
  • 网络Chinese Bible
  1. 中文圣经翻译自原文圣经,原文圣经旧约是希伯来文,新约是希腊文。

    Chinese Bible was tranlated directly from the original bible , which is in Hebrews of Old Testament and in Greek of new testament .

  2. 当我们研读神的话语时,若能拿中文圣经和英文圣经对照来读,往往会有出人意外的收获。

    And when we study the Word of God , if we compare Chinese Bible with English Bible , very often we may have some unexpected gains .

  3. 会用中文背圣经金句的学生都会得到校长奖。

    Students who can recite monthly Bible verse will receive Principal Award .

  4. 1919年出版的《和合本圣经》更是标志着中文《圣经》翻译的颠峰。

    The United Version which was published in 1919 marked the summit of the Chinese translation of the Bible .