
  1. 中国音乐史学会第七届年会暨中国音乐史教学研讨会在福州举行

    Report of the 7th Annual Meeting of Chinese Music History Association and the Symposium on Chinese Music History Teaching and Learning

  2. 曾任福建省作家协会秘书长、中国音乐文学学会理事,福建省音乐文学学会会长。

    He was elected as the secretary of Chinese Writers'Association , director of Chinese Musical Literature Institute , and president of Fujian Society of Music & Letters .

  3. 中国少数民族音乐学会第十届年会暨聂耳音乐研究研讨会记实

    The 10 ~ ( th ) Annual Meeting of Chinese National Minority Music Academic Association and the Nie Er Music Research Seminar

  4. 按照中国少数民族音乐学会成员格里拉特所说,一种好的传播媒介,就像合唱团,对继承和发展少数民族文化至关重要。

    A good medium , such as a chorus , is vital to carry on and develop ethnic minority culture , according to Gereleta , who is also a member on the Council of China Ethnic Minority Music Society .

  5. 中国音乐家协会电子音乐学会福建工作站站长、福建海峡卫视音乐顾问。

    Member of Electroacoustic Music Association of China ( EMAC ), the Fujian Institute of electronic music master workstation , Fujian TV Channel music consultant .