
  1. 由《赫芬顿邮报》英国版独家披露的《多芬全球美丽自信研究报告》来源于对13个国家10500位妇女和女孩的采访。这是该品牌委托进行的最大型的调研。

    The Dove Global Beauty and Confidence Report , given exclusively to The Huffington Post UK , has been created using interviews with 10500 women and girls across 13 countries and is the largest the brand has ever commissioned .

  2. source:消息来源scandalous:丑闻的Manhattan:纽约市中心区elite:精英,上层人士为你提供独家报道,披露曼哈顿上流社会的各种丑闻。

    Your one and only source into the , scandalous lives of Manhattan 's elite .