
  • 网络Leeds University Business School;LUBS
  1. 利兹大学商学院(LeedsUniversityBusinessSchool)校友在毕业3年后的平均薪资为欧洲最低,为8.9万美元,但在性价比方面,该学院仍排名第17位。

    While alumni from Leeds University Business School have the smallest average salary in Europe three years after graduation at $ 89000 , the school is still ranked 17 for value for money .

  2. 可以说,欧洲正在欢迎中国的投资,研究过这一课题的英国利兹大学商学院(LeedsUniversityBusinessSchool)教授杰里米·克莱格(JeremyClegg)说。

    I think it 's fair to say Europe is welcoming Chinese investment , said Jeremy Clegg , a professor at Leeds University Business School in Britain who has studied the subject .