
  1. 现代书局和30年代中国新文学

    The Modern Publishing House and Chinese New Literature of 1930 's

  2. 论文的第一章论述《中国新文学大系》的文献学价值。

    The first chapter of the thesis is on philological value .

  3. 是中国新文学的开篇之作。

    Therefore , it represents the beginning of new Chinese literature .

  4. 叙述祛魅:科学语境中的中国新文学

    Narration Dispelling the Demon : Chinese New Literature in Scientific Linguistic Environment

  5. 中国新文学者的启蒙理想与百年命运&以鲁迅与五四为线索

    New China Writers ' Enlightenment Ideals and Fate in the Past Century

  6. 中国新文学史的另一视域:编辑出版

    Another Perspective of the Chinese New literature History : Edition and Publication

  7. 无根之累&中国新文学与传统文学精神关系试论

    On the Spiritual Relationship between New Chinese Literature and Chinese Traditional Literature

  8. 论中国新文学的负性背景及其影响

    The Negative Background of Chinese New Literature and Its Influence

  9. 论中国新文学的城乡二元结构

    On the City and Country Bi-structure in Chinese New Culture

  10. 试论中国新文学的三次改道

    On The Three Times of Neo-Literature Changes in China

  11. 关于我的《多重对话:中国新文学的发生》

    My Mind on Polyfunctional Dialogues : New Chinese Literature Coming into Existence ;

  12. 现代文学研究视野中的《中国新文学大系》

    The Series of China Contemporary Literature in Chinese Contemporary Literature Research View ;

  13. 周作人是中国新文学史上一位重要的理论家。

    Zhou Zuo-ren is an important theo (?) in the history of Chinese literature .

  14. 大众化讨论与中国新文学的自觉

    Self-Awareness in China 's New Literature and the Debate over Orienting Literature towards the Masses

  15. 论文学副刊在中国新文学发展中的作用及地位

    On the Function and Position of Literary Supplement In the Development of China New Literature

  16. 百年中国新文学的道德形而上与形而下问题争鸣天文、人文与文化的超越性

    Contending about Moral Metaphysics and Pragmatism in Chinese New Literature in Recent One Hundred Years

  17. 郁达夫的创作风格在中国新文学史上独具特色。

    Yu Dafu 's creative style is very unique in the history of the Chinese literature .

  18. 《中国新文学大系(1917-1927)》是中国现代文学史上的里程碑。

    China New Literature Collection 1917-1927 is a milestone in the history of Chinese modern literature .

  19. 被疏离的高度&论中国新文学第一位女作家陈衡哲

    The Desolate Height - - Sophia H. Zen , the First Woman-Writer of Chinese Modern Literature

  20. 杨义的《中国新文学图志》具有开创性意义。

    Diagrams and Explanations in Chinese New Literature by Yang Yi has its own creative value .

  21. 两浙人文传统:中国新文学巨匠茅盾的内源性文化承传

    Heritage of Humanity in Zhejiang : On Mao Dun 's Inheriting and Transmitting of Traditional Chinese Culture

  22. 因此,中国新文学的母体不在西方,而在中国本土。

    So the matrix of new Chinese literature isn 't in the west , but in China .

  23. 新月派的戏剧理论观在中国新文学的戏剧美学建设方面是独树一帜的。

    New Crescent dramatic theory has its own peculiarities in the dramatic aesthetics construction of China 's new literature .

  24. 文中指出陈香梅文化现象是属於中国新文学和中国新文化的一种特殊现象,是具有很大的研究价值和意义。

    I believe Chen Xiang Mei is a special and significant cultural phenomenon in modern Chinese literature and culture .

  25. 中国新文学家们对什么是文学作了有意义的探讨,但对文学的意义是什么却未能予以充分的探讨。

    The New Literature 's writers discuss on " what literature is " , but not on literature 's definition .

  26. 《官话和合本圣经》的成功翻译及其对中国新文学的影响

    Successful Translation of The Combined Bible and the Bible in Mandarin Chinese and Its Impact on China 's New Literature

  27. 社团运作与中国新文学的文派制衡格局

    The Operation of Mass Organization and the Pattern of Literary Schools ′ Mutual Condition in China ′ s New Literature

  28. 正是对外国文学的翻译介绍才有力地推进了中国新文学史的重写。

    It is the translation of foreign literature into Chinese that pushed forward the rewriting of new Chinese literary history .

  29. 周作人是中国新文学理论的奠基人,同时又是中国现代民俗学的拓荒者。

    Zhou Zuoren is not only the founder of Chinese new literature , but also the pioneer of modem folklore .

  30. 皖籍作家在创作上的深入探索和对艺术个性的追求,推动了中国新文学现代化、民族化的进程。

    Their probe into problems of creation and quest for artistic individuality sped the modernization and nationalization of Chinese new literature .