
  • 网络central moment
  1. 三种离散型随机变量k阶中心矩递推计算方法一种新型可重构双三足混联机器人动力学分析

    The counting method of k-order central moment of three kinds of discrete random variable ; Dynamics Analysis of a Novel Re-Configurable Double-Tripod Hybrid Robot

  2. 本文研究了随机半离散人口系统均值和二阶中心矩的Lyapunov稳定性。

    This paper discusses the Lyapunov stability of the mcan and second central moment of stochastic semi-discrete population systems .

  3. 通过数值计算分析了像面处强度分布的二阶中心矩以及焦点处辐射强度随组合透镜结构参量的变化关系,给出了一种铝基X射线组合透镜的结构参量设计结果。

    The structural parameters of an X-ray compound lens with Al material are designed .

  4. 最大熵密度函数以Z的期望和高阶中心矩为约束条件加以拟合。

    The maximum entropy density function is fitted with the restriction of expectation and high de - gree central moments of Z.

  5. 对Bernstein算子,给出任意阶中心矩量的显式表示。

    An explicit formula of the central moment function of arbitrary order for the Bernstein operator is given .

  6. 构造一类特殊多项式及级数,由此推导了二项分布,泊松分布及几何分布K阶中心矩的递推计算公式,得到了这几个公式的统一形式

    In this paper , according to constructing multinomial and series of functions concludes the counting formula of K-order centeral moment of binomial . poisson and geometric distribution and common form of these formula

  7. 文中首先提取中心矩作为特征向量,再采用Fisher判据进一步进行特征压缩,最后利用支撑矢量机(SVM)分类算法实现识别。

    A multi-class support vector machine ( SVM ) classifier is designed to classify space objects based on the selected central moments features by using Fisher linear discriminant criterion .

  8. 本文做了大量的形状群组的分类检索对比实验,实验结果表明相比经典的傅里叶描述子、Zernike矩、不变矩和几何中心矩,本文的方法具有明显的优势。

    The classification and retrieval experiment results show the superiority of our method over the classical Fourier descriptor , Zernike moments , invariant moments , and geometric center moments .

  9. 对PⅢ型总体分布,本文提出的权函数能使σ和Cs的估计由原方法的二阶加权中心矩降低为一阶加权中心矩估计。

    For the general P-III distribution , the present function may help simplify the estimation of the Coefficient of Variation ( CV ) and the Coefficient of Skewness ( CS ) from the second-order and the third-order moments of the conventional method to the first-order moment .

  10. 本文提出了一种新的统计模型,它以统计量的各阶中心矩来表征目标,然后用Legendre正交多项式系来再现其概率密度函数。

    We suggest a new method of statistic modeling , in which the first nth central moments of real target 's radar cross section ( RCS ) are used to characterize the target , and the Legendre orthogonal polynomials are used to reconstruct the PDF of the target 's RCS .

  11. 基于图像中心矩的快速模板匹配算法

    Fast template matching algorithm based on the centralized moments of image

  12. 基于中心矩和熵组合特征的雷达目标一维距离像识别技术

    Radar target recognition based on combined features of central moments and entropy

  13. 基于一阶绝对中心矩的边缘检测算法

    Edge-Detection Based on the First Order Absolute Central Moment

  14. 混合使用中心矩与累加量的电力系统概率特征根分析方法

    A hybrid algorithm using moment and cumulant for power system probabilistic eigenvalue analysis

  15. 基于图像中心矩和特征向量的目标识别方法

    Novel method of target recognition based on changeless rules and image feature vector

  16. 利用中国数字化虚拟人数据进行实验,结果表明,应用这种基于三阶中心矩的新方法来检测边缘的效果良好。

    Experiments show that edge detection method based on the third central moment is feasible .

  17. 利用像素邻域的三阶中心矩,可以提取图像边界。

    Image edge is detected by the third central moment of its immediate pixel neighborhood .

  18. 计算节点电压和支路潮流的各阶原点矩和中心矩;

    Calculate each order origin moment and center moment of the node voltage and the line flow ;

  19. 降水粒子的最大直径对速度三阶中心矩法的影响

    The influences of maximum diameter of rainfall particles on the central moment method of the third power of velocity

  20. 在对M.Demi的基于一阶绝对中心矩边缘检测算法研究的基础上,提出一种新的图像边缘检测算法。

    On the basis of study on the M. Demi 's edge detection algorithm , a novel algorithm is presented .

  21. 该文拟将计算机视觉中传统模板匹配方法与对场景物体的中心矩描述方法相结合,提出了一种效率较高的匹配算法。

    A improved template matching algorithm of target recognition is proposed which combines invchable center moment description with traditional template matching method .

  22. 然后,使用这6个投影直方图的前三阶中心矩作为特征,计算图像间的距离。

    Then , the first three central moments of these six projective histograms were taken as features to compute the distance between images .

  23. 当然,这些特征可以是具有透视不变性的点、线、图形,也可以是经过综合后的中心矩。

    Of course , these features can be point , line , graphics with perspective invariance , and the centre moments after comprehension .

  24. 而光谱曲线量化指标如中心矩、分维数和信息熵等的效果较差,不适宜应用于检索。

    The quantitative indexes for spectral curves such as moment , fractal and entropy are not suitable to retrieval because of poor similarity measure performance .

  25. 提出了一种以中心矩作为匹配特征,基于积分图像的思想,并采用粗、精阶段相结合的相关跟踪算法。

    A new algorithm based on the characteristic of centralized moments and the idea of Integral-Images , which combined two-stage cross correlation tracking algorithms was described .

  26. 说明中心矩波束形成算法是一种可靠地高分辨算法,符合我们对高精度水下目标探测的要求。

    There is the conclusion that the Central Moments Beamforming algorithm is a robust high-resolution algorithm , it can satisfy the needs of high-precision underwater target detection .

  27. 3方差的专业定义是随机变量的二次中心矩,与期望值之差的平方的加权平均值。

    The technical definition of variance is the random variable 's second central moment , the weighted average of the square of the differences from the expected value .

  28. 在对各型皮尔逊分布的中心矩与原点矩的研究基础之上,介绍了针对该分布的优化拟合方法,得到了各分布类型的参数并实现了其在工序能力评价中的应用。

    In order to make evaluation to modern process , a probability distribution family named Pearson distribution is introduced and its three types of probability density function are deeply analyzed .

  29. 提出了基于目标一维平均距离像归一化中心矩的目标识别方法和一种新的基于目标一维散射中心匹配的目标识别方法。

    Two methods are presented , one is based on the normalized central moments of one dimensional range profiles , the other is based on one dimensional scattering centers matching .

  30. 那么是否可以基于统计参量开发一种稳健的高分辨算法呢?对此,本文提出了中心矩波束形成算法。

    Is there be an algorithm which is based on the statistical characteristics and has a robust high-resolution algorithm ? In this point , this paper shows the central moments beamforming algorithm .