
liánɡ shàn
  • good;fine
良善 [liáng shàn]
  • (1) [kind,good;meek; humane]∶善良

  • 心地良善

  • (2) [kind,good people]∶好人

  • 欺压良善

  • 胁迫良善

  1. 既然如此,那良善的是叫我死麽。

    Was then that which is good made death unto me ?

  2. 如果上帝是良善的,为什么我们要经历苦难呢?

    If God is so good , why do we suffer ?

  3. 上帝从永恒起便以良善的旨意对待所造之物。

    John frame God willed good to the creature from eternity .

  4. 用一颗良善的心去面对自己,也面对别人。

    Face yourself as well as others with a kind heart .

  5. 我看到自己和每个人,美好良善的内在品质。

    I see the good in myself and in every person .

  6. “我”的终结就是良善,爱和智慧。

    The ending of it is goodness , love and intelligence .

  7. 耶稣对他说,你为什么称我是良善的。

    And Jesus said unto him , Why callest thou me good ?

  8. 除了神一位之外,再没有良善的。

    There is none good but one , and that is God .

  9. 但当我们的救主天主的良善,和他对人的慈爱出现时。

    But when the goodness and kindness of God our Saviour appeared .

  10. 即使我们最紊乱的习惯也是这种基本良善的体现。

    Even our most dysfunctional habits are manifestations of this basic goodness .

  11. 苏格拉底应被容忍吗,一个良善的社会能容忍苏格拉底吗?

    Should Socrates be tolerated ,? would a good society tolerate Socrates ?

  12. 《新约》推销良善的道德规范

    The new testament is a good code of ethics ,

  13. 是为锐刃阿谢,这良善之武器――

    As the razor Ashe , this weapon of goodness

  14. 如果你有意去变得善良,那么良善就永远不会绽放。

    If you set out to be good , goodness will never flower .

  15. 以色列丢弃良善,仇敌必追逼他。

    Israel has cast off what is good ; the enemy will pursue him .

  16. 你当效法智慧良善之人,他们的心灵像神一样。

    You should emulate those wise and good men whose mind is like God .

  17. 如果某人有礼物又良善,我们会认为他们是仆人。

    If someone is polite and kind , we think they are a servant .

  18. 为什么良善的上帝容许苦难存在?

    Why Does A Good God Allow Suffering ?

  19. 神是至高和全能的,但祂同时也是慈爱和良善的。

    God is sovereign and all-powerful , but God is also love and goodness .

  20. “良善的原始人”要求他的权利:一个乐土的远景呵!

    The " good primitive man " wants his rights : what paradisiacal prospects !

  21. 这位全然慈爱、圣洁且良善的神,想要分享他自己。

    God , being perfectly loving , holy and good , wanted to share Himself .

  22. 因此一个良善的人应该远离政治和有关它的活动。

    So a good person has to keep away from politicians and all their activities .

  23. 光明所结的果子,就是一切良善,公义,诚实。

    For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth ;

  24. 耶稣,我最良善的导师。

    Jesus , my most glorious Creator !

  25. 穿越天堂,直奔一个良善与光明的地方。

    Passes through the heaven , directly soars to one kindhearted and the bright place .

  26. 天国意味着良善

    The kingdom of god , meaning goodness

  27. 神的良善和信实?

    God 's goodness and faithfulness ?

  28. 接著的三种特质(忍耐、恩慈、良善),是关乎我们对别人的态度。

    The next three describe our attitudes toward others-patience ( with people ), kindness and goodness .

  29. 以色列丢弃良善(或作福分),仇敌必追逼他。

    Israel hath cast off the thing that is good : the enemy shall pursue him .

  30. 除了世上人类的良善

    Of human goodness on earth .