
  • 网络Life;common life;ordinary life
  1. 封面:平淡生活,沉淀浓浓的苦,飘散淡淡的香。

    Front cover : A simple life , in which strong bitter deposits and pure scent breathes .

  2. 一天,厌倦了平淡生活的两人决定结伴出游。

    One day they decide to break out of their normal life and jump in the car and hit the road .

  3. 珍惜平淡生活,礼赞生命,大爱无边。

    Treasure the Unromantic Living , Psalm of Life , the caritas is infinite .

  4. 在繁忙现代生活中在家中的花瓶放置鲜花,有着点缀平淡生活的用图,但花无百日鲜。

    Fresh flowers in a vase certainly help light up your dull and tasteless days .

  5. 这些理念并不适合那些没有野心,仅仅只是希望平淡生活的人们。

    These ideas are not for those whose ambition in life is to get by or merely to survive .

  6. 祖母、目前和两个女儿过着20多年的平淡生活,

    a grandmother , a mother and two daughters ending each day as they had for almost 20 years ,

  7. 梅勒妮,我同样钟爱宁静的生活。那时候我看到的是,多年的平淡生活就在脚下展开,我们可以去读书,去欣赏音乐,去梦想。

    We are alike , Melanie , loving the same quiet things , and I saw before us a long stretch of uneventful years in which to read , hear music and dream .

  8. 我过着相当平淡的生活。

    I lead a pretty mundane existence .

  9. 自那以后,迈克过着平淡的生活。

    Since then , Michael has lived an unexceptional life

  10. 她极少有机会谈论自己枯燥平淡的生活。

    It was rare for her to have an opportunity to discuss her dull , uneventful life .

  11. 他只能给你幸福的而平淡的生活。

    He can only give you happiness and dull life .

  12. 因为平淡的生活也是一种幸福。

    Because light life is also a kind of happiness .

  13. 寻求相伴到老的爱情,安稳平淡的生活。

    Seeks accompanies the old love , calm and steady light life .

  14. 平淡的生活,也要寻找平淡的乐趣。

    Plain life , but also looking for plain fun .

  15. 平淡的生活,我最好的爱!

    Dull life , my best love !

  16. 说到汉斯•荷尔泽,都是他的亨利叔叔挑的头。亨利叔叔是个维也纳店员,有平淡的生活,却是个奇怪的人。

    AS FAR as Hans Holzer was concerned , his Uncle Henry had started it .

  17. 或三五个朋友的一次小聚,也给这平淡的生活带来了无限的温暖和乐趣。

    Or35 friends at a get-together , also lives in the flat infinite warmth and fun .

  18. 作为现代社会中坚力量的都市精英岂能墨守陈规、甘于平淡的生活?

    How will metropolis elites of the modern society stick in the mud and be willing to live unromantic living ?

  19. 我想人生是要有点故事,在平淡的生活中渴望精彩。

    I think the life wants to have a little a story , the desire is fascinating in the mild life .

  20. 因为在这一天,女人们将神圣的婚纱与平淡的生活相结合,再一次享受做新娘的幸福。

    For on this day , people will sacred wedding women with dull life again , combining the bride enjoy happiness .

  21. 烹饪让我把枯萎的叶子变成了香醇的茗茶,平淡的生活扭转为不凡的人生。

    Cooking lets me turn withered leaves into tonic tea and , hopefully , a plain life into an extraordinary one .

  22. 我还是一名大学生,平淡的生活着,内心的不平静会慢慢平息,我在寻找自己的爱!

    I was a university student , a plain life , the calm heart will gradually calmed down , I find their love !

  23. 别人看来的平淡的生活,对于我来说却很是享受。

    Perhaps , other one will think this kind of life is flat and boring , but I enjoy this kind of life .

  24. 我的朋友们都觉得我可靠,也很可爱。我向往健康安宁的生活,也喜欢时不时地给平淡的生活加些调料。

    All my friends find I am reliable and lovely . I like peaceful and healthy life , but I also like to add color to the dull rutine .

  25. 生命中的最美,并不局限于情,但是又都离不开一个“情”字,但不管起因是什么,正是这种执着,丰富了本是平淡的生活!

    The beautiful life , is not limited to , but also involve a " emotion ", but no matter what , this is persistent , enrich our life is dull !

  26. 她还表示,只要我们善于在平淡的生活中发现细微的美丽,即使像卧室、后院这样很熟悉的地方,也可以成为拍照的绝美场景。

    She added that even familiar places like bedrooms and backyards can become perfect spots for photography as long as we endeavor to discover frivolous beauty in our sometimes prosaic lives .

  27. 反对者们或许会怀疑,倘若人们被教导应该把幸福看作生活的目的,那么他们是否还会满足于这样一种平淡的生活呢?

    The objectors perhaps may doubt whether human beings , if taught to consider happiness as the end of life , would be satisfied with such a moderate share of it .

  28. 伍德拉夫夫人正计划着秋天搬往新西兰,自从她二十多岁时开始四处旅行后,就一直向往简单平淡的生活。

    Mrs Woodruff , who is planning to move to New Zealand in the fall , said she was drawn to ' the simple life ' during her twenties after she first started traveling .

  29. 家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。

    Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine .

  30. 还有平淡朴素的生活。

    Also , simplicity in one 's way of living .