
pínɡ jūn dān jià
  • average unit price
  1. 但出口纺织品服装的平均单价与1997年相比,下降幅度却超过60%。

    However , compared with 1997 . the average unit price of exported textiles and garment reduced by over 60 % .

  2. 出口美国的鞋以中低档为主,平均单价不足意大利鞋子的1/3。

    All are in low or middle class , occupying less than one third of the Italy shoes in unit price .

  3. 星期日还售出了两百多万张国际往返机票,平均单价是593英镑(958美金)。

    The average cost for a return flight to an international destination was 593 ( $ 958 ) with over two million tickets purchased on Sundays .

  4. 但如剔除电子游戏机、自行车等产品类别,实际上,2006年我国出口玩具70.55亿美元,比去年同期增长7.51%,平均单价上涨3.03%。

    But if except some product categories including electronic game and bicycle , our country 's toy export total number is 7.055 billion dollars in fact , and grows 7.51 % compares to the same time of last year , the average price rises 3.03 % .

  5. 产品平均出口单价止跌回升,经济效益逐步提高。国际市场需求档次的不断提高、国际贸易保护主义、以及国际蔬菜市场的激烈竞争和山东省蔬菜出口自身存在的一系列问题制约着蔬菜出口。

    On the one hand , many obstacles are still exist in the vegetables exporting , such as the improvement of demands , protectionism in international trade , competition in international vegetable market and various problems in vegetables exporting of Shandong province .