
  • 网络slip system;sliding system
  1. 板材在拉压变形时基面Schmid因子增大,基面滑移系在常温下更容易启动。

    Schmid value of basal plane increased when sheet was under tension or compression deformation . Therefore , basal slip system became easier to start .

  2. 对于滑移系激活情况的判定则可转化为求解活动约束的非线性数学规划问题。

    The determination of active slip system is reduced to a nonlinear optimization problem .

  3. 石英变形中的滑移系及其C轴组构图主要受变形温度的控制。低温变形中的方解石e双晶纹形态也与温度呈密切的相关性。

    Slip systems and C-axis patterns of quartz as well as calcite e twin also exhibit differences with increasing temperatures .

  4. 单晶Nb拉伸、压缩及恒应变疲劳后的滑移系和滑移特征

    Slip systems and their characteristics of Nb single crystals under tension , compression and cyclic deformation

  5. 其中以{110}<111>滑移系滑移为基本变形机制,利用Sachs、Taylor、RC和PC等模型对轧制织构进行了理论模拟。

    The texture was also simulated by the Sachs , Taylor , RC and PC models with { 110 } < 111 > ip systems .

  6. 形变温度对Ti3Al基合金α2相滑移系的影响

    Influence of deformation temperature on α _2-phase slip systems of a ti_3al alloy

  7. 研究了单滑移位向和多滑移位向Nb单晶在拉伸、压缩及循环变形(恒应变疲劳)时的滑移系。

    The slip systems of Nb single crystals with single and multiple glide orientations have been investigated respectively under tension , compression and cyclic defomation .

  8. 本文基于塑性变形理论,运用Taylor弛豫模型、Bishop和Hill最大功原理,对变形体心立方晶体中滑移系上的切应变分布进行了计算。

    Based on the plastic deformation theory , the shear distribution in the deformed grain is calculated by using the Taylor relaxed constraint model and the Bishop Hill maximum work principle .

  9. 当裂纹尖端优先在纯II型应力分量作用下开动与裂纹共面的滑移系、并且有合适的硬化系数下降速率时,裂尖易形成局部形变带。

    If the crack tip slip system was preferably activated by pure mode ⅱ resolute and the decreasing rate of hardening coefficient was enough , then the local deformation band ahead of crack tip was easy to be formed .

  10. 以深冲铝板R值的在线检测为应用背景,塑性变形滑移系开动的过程为出发点,分析了初始滑移系选取的方式,并计算了不同取向3104铝合金板的初始R值。

    In consideration on the on-line R-value measurement of aluminum deep drawing sheets , the selection of initial slip systems was analyzed according to the activation process of the slip systems during plastic deformation . Initial R values of the 3104 aluminum sheet in different directions were calculated .

  11. 结果表明:织构对镁合金力学性能的影响,其实质是通过改变各滑移系特别是{0001}[1120]基面滑移系的Schmid因子、产生织构强化或软化而实现的。

    The results show that textures affect mechanical properties of magnesium alloys mainly by altering the Schmid factors of all slips , especially basal slip systems and inducing texture strengthening and softening .

  12. {0001}1120基面滑移系Schmid因子尽管接近于柱面滑移系,但其临界分切应力较高而难以开动。

    The Schmid factor of the { 0001 } 1120 basal slip was close to that of prismatic slip , however , the former was difficult to activate because of its higher CRSS .

  13. 5实验条件下定向凝固Cu-Cr合金的抗拉强度明显高于铸态Cu-Cr合金,扫描电镜(SEM)断口表明定向凝固Cu-Cr合金断口滑移系多于铸态Cu-Cr合金。

    Under the experimental conditions , the tensile strength of directional solidification Cu-Cr alloy is markedly higher than the casting Cu-Cr alloy . And the analysis of rupture part on SEM shows the gliding series of directional solidification Cu-Cr alloy is more than the casting Cu-Cr alloy .

  14. 以c[001]为主,滑移系为(010)[001]。

    The slipping system is ( 010 ) [ 001 ] .

  15. 面心立方金属电子结构及滑移系的选择

    Electron Structure and Selection of Slip Systems in fcc Metals

  16. 双滑移系单晶岩石平面应变扭折带分叉分析

    Bifurcation analysis of kink bands of bi-slippage crystal metamorphic rock under plane strain

  17. 位错和位错偶沿单&滑移系从裂纹尖端的发射

    Dislocation and dislocation dipole emissions from a crack tip in one slip system

  18. 通过对时间的离散,此问题又可细化为逐步二次规划问题,并采用有效集法来搜索启动滑移系,进而求得弹塑性本构关系。

    By time discretization this problem is equal to a sequential quadratic programming problem .

  19. 体心立方金属滑移系选择的分子轨道理论判别

    Determination of the Choice of Slip Systems for bcc Metals by Molecular Orbital Theory

  20. 硬玉位错滑移系及流变学特征的研究

    Study on slip system of dislocation in Jadeite

  21. 但较高的临界分切应力使得基面滑移系实际开动困难,增加了裂纹扩展所需驱动力。

    However , the higher CRSS of basal slip raised the crack propagation driving force .

  22. 根据滑移系棱锥可以清晰识别正交和斜交滑移面;

    From this pyramid , the orthogonal-and inclined - intersecting slip planes can be clearly differentiated .

  23. 其次,以晶体的滑移系和切变强度等理论对工程陶瓷的塑性变形机理做了研究。

    Then , the slip system and shear intension theories are used in the research of ductile deforming .

  24. 采用滑移系的取向因子,详细分析了三类滑移系族不同取向取向滑移系分切应力、应变和宏观应力、应变之间的关系。

    The correlation was established between resolved Shear Stress , strain and macroscopic stress , strain by orientation tensor .

  25. 结果表明,晶体取向对应力场的分布及启动滑移系有显著的影响。

    The results show that the crystallographic orientation has remarkable influence on both von Mises stress and RSS distributions .

  26. 体心立方晶体{110}<1■1>滑移系棱锥在确定独立滑移系时的应用

    An APPlication of the { 110 } < 111 > Slip-system Pyramid in BCC Crystals to Determining Independent Slip-systems

  27. 镁合金具有密排六方晶体结构,滑移系少,塑性变形能力差。

    Magnesium alloy has hexagonal close-packed ( HCP ) structure , very limted slips and poor plastic deformation ability .

  28. 确定激活滑移系类型的一种方法&单晶体颈缩和晶格转动分析

    On the Determination of Operating Slip System Activation by Analyzing the Necking and Lattice Rotation of Tensile Smooth Crystal Bars

  29. 铜三晶体弹性应力场和主滑移系分解切应力的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of elastic stress and the resolve shear stress in the primary slip system of a copper TRICRYSTAL

  30. 利用该平台,分析了双滑移系启动的典型变形模式。

    The numerical model was used to study the typical deformation mode where two slip systems are active at the beginning of deformation .