scarlatti ( 1685-1757 ) was a great composers , harpsichord performer and educator in the Baroque Era . The Three Masters in Baroque Era were Bach , Handel and Domenico Scarlatti .

  10. 身为巴罗克三杰之一的意大利作曲家多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂,在西方键盘音乐史的发展中,以其超前的创新意识为后世作曲家开辟了一条崭新的道路。

    As one of the three most prominent Baroque artists , the Italian composer Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti , ' with his advanced awareness of innovation , created a brand new road for the composers of later generations in the history of western keyboard music development .

  11. 汉初三杰萧何、张良、韩信都为西汉王朝的建立作出过重要贡献,但是西汉王朝建立后三人的命运却有天壤之别。

    Three Outstanding heroes of Early Han Dynasty , Zhang Liang , Xiao He and Han Xin gave important contributions to the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty , but the fate of the three people in the Western Han Dynasty established a huge difference .

  12. 有与他在音乐上贡献,使得在音乐学界人们将巴赫、亨德尔并列成为巴洛克三杰。近年来,随着钢琴艺术的不断发展,各类钢琴作品的研究分析层出不穷。

    Precisely because his special contribution of music in Western history . Scarlatti , Bach , and Handel were known as " The three masters of Baroque " . In recent years , with the continuous development of the piano art , various types of piano works abound .