
  • 网络leveling;levelling
  1. 通过对电梯第二位置传感器的工作原理以及电梯运行曲线的产生原理与计算方法的分析,得出电梯平层运行以及提高电梯运行舒适感的方法。

    By the analysis of second position sensor , running curve theory and calculation method , the elevator leveling run and performance improve method are given .

  2. 苏通大桥部分桥面调平层超薄,决定采用高性能混凝土并掺入聚丙烯纤维的技术措施,解决超薄调平层混凝土易开裂、抗渗性差等技术难题。

    Because of the ultrathin leveling course in Sutong Bridge , high performance concrete with polypropylene fiber is applied to solve some technique problems of easily cracking and worse impermeability .

  3. 文中提供了一种有效的消环算法,降低了LDPC码的误码平层。

    This paper offers an efficient loop-removal algorithm which lowers the decoding error floor .

  4. 在现有的电梯轿厢平层精度控制中,大都采用PID控制方式,难以满足高速电梯的使用性能要求。

    PID control means is usually used in the current leveling precision control of the elevator car . It is difficult to meet the requirements for usage performance of elevator at high speed lifting .

  5. 仿真结果表明,随信噪比(Signal-to-NoiseRatio,SNR)增加,两种传统解码器均出现误码率性能平层,而新解码器获得了显著的性能改善。

    Simulation results show that the both conventional decoders exhibit error floors , whereas the new decoders obtain more notable performance gains as the increase of Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( SNR ) values .

  6. ◆从Turbo码的残留错误、迭代收敛特性以及级联结构等角度深入分析了RS-Turbo级联码改善Turbo码错误平层的作用机理。

    It includes : The performance of RS-Turbo codes is analyzed by the residual error , the converging defects of the iterative APP decoder and the concatenated structure .

  7. 为消除DDST信号检测的错误平层,论文又提出一种信号编码算法并给出了该算法数据冗余率的表达式。

    To remove the error floor , a data coding method is also proposed and the redundant ratio of the coding algorithm is given .

  8. 仿真结果显示,大量IRNS-M-CPC-SPC码的错误平层要低于相应的M-ACPC-SPC码。

    Simulation results delivered that a large part of IRNS-M-CPC-SPC codes have much lower error floor than the corresponding M-ACPC-SPC codes .

  9. 所提算法适用于任意酉空时星座,消除了准静态信道假设下MSDD算法在快衰落环境下的误码平层。

    The proposed algorithms are suitable for arbitary unitary space-time constellations , and eliminate the error floor in fast fading channels caused by MSDD with quasi-static channel assumption .

  10. 同时揭示了,对于得到瀑布区性能和错误平层区性能合理折衷的PS-RCPT码,系统比特穿孔比例的选择相当重要。

    Meanwhile , it is unveiled that , the puncturing ratio of information bits should be carefully determined in PS-RCPT codes generation to achieve reasonable tradeoff between the waterfall region and the error floor region performance .

  11. 放置在平层纸箱,以保持稳定。

    Place the cartons in flat layers to keep the stability .

  12. 本文介绍一套用于控制施工升降机吊笼工作位置的自动平层系统。

    This paper describes an automatic landing system to control construction hoist cage .

  13. 一种有效控制桥面调平层平整度的施工方法

    The Construction Method of Controlling Bridge Floor Level Smoothness

  14. 旧水泥混凝土路面罩面工程中调平层厚度确定方法研究

    Study of Design Method for Asphalt Mixed Layer Thickness in Cement Concrete Pavement Overlay

  15. 高速公路桥面混凝土调平层铺装机具的应用

    The application of paving implement to cement concrete smooth layer of bridge in speedway

  16. 大平层含四个半浴室,一个现代化厨房和宽阔的居住空间。

    The penthouse offers four-and-a-half bathrooms , a modern kitchen and plenty of living space .

  17. 同时证明,在提升机系统中应用模糊控制策略可使提升机系统具有良好的平层性和舒适性。

    Fuzzy control strategy in hoister systems can make the systems possess better flat layer feature and comfortableness is also proved .

  18. 梅丽尔·斯特里普指望把她待售的曼哈顿奢华大平层卖个好价钱。

    Meryl Streep is looking to turn a handsome profit on a luxury Manhattan penthouse she 's just listed for sale .

  19. 为了得到更好的集成电路,就需要精微线规精确的多平层的晶片。

    For the better integrated circuit , larger and multi-level layered wafers are needed with the accuracy of microscopic line width .

  20. 例如:错误平层低的标识映射方法和纠错能力差、结构简单的纠错码结合,可能会取得好地迭代性能。

    For example , good iterative performance can be achieved if the labeling maps with lower error floor are combined with simple FECs .

  21. 与平层模型相比,在有效反射波以下有较多的干扰波,较难识别其来源;

    In comparison with flat layer model , there are many interference waves under the useful waves , difficult to identify their source .

  22. 这位69岁的奥斯卡获奖女演员,准备以2460万的价格出售这间她在2006年以1013万元购置的四室平层。

    The Oscar-winning actress , 69 , is asking $ 24.6 million for the four-bedroom pad she purchased for $ 10.13 million in 2006 .

  23. 该物业为钢结构建筑,钢筋混凝土基础,水泥地板,涂覆油漆钢板墙,平层屋顶。

    It is constructed of steel frame on reinforced concrete foundations and finished with screed floors and painted steel sheet walls under a flat roof .

  24. 最后通过对实验结果的分析,探讨了影响电梯平层精度的因素并提出了相应的改进措施。

    Through the analysis of the experiment results , discusses the factors affecting the layer precision of the elevator , and finally presents , the improving measures .

  25. 然而,利用最优度分布对直接构造码通常会带有较严重的误码平层,因此必须在优化时添加约束,并考虑到有限码长的影响。

    However , optimal degree distributions always result in poor error floor , so it is necessary to add constraint on degree distribution pairs and take finite-length effects into consideration .

  26. 已有的经典最大似然检测和并行干扰消除的方法对于实际传输中恶劣的多径信道或总子载波数较少的情况会出现严重的误码平层。

    Classical maximum likelihood detection and parallel interference cancellation will give rise to severe BER in real systems because multipath channels are rather rigorous or the number of subcarriers is few .

  27. 设备管理网络的设置通常非常简单:在10/100兆交换机上平层的两类网络可以满足设备管理要求,所以无需多做说明。

    The device management network setup is usually very simple : a flat-layer two-type network on a 10 / 100 switch is acceptable for device management purposes , so no further explanation is needed .

  28. 桥梁铺装层早期破损的主要原因之一是混凝土梁板顶面和调平层表面粗糙度不够。

    One of the major causes leading to the early damage to bridge deck pavement is that the roughness provided between the concrete girder slab top and concrete leveling layer surface is not adequate .

  29. 因此在不得不采用调平层时,采用本文的聚合物改性水泥混凝土路面结构型式和界面处理方式,可以达到路面性能的要求。

    So the section could choose this type of polymer modified cement concrete pavement structure and interface treatment methods when the section need the Leveling layer , which can meet the requirement of pavement performance .

  30. 研究结果表明,与现有算法相比,本文提出的信号检测算法复杂度更低,检测性能更好;信息编码算法以很低的冗余率消除或减小了信号检测错误平层。

    Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed detection method has lower complexity and better performance than the existing methods . The data coding algorithm can remove or reduce the error floor by much lower redundant ratio .