
  • 网络Chinese school;China School;Chinese School of Animation
  1. 在20世纪五六十年代,国产动画享有中国学派的美誉,许多具有民族特色的动画影片频频在世界上获得大奖。

    The sixties of the 20th century , Chinese-made cartoons in the " nationalization of the road " on the glorious history there have been many videos in the world award-winning frequent and enjoy the " China School ," the world .

  2. 只有通过理论体系的建构,中国比较文学才可能真正走向世界,才能有真正的中国学派。

    Only by the construction does China comparative literature have the possibility to establish " China School " and to be accepted by other countries .

  3. 多元文化背景下的比较文学中国学派

    The Chinese School of Comparative Literature in the Background of Multi-culture

  4. 建设产业生态学的中国学派

    Setting up Chinese industry ecology school The Important Construction News

  5. 国际关系理论的核心问题与中国学派的生成

    Core Problematic of International Relations Theory and the Construction of a Chinese School

  6. 试论中国学派的文化认同性

    On the Cultural Cognation Accepted by the Chinese School

  7. 依藉《江村经济》构想经济学的中国学派

    Chinese School composes economics based on Jiang Village Economy

  8. 阐发法与比较文学中国学派

    Interpretative approach and the Chinese School of Comparative Literature

  9. 建设文学理论的中国学派&关于艺术哲学的一些想法

    Building Chinese Own School of Literature Theory & Some Ideas of Art Philosophy

  10. 关于构建经济学中国学派的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on Building the Chinese Economics School

  11. 走自主发展之路&争论中的中国学派

    The Road of Independent Development : The Debate of the " Chinese School "

  12. 比较文学中国学派论略

    A Talk on Chinese School of Comparative Literature

  13. 国际关系中国学派的进路&兼论国际问题研究的政策性与学术性

    The Chinese School of International Relations and Academic Research and Policy Research in International Studies

  14. 欧洲中心论与世界史研究&兼论世界史研究的中国学派问题

    Euro-Centrism and the Study of World History

  15. 有专家学者甚至认为它将代表比较文学中国学派的一个方向。

    Some authoritative scholars even believe it will represent a new orientation in Chinese school of comparative literature .

  16. 一度被誉为中国学派,这些成就的取得与中国动画吸收了中国民族的传统文化与装饰艺术的元素是密切相关的。

    These achievements closely related to the tradition of Chinese folk culture and elements of decorative arts it absorbed .

  17. 第三,中国学派产生不仅可能,而且必然。150多年来,中国相对于国际体系的最大问题是认同困境。

    For the past 150 years , China 's greatest problem has been the identity dilemma vis - à - vis the international system .

  18. 本文论述比较文学中国学派的建立,并从神话研究领域阐述比较文学中国学派的特征。

    This article talks about the establishment of Chinese school of comparative literature , and expounds its features in the perspective of mythological research .

  19. 反对中国学派的提法其实是一种西方中心主义的做法,其结果是使比较文学中国学派仍然处于学科上的“失语”状态。

    The disagreement on the creation of Chinese School in fact is Eurocentric , which results in the dilemma of disciplinary " aphasia " .

  20. 中国学派方法之源在于中国学者探索中国民俗事象的实践之中。学派是由一个个学者发展而来的。

    The methodology of China 's folklore schools originated from the practices that the Chinese scholars adopted in their research on China 's folk affairs .

  21. 中国学派注重对传统艺术形式的挖掘和利用,外观呈现上鲜明的民族风一望即知,其获得的声誉主要便是归功于美术方面的出色表现。

    The Chinese school of animation pays attention to the exploration and utilization of traditional art forms , so it presents obvious character of nationality .

  22. 同时,西方的比较文学研究也存在着各种问题,这就为中国学派的建立提供了很好的机会。

    The situation where there exist problems in both China and world comparative literature studies calls for the establishment of a Chinese school of comparative literature .

  23. 他对历史哲学的地位进行科学的解说,并对历史本体论、历史认识论作了研究,为建立历史哲学的中国学派做出了贡献。

    He contributed to historical philosophy for building Chinese school of thought by scientific defining the status of historical philosophy , researching historical ontology and historical epistemology .

  24. 新时期以来,他在比较文学中国学派的建立和东方比较文学学科的发展上做出了重要贡献。

    The recent decades has witnessed his important contribution to the establishment of Chinese school of comparative literature , and the development of the discipline of Oriental comparative literature .

  25. 批判欧洲中心论不仅是创建中国学派的理论前提和实践路径,而且有助于中国世界史学界健康积极的心态和生态的生成。

    Criticizing Euro-centrism can not only construct the theoretic presupposition and practical route of Chinese School , but also help create the positive psychology and the environment of Chinese School .

  26. 他既是翻译家又是翻译理论家,他为中国学派文学翻译理论的形成和中国翻译国际地位的提高做出了巨大的贡献。

    He has made great contribution to both the formation of literary translation theories of the Chinese school and the rise in status of the Chinese translation in the world .

  27. 在比较文学的中国学派阐发研究的框架下,运用西方的神话原型批评的理论,对中国文学作品中相依为命的人物关系程式进行分析,探究其文化心理结构。

    With the Western theory " myth-prototype ", the author analyses the " dependenrelation pattern " between heroes in Chinese literary works and its cultural psychology , under the frame of comparison literature-Chinese school .

  28. 比较文学中国学派与法、美学派不同,它主要关注的是东西异质文化的比较研究,形成了独具一格的特色。

    In Comparative literature , the Chinese school is quite different from that of the French and American ones . The former pays special attention to the different culture , and therefore carries unique characteristics .

  29. 在纷繁复杂的定义之争背后,其实掩盖的是对比较文学研究对象和方法的困惑,而这正是比较文学中国学派要能长久存在的立足之本。

    In fact , it is our puzzle in the study methods and objects which is the basis of the long existing of our Chinese School that causes the disputes on the definitions of Comparative Literature .

  30. 最后,本文在体现比较文学中国学派特色上作了大胆的创新,即以中国文论和印度梵语诗学为标尺来评价英国作家文本。

    At last , this dissertation determines to create something new exposing the feature of Chinese school of comparative literature , which means appreciating English literary texts in the light of Chinese literary criticism and Indian Sanskrit poetics .