
liáng yǒu
  • beneficial friend;good friend (companion)
良友 [liáng yǒu]
  • [good friend (companion)] 益友,有才德而有助于己的朋友。今常泛指好友

良友[liáng yǒu]
  1. 那位老师建议学生结交良友。

    The teacher advised his pupils to keep good company .

  2. 《良友》画报的品牌化经营策略探析

    " Companion " pictorial magazine brand management strategy analysis

  3. 有一良友永在身旁。

    We have a Friend who 'll never leave .

  4. 沈从文将批评视为作者的诤友和读者的良友,倡导一种公正客观的文学批评。

    Shen regards literary criticism as a helpful friend of both writers and readers .

  5. 良心如同法曹施行惩罚之前,已如良友一般先行提醒。

    Conscience warns us as a friend before it punishes us as a judge .

  6. 精巧音乐电子钟,不同凡响的家庭良友。

    The superior musical electronic clock is a family 's good friend Beyond compare .

  7. 很感激,我的生命中能邂逅你这样一位良友。

    I 'm so grateful to encounter you as a kind friend in my life .

  8. 好书如良友,永远不相负。

    A good book is a best friend who never turn his back upon us .

  9. 图像西方与想象西方&《良友》西方形象的重构与呈现

    Picturing and Imagining the West : Reconstructing and Representing the Western Image in Good Friends

  10. 构思新颖的多用汽车,和睦家庭的度假良友。

    The multi-function motorcars with original concept are the intimates of happy families on vacation .

  11. 良友和益言是美德的源泉(艾萨克沃尔顿)

    Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue ( Izaak Walton )

  12. 书是我的良友。它从不吝惜对我的帮助。

    Books are my close friends due to the help they offer me without any reservation .

  13. 我一切难处,要告诉耶稣,祂是我良友慈爱温柔。

    I must tell Jesus all of my troubles , He is a kind , compassionate friend .

  14. 作为印刷媒介,《良友》适时地将电影纳入表述范围。

    As a printing medium , " The Young Companion " could take in movie affairs at right time .

  15. 忘掉它,永远永远。时间是良友,它会使我们变成老年。

    Let it be forgotten forever and ever , Time is a kind friend , he will make us old .

  16. 《良友》画报作为那个年代诸多时尚的记载者,捕捉了这座国际化大都市最美丽动人的时刻。

    Companion Pictorial was the pioneer media of fashion in that time , which captured the stunning moments of prosperity of Shanghai .

  17. 有一大部分成功都归因于好的朋友。一个良友能让你轻松自在、如沐春风。

    A large part of success is having good friends . A good friend is someone who you can be yourself with .

  18. 他在儿时如何被一个虚伪的朋友所欺骗,成年后却成为全人类的良友;

    How he was duped by a false friend as a boy , and became the friend of all humanity as a man ;

  19. 1926年创刊于上海的《良友》画报对现代性的建构发挥了重要作用。

    And The Young Companion , which was originated in 1926 in Shanghai , had played an important role in the construction of modernity .

  20. 他是最富有同情心的良友,他是如此地和蔼可亲,只要有他在身边,你就不会感到枯燥乏味。

    He was the most sympathetic of companions . He knew so much and was so genial that it was impossible to feel dull in his presence .

  21. 将取决于奥巴马新政府的“广交良友、减少宿敌”的政策,会不会受到国会及其政敌的阻挡?

    It depend on Obama 's government policy of " made more good friends , reduce old hatred " do not oppose by the congress and opposition party .

  22. 《良友》画报作为当时重要刊物,在租界文化的侵染下,使报刊呈现出显而易见的租界文化元素。

    As an important journal at that time , the pictorial Food Friends , under the infection of concession culture , displayed the obvious elements of concession culture .

  23. 近代上海一直走在我国女性现代化的前沿,《良友》跻身于十里洋场,异常重视女性的发展。

    Shanghai kept the foreland of female modernization at all latter-day times . " The Young Companion " which was in Shanghai regarded the development of the female .

  24. 1926年,电影皇后胡蝶是《良友》画报创刊第一期的封面人物,由此《良友》画报便成为了那个保守和压制妇女的时代中最吸引眼球的画报。

    In1926 , Miss Butterfly , the queen of film was the Companion Pictorial cover lady , which was the most eye-catching image of the constrained and conservative time .

  25. 正在发起阅读良友项目的第一期,以后会每周一期,因为我们想给我们正在帮助的人群提高更好更广的服务,从而给他们的人生带去更深远的影响。

    BEAN is launching its first weekly program because we want to expand our offerings to provide a greater long-term impact on the lives of the populations we serve .

  26. 与当时大量美术专业刊物的办刊宗旨、目的和方式不同,《良友》画报在美术创造和社会接受之间架起了独特的桥梁。

    Different from the tenets , purposes and ways of lots of professional art publications , this pictorial set up a special bridge between art creation and society reception .

  27. 《良友》作为我国第一本大型综合性画报,在近代报刊史上有着举足轻重的地位。

    As the first large comprehensive pictorial in our country , " The Young Companion " held the balance status in the newspaper and periodicals history of latter-day times .

  28. 第一章为绪论,介绍《良友》画报的研究现状,基于其研究领域中缺乏对图像传播、图像叙事等角度的细致、系统的分析,由此展开全文的理论和文本分析。

    Chapter I is exordium , introducing the current research of the Young Companion , based on its lack of detailed , systematic analyses in image communication and image narrative , the dissertation try to construct it .

  29. 《组织与管理》月刊,交流先进经验,介绍最新理论,是厂长经理实现现代管理之良友。

    The monthly " Organization and Management " is devoted to the exchange of advanced experience and the introduction of the latest theories , and is a good companion to directors and managers in realizing modern management .

  30. 就良友富临大酒店楼顶巨型广告支架的设计,介绍了高层建筑物上广告架的结构设计方法,并对结构和材料选择,型钢截面的选择等方面进行了分析。

    Upon the design of advertising framework on the top of " LINGYOUFULIN " hotel , this paper introduced the structural design method and analyzed the choice of structure type and material and the choice of section steel .