
  • 网络Zhongshan
  1. 中山国社会生活礼俗研究

    A Survey of the Etiquette and Customs of Social Life in Zhongshan State

  2. 战国中山国工艺美术的风格

    Style of Arts and Crafts of Zhongshan State

  3. 我是中山国小的老师。

    I 'm a teacher at Chung Shan Primary School .

  4. 这一时期,中山国军事领导体制得以确立,国王集军权于己,相兼领军事。

    The military leading system was established in Zhongshan with king holding the military power .

  5. 一天,东郭先生赶着一头毛驴,背着一口袋书,去中山国谋求官职。

    One day , Mr.Dongguo drove a donkey carrying a sack of books to the State of Zhongshan to seek an official post .