
  • 网络Accountability;accountability system
  1. 完善我国问责制的法理思考

    A Jurisprudence Thought on Improvement of the Accountability System in China

  2. 行政问责概念及内涵辨析我国实施行政问责制存在的问题与应采取的措施

    Connotation and Value of the Implementation of the Administrative Accountability System

  3. 在过去五年里,Hanssen充当联邦调查局与国务院之间的联系纽带。常任秘书长会担当问责制局长与公务员之间的重要枢纽角色。

    He served as the FBI 's link to the State Department for the past five years . The Permanent Secretaries will act as the interface between Directors of Bureaux and the Civil Service .

  4. 行政问责制推行的实践困境与完善途径

    The Practical Problems and Improvable Approaches for Promoting Administration Accountable System

  5. 行政问责制的阻滞因素及其对策分析

    Blocking Factors and Countermeasures Analysis of the Current Administrative Accountability System

  6. 我国实施农村义务教育问责制的路径探究

    Route Study of Accountability System of Rural Compulsory Education in China

  7. 校长问责制的定义探析

    A Research into the Definition of Headmaster Accountability System in China

  8. 对于各国在国内采取的行动,必须保持透明度和建立问责制。

    And there must be transparency and accountability for domestic actions .

  9. 我国构建行政问责制的问题及对策研究

    The Nodus and Countermeasure of Administrative Accountability System in Our Country

  10. 中国行政领导人问责制研究

    A Study on Accountability System of Administrative Leaders of China

  11. 我国完善行政问责制之路径分析

    An Analysis of the Protection of the Administrative Accountability System in China

  12. 论党政官员问责制&关于党政官员问责的概念、模式、程序和趋势研究

    A Study of Officials Accountability System in Party and Government

  13. 第二,更新我国环境问责制的立法理念。

    Secondly , renew the legislative idea of environmental accountability .

  14. 第五章是完善官员问责制中的伦理建设部分。

    Chapter V is to improve the accountability system of ethics-building component .

  15. 最后探讨了构建行政问责制的理论基石。

    Finally has discussed the construction administration accountability theory cornerstone .

  16. 论我国行政问责制的法律缺失及其重构

    On Deficiencies and Re-construction of the System of Administrative Impeachment in China

  17. 我国官员问责制的建构及完善

    The Construction and Development of China 's Officials Accountability System

  18. 这些表明了我国行政问责制的发展有着漫长的历史根源。

    These show the administration accountability system development has a long history .

  19. 对当前我国教育问责制运行的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Running of the Education Accountability System in China

  20. 住宅工程质量分户验收制度的实施与完善高校问责制的实施困境及其完善措施

    Dilemma and countermeasures of the implementation of college accusatorial system

  21. 要清楚会采取何种行动并建立问责制。

    Be clear about what actions will be taken and establish accountability .

  22. 论治理视野中高等教育问责制的完善

    On the Perfection of Higher Educational Accountability in the View of Governance

  23. 效率、问责制和管理的透明性是取得进展的关键。

    Efficiency , accountability and transparency of governance are key to progress .

  24. 现代意义上的行政问责制在我国刚刚起步。

    The modern administrative accountability system is new in china .

  25. 该系统将极大地加强透明性和问责制。

    This system will vastly increase transparency and accountability .

  26. 从低机构的问责制,以更大的机构的问责制,特别是在广告。

    From low agency accountability to greater agency accountability , particularly in advertising .

  27. 加强和完善中国公务员行政问责制研究

    The Research of How Strengthens and Consummates the Chinese Executive Responsibility Investigate System

  28. 问责制、最优预防与健康和安全管制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Accountability Mechanism , Optimum Prevention , Health and Safety Regulation

  29. 但这无关于责任和问责制。

    But this is irrelevant to responsibility and accountability .

  30. 问责制和透明度方案全球讲习班

    Global workshop on the Programme for Accountability and Transparency