
  1. 《金锁记》中曹七巧人物形象分析

    Analysis of Cao Qi-qiao in The Legend of Golden Lock

  2. 无爱的世界人性的荒原&对张爱玲《金锁记》中曹七巧灵魂扭曲的思考

    The Loveless World and the Wasteland of Humanity & Thought on the Distorted Soul of Cao Qi-qiao in Zhang Ai-ling 's Golden Lock

  3. 在调查中,曹教授还发现家庭变得更安静。

    During the survey , Cao also found that families have become quieter .

  4. 一日深夜,老将黄盖来到帐中,商议破曹以火攻为好。

    One night , Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao 's army , when Huang Gai came in .